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why is getting drunk a thing

Posted 02-19-2011 at 07:14 PM by metroixer
hello hi it's time to show off how sheltered i am alert alert white boy posting

So my dad came home tonight dead drunk, like, he was limping. I found this a bit funny, until he actually started doing things. The first thing being releasing my dark german shorthaired into the night, in which it took the family 10 minutes to find with the help of neighbors. When we brought it back my dad decided to punish it with unnecessary force, yelping. Very loud yelping. He then decided to wander into the laundry room and collapsed, knocking down at least 2 shelves on the wall.

He just lay on the floor, smiling to himself. I had to yell out his name 3 times before I got a response. Anyone that tried to tell him what to do got brushed off like they weren't there. I'll be honest, I was kind of laughing, I'm not sure why.

But inside it was very scary to see, I don't even like my dad, and I got kind of scared to him. Then I thought to myself, why is this so popular?

Why do people go to parties to GET DRUNK BRO!!! It makes no fucking sense. why would you willingly allow yourself to lose control of your body, to let people fuck with you, to have that night be a complete blur the next morning, which may I add, will start with an awful headache.

I can understand having a drink or two to loosen up. Perfectly fine, I tend to grab them before going to a party or something, but to just go over the edge like that. Why is that so acceptable? I guess I should be glad my dad isn't the angry drunk but, it honestly doesn't matter to me at this point.
Total Comments 13


Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Acceptable? Because so many of us are insiders, it's always been that way. I imagine that to an outside observer any system of government capable of making a retired and clueless Hollywood actor into the most powerful man on Earth must appear to be totally insane, but to insiders who have only known it this is perfectly acceptable.

Similarly we believe that spending 90 minutes watching grown men in brightly coloured socks attempt to move a scrap of leather in opposite directions is an acceptable temporal, financial and emotional investment; and that our ability to live comfortably must be tied to the rate at which we can collect small metal discs.
Posted 02-19-2011 at 07:52 PM by Bullet Magnet

Dixanadu's Avatar
I get drunk to be more spoken out, though I'd say beside smashing windows with whiskey bottles, I'm not violent at all.

People do it to chat up girls, too. I don't, because I say mean things.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 01:29 AM by Dixanadu

Wil's Avatar
I haven't been out in ages. Next weekend I'm gonna get wasted.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 01:44 AM by Wil

Nate's Avatar
I just returned from a buck's camping weekend. There was an impressive supply of alcohol brought along.

A slightly smaller, but still impressive, supply of alcohol was taken home. We are weak.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 02:19 AM by Nate

Ridg3's Avatar
I used to love getting drunk but I had myself a little test; could I enjoy myself on a night out without a single drop of alcohol passing my lips? Answer: Yes, quite easily in fact. It was 80's night in a nightclub I frequent and I was up dancing like a loon, got a couple of 'compliments' from the opposite gender about it as well.

So, I don't think I'll be drinking any time soon in the future. Although I do have a nice bottle of Glenfiddich Snow Phoenix that needs a bit of sampling. But I won't wate it by getting drunk on it.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 02:37 AM by Ridg3

STM's Avatar
I don't get pissed too much. I agree with you, to go so far over that you pass out is a real douche bag move. My mate passed out from over drinking or perhaps, drinking too much in an hour, the problem was everyone else was drunk or high and we didn't have a clue what to do. We propped him up in bed and left him to it for a while but a few guys got worried and sat by him. It put a damper on the whole night really. He tried walking home though which was funny.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 02:40 AM by STM

Ridg3's Avatar
Passing out is your body's way of saying, 'Fuck ye, ya cunt. You've had enough.'

I've passed out on many of occasions, much to my horror when I wake up with a french villains mustache scrawled on my bake. Thankfully I've been blessed with a sturdy liver. Throwing up never used to be a major problem of my nightly escapades but many street kerbs and women have experienced my Jack Daniel scented puke.

I will say this though, don't eat after drinking a ridiculous amount of Guinness. The morning dump can be a bit unpleasant for a queasy, hungover stomach.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 03:03 AM by Ridg3

Dixanadu's Avatar
If you pass out, you're not man enough.

Rarely sick, unless it's a cider/vodka mix or some ungodly union that was thrown together for lethality.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 04:29 AM by Dixanadu

MA's Avatar
what your dad did was fucking stupid. if you can't handle your drink, you shouldn't drink. and when i say "handle your drink" i mean both refrain from taking your anger out on something and also know when to stop.

i've gotten into scrapes before that could be blamed on the drink, but when it comes down to it its the person in question's responsibility for their own actions. personally i don't believe in that "oh he's a totally different person when he hasn't had a drink, its the drink that turns him nasty." excuse. it may be so, but when someone drinks a copious amount the truth in them comes out, no matter how ugly it may be.

my stepfather used to drink a lot when i was a kid, and there are things that i will never be able to forgive him for. its horrible when someone you know acts that way. it is scary. i feel for you. but its a slippery slope. its best if it doesn't get that far.

don't think that everyone who drinks regularly does it to be in that sorry state. i've been there and there is no light at the end of that shitty tunnel. only more bullshit. when it comes down to it, alcohol is a drug. people should treat it with moderation. not saying they will all the time, myself included, but it should be nevertheless.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 09:34 AM by MA

OddjobAbe's Avatar
I almost commented, but MA has said everything that I feel needed to be said.
I love a drink, but my thing has always been that getting drunk is a a stupid thing because we really don't have much control over ourselves anyway. To reduce that control seems insane.
Posted 02-20-2011 at 10:49 AM by OddjobAbe

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I drink ales and booze because I like feeling out of control. I also like singing drinking songs with complete strangers down at Flynn's.

But it mostly gives me an excuse to beat my wife
Posted 02-21-2011 at 03:07 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Daxter King's Avatar
Shame we live in a time and place where you need an excuse.
Posted 02-21-2011 at 07:59 PM by Daxter King

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I turn 19 in about 25 days, meaning I'll be of legal age to buy cigarettes and alcohol in this province. I start working sooner. I am going to get smashed at a nearish pub and then walk home. Can't fucken wait.

Also, I am seriously looking forward to loading up with a big ol' bottle of Scotch from the Liquor store and drinking it on the way home to my house (on foot). This will be during some of that gorgeous Central Ontario Summer weather. It'll be a fucking adventure.
Posted 02-22-2011 at 08:19 PM by Mac Sirloin


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