Oh, yes..About time Peter did something new that can actually be used by normal members rathers than sitting in the background like a dominant male lion looking over his pride. Indeed, GO PETER!
"We all know you're not gonna do shit..."
Posted 05-08-2011 at 06:03 PM by Spirrow
The title is what the mercenary guys in the towns with the cease-fires in Far Cry 2 say to you when you purposefully aim your gun at them. So I took my hand off the right mouse button, deactivating the gun sights and going back to neutral and the guy calms down and says: "You stupid shit. You ARE trying to get yourself killed." It's true. If you shoot a gun in the cease-fire area, everyone will begin shooting at you. But it's even cooler to drop an improvised explosive in their midst, run for it a good distance, and then blast the fuck out of them before going all-out. Or sniping the bastards from a distance.
This is a random ramble. FAR CRY2--though lame--is a total blast. Fuck the World's opinion. |
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