My nana died tonight
Back in 2008 she developed cancer in her lungs which was treated and disposed of. Late last year it came back, and it got to the point where the doctors couldn't treat her any further. She lost consciousness in a hostel and stopped eating and drinking four days ago. My mum and my uncle were constantly at her side. And just now my mum phoned me to say that she stopped breathing two hours ago. I could tell the news was coming because when I picked up she was trying not to cry for my sake.
I loved my nana so much. Her and my mother mean everything in the world to me. She was always so brave and strong. She never asked for anything and she was always ready to give for the people she cared about. She was a very very strong woman and one of the primary influences in my life. I remember all the times we spent together, from when I was 12-14 and spent every other weekend with her and my nan, to this christmas when my brother and I went with my mum and uncle to celebrate christmas with her in the hospital.
I just know that she's proud that her children could take as good a care of her as she did for my nan, and I hope she's proud of the man I've become.
Thank you for reading.