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My nana died tonight

Posted 02-22-2011 at 01:47 PM by Wings of Fire
Back in 2008 she developed cancer in her lungs which was treated and disposed of. Late last year it came back, and it got to the point where the doctors couldn't treat her any further. She lost consciousness in a hostel and stopped eating and drinking four days ago. My mum and my uncle were constantly at her side. And just now my mum phoned me to say that she stopped breathing two hours ago. I could tell the news was coming because when I picked up she was trying not to cry for my sake.

I loved my nana so much. Her and my mother mean everything in the world to me. She was always so brave and strong. She never asked for anything and she was always ready to give for the people she cared about. She was a very very strong woman and one of the primary influences in my life. I remember all the times we spent together, from when I was 12-14 and spent every other weekend with her and my nan, to this christmas when my brother and I went with my mum and uncle to celebrate christmas with her in the hospital.

I just know that she's proud that her children could take as good a care of her as she did for my nan, and I hope she's proud of the man I've become.

Thank you for reading.
Total Comments 15


Wil's Avatar
*hugs* You're a smart, brave and wonderful man, and of course she was proud of you. I'm wishing you strength, my friend. xxx
Posted 02-22-2011 at 02:14 PM by Wil

MA's Avatar
i'm really sorry to hear that. truly. you'll get through this.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 02:21 PM by MA

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
i sympathize for you, bud. I know how it feels to lose someone as close as that, it's one of the worst feelings ever. Stay strong.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 02:46 PM by Mr. Bungle

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear that. I was always as close with all of my grandparents as I was with my parents. It's a terrible thing to lose a person of that importance. I wish you all the best with this situation.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 03:24 PM by OddjobAbe

Nate's Avatar

Everything you've ever told me about your Nana showed that she was awesome even by the high standards of Nana-dom. You have my deepest condolences. Hold her memory close; if there's one thing I've learnt, it's that the people we love remain part of us for the rest of our lives.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 03:30 PM by Nate

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Sympathy and condolences. I held onto some of my pop-pop's clothes after he passed, and any time I started to miss him I'd just take a big whiff. Helped me keep my memories in order and stave off the depression a bit. I don't know, might be worth trying.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 04:45 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Hazel-Rah's Avatar
My condolences WOF.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 07:09 PM by Hazel-Rah

STM's Avatar
I know what this is like, I went to my Nan's house everyday almost until she died and we were so close. It's like loosing a part of you. You have my sincerest condolences and my prayers. I hope that you find strength over the coming months.
Posted 02-23-2011 at 01:04 AM by STM

Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
I dunno what to say but she would be proud of you. (Hugs) I can talk later if you want.
Posted 02-23-2011 at 03:15 AM by Zozo the Zrilufet

MeechMunchie's Avatar
*Big hug*

Sorry to hear that. It's always hard to let go, especially when you didn't get to say a proper goodbye. But you're a strong person, and I'm sure your nan would be thrilled with how you've turned out.

You'll be alright. Keep her memory close, and you'll see it through.
Posted 02-23-2011 at 05:30 AM by MeechMunchie

Jordan's Avatar
I'm really sorry to hear it WoF. Stay strong.
Posted 02-23-2011 at 01:33 PM by Jordan

abe619's Avatar
you have my respect and sympathy man, and hell yeah i am sure she is proud of ye.

stay sharp.
Posted 02-23-2011 at 05:41 PM by abe619

moxco's Avatar
If you are like me you will enter some sort of horrible melancholy and will not feel like eating for a couple of days. In fact you won't feel like doing anything all day and even then you still feel depressed. So that being said I hope you are not like me and will stay strong; you have my sympathies.
Posted 02-24-2011 at 02:06 AM by moxco

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Thank you all =)

The funeral is on wednesday morning. I'm travelling back down to England on tuesday and will be back by thursday.
Posted 02-24-2011 at 12:40 PM by Wings of Fire

Steamer_KING's Avatar
My dad and both grandpas had cancer, so I know what it feels like. And almost like you, I lost my grandpa to cancer. Stay strong and put your chin high. If you loved her and she loved you, I know she's very proud of you. My condolences.

Posted 02-24-2011 at 08:27 PM by Steamer_KING


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