I've watched most significant sci-fi movies, I believes. At least all the one's that are must-watch. I think so anyway, I mean I've watched Blade Runner, Star Trek, Star Wars, ET, Jurassic Park, V for Vendetta, The Crow, Alien movies and much more.
I sometimes wonder what's left for me to see. Well speaking of older sci-fi's that is. I don't know. It just seems newer sci-fi's don't appeal to me as much. The newest sci-fi that managed to leave an impression on me was Tron legacy. I really really liked that movie, cos even though it's modernized, it still sort of had that 90's feeling to it. I want more movies to find their roots.
I've thought of watching Inception, but I dunno... I'm just afraid that I'll be disappointed. There was something brilliant and unique over 70s, 80's and 90s sci-fi's, and I'm really intimidated by newer ones, cos I'm afraid of just being let down. x_x
Sometimes I wish we did indeed have a memory-erasing machine. That means I could erase the entire memory of having watched Blade Runner and enjoy it endlessly as if new.
Actually, I'm rather liking this idea
... And in the inevitable future, where the government will have memory devices anyway, I bet it's something that will be implemented. Wooh!
Anyway, I'm actually kinda making this blog to just vent, and also ask for suggestions on movies I may have missed.
I've watched most popular ones I believe. I even watched Bodysnatchers, and most movies along those lines too.
So yea. Dunno. I just hope there's still stuff left for me to enjoy x_x
Without movies, my mind will go crazy from the boredom of this world.