So I passed my exam yesterday... But just barely. Which kinda sucks, cos I was feeling pretty confident about the other topics.
We have like 9 topic we can randomly pick from which were all from our lessons from Security...
ANd I picked about Network security. I apparently forgot most stuff about it x_x *cry* WHich is weird.. I knew that stuff pretty well before, but I focused on the other topics which were more fun.
But I don't feel THAT bad, cos it's not like I don't know anything. I actually feel I learned a lot from this class
ANd I'll be able to use it in practice.
Also, I WILL score a top grade in my final project which will be after internships. I just know I will =)
Either way... I'M freeeee
No more stress, just 2 months of freedom =)
I can't wait to graduate though, and do something more creative.