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God damn it I'm angry and need to vent and none of my friends are online

Posted 05-05-2011 at 04:15 AM by Nemo
And I don't feel like dealing with that AMERICA bullshit on /b/

The truth is, I fucking hate you. Yes, it's 5 AM. Yes, I woke up about 19 hours ago, and haven't eaten since. So forgive me if I'm not as tactful as you usually think I am. But right now, for some god damn reason, I am more fucking angry with you than I ever have been.

I don't know what you think I've done to you, but to the best of my knowledge, I have never even fucking raised my voice at you. I've actually, for reasons I can't even begin to fucking fathom, wanted to be friends with you since I've known you.

And since before my first emotional outburst, which had not a god damn thing to do with you (and I even apologized and tried to redeem myself for,) you haven't given me a single fucking chance. You've ignored me, insulted me, and threw my proverbial olive branches right back at me.

The reason why I've been gone (since March, I believe,) is because I was done with [REDACTED]. I obviously wasn't enjoying the game anymore, and the group obviously wasn't getting anything from me. So it seemed like a good decision.

It was also because of you. Not because I was angry at you, or depressed, or any other bullshit angsty shit. It's because someone told me that you were afraid of me.

Now, granted, I'm not the most friendly bulb in the tool shed. But I have done nothing, to the best of my god damn memory, to threaten you, or otherwise provoke fear.

Which brings to this god damn question which I just can't get rid of. Why. Why would you be afraid of me? Why have you treated me like shit, even after I tried to better myself, and asked you to forgive me?

And to be honest, I don't give a fuck anymore. The login and password to my account are [REDACTED].

Part of me is hoping that you'll delete everything. At least then it'll give me a fucking reason to move on from this fucking place. Because seriously, I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the fucking people here who just prodded me until I couldn't handle it anymore. I'm sick of this fucking facade.

I really miss the old days when this shit didn't happen.
Total Comments 4


ziggy's Avatar
Your blogs still confuse me
Posted 05-05-2011 at 04:26 AM by ziggy

Dynamithix's Avatar
what is this
Posted 05-05-2011 at 09:50 AM by Dynamithix

T-nex's Avatar
Relationship troubles I suppose...
Posted 05-05-2011 at 09:55 AM by T-nex

STM's Avatar
Nemo, did you write that? If you did, just calm a little and explain what you've written here.

No one else worried about this?
Posted 05-05-2011 at 10:34 AM by STM


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