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It seems we all have facebook

Posted 04-04-2011 at 11:49 AM by STM
Updated 01-04-2018 at 10:53 AM by STM
So y'all add me y'hear!


OMG what have I done?

On a side note is Amnesia: The Dark Descent worth buying?

Oh and also it was my birthday on the 29th! Yey! Now it's get an invalid carriage.
Total Comments 78


Oddey's Avatar
I bought it, and I can safely say it is. Provided you live with tolerant people, because you will more than likely scream, a lot.

And the blog title is not at all true. I for one do not intend to join facebook any time soon.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 11:53 AM by Oddey

STM's Avatar
Is it dastardly scary? I love a good horror.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 11:56 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I'm sort of edgy about adding people on facebook.

Especially people I plan to troll in the future.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 11:57 AM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
Hmm, I agree, I am incredibly vain in adding my friends also, and Wings, you don't troll me you little blue plushie you, and you know you never will.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 11:59 AM by STM

Wings of Fire's Avatar
You'll have to do better than that to emasculate me, I'm pretty much the reigning king at emasculation.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:01 PM by Wings of Fire

STM's Avatar
By context I understand what you just said...and I find myself unable to retort.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:02 PM by STM

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
I added you.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:12 PM by Mr. Bungle

STM's Avatar
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:13 PM by STM

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I'm with WoF about adding people from the forums on facebook, although not for trolling related reasons.

My facebook is like a window into my personal little life. My wife is there, my friends are there, my mom is there.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:22 PM by Disgruntled Intern

STM's Avatar
Fair enough, I don't I perfectly see your point, it took me a while to think it through whether I wanted forumers on my fb but in retrospect the people I add will probably never even be talked to. The offer is there but certain people will I suppose be ignored...mainly because I'm still a kid, not 23 or something.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:25 PM by STM

T-nex's Avatar
Thats why I keep 2 different FB profiles... My other profile has much more people on it, including granma and all that. I seriously doubt my family has any interest in seeing what you people have to say with all your weirdness and all
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:26 PM by T-nex

STM's Avatar
I don't have my mum on facebook, she doesn't want to know half the stuff I engage in outside of home, as far as she is concerned, I'm polite, never swear, never drink, never smoke, never do anything bad and the last time she heard me swear she went ape its for the best.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 12:30 PM by STM

Dynamithix's Avatar
I might add you later, I don't know if I want a bunch of random people on my friends list. (That's kinda ironic since I don't know like 25 - 30% of my friends in Facebook, ha.)
Posted 04-04-2011 at 01:49 PM by Dynamithix

CrissCross's Avatar
now whenever i go on my facebook theres 32 people online and no-one i want to talk to

it makes me want to rip my head out
Posted 04-04-2011 at 01:52 PM by CrissCross

Daxter King's Avatar
I can't help but feel you all would post weird things on everything, alienating all my real friends.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 01:52 PM by Daxter King

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I do actually have people from the forum on my facebook.



You know

Posted 04-04-2011 at 02:03 PM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Also I have my mom on facebook, but not my big brother for sort of obvious reasons.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 02:03 PM by Wings of Fire

Ridg3's Avatar
I wouldn't send a friend request but I might accept one. People read through my wall like a novel and it wouldn't do to have any weird people posting shit on it... if you ever do.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 02:17 PM by Ridg3

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
In case you're wondering who that guy that you just accepted is, Ridg3, it's me. I didn't think you'd mind, seeing as how I am awesome.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 02:23 PM by Mr. Bungle

Nate's Avatar
You'll have to do better than that to emasculate me, I'm pretty much the reigning king at emasculation.
He just referred to your testicle as a blue plushie. I'd say he's doing pretty well.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 04:27 PM by Nate

Wings of Fire's Avatar
You could stab an immortal through the heart but he's still an immortal.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 04:40 PM by Wings of Fire

MA's Avatar
sorry, man. i only know four people from here on FB, and that's only because i don't mind them seeing the photos i fucking hate. i hardly ever go on FB, but cunts sure like posting bullshit photos.

also my mother recently joined it, so stay the fuck away.
Posted 04-04-2011 at 04:41 PM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Fuck those photo tagging cunts.

Fuck them


Posted 04-04-2011 at 04:54 PM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Fuck those photo tagging cunts.

Fuck them


Posted 04-04-2011 at 09:03 PM by Sekto Springs

enchilado's Avatar
Fuck those photo tagging cunts.

Fuck them


Posted 04-04-2011 at 09:22 PM by enchilado

Ridg3's Avatar
I totally accpeted you Mr Bungle, but I was to shy to post on your wall.
Posted 04-05-2011 at 02:02 AM by Ridg3

Phylum's Avatar
Are you the Aiden Wallace that's an annoying looking Korean?

Seriously, though, I have no desire to have any form of contact with you outside of the forum.
Posted 04-05-2011 at 02:17 AM by Phylum

enchilado's Avatar
I have no desire to have any form of contact with him inside of the forum.
Posted 04-05-2011 at 03:41 AM by enchilado

Phylum's Avatar
I was originally going to say that.

Stop stealing my discarded ideas!
Posted 04-05-2011 at 04:36 AM by Phylum

Oddey's Avatar
To bring this discussion away from Facebook for a moment, Amnesia is indeed a dastardly good scare, probably at the level of Silent Hill 2, when it was first released. Trust me. You will be scared.
Posted 04-05-2011 at 06:36 AM by Oddey


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