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I love Kinder Milk-slice

Posted 11-05-2010 at 11:05 AM by T-nex
Seriously, they are really tasty.

Anyway, I have a question for you guys out there.
Just how efficient is kicking a guy's nuts in order to protect oneself?
I was randomly thinking what a girl can do to protect herself from a rapist or some shit like that, and I dunno.. Unless she's particularly good at using weapons, she probably shouldn't use one, and she may risk losing it to the attacker.

On numerous occasions, I've accidentally slightly hit Chris' balls, and it seemed to hurt him unnecessarily much. Either he's just a pussy, or it really is an efficient way of protecting oneself.

So would a really hard kick to the balls be able to immobilize the guy for long enough to escape? What about two kicks? Or what if the girl continuously kicks the guy?
Total Comments 23


shaman's Avatar
Yes, it is cripplingly painful. And a quick, forceful attack will result in the man being immobile for a while.

Be careful, as a biologist, i know that the balls are filled with billions of tiny, venemous serpents.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 11:42 AM by shaman

OANST's Avatar
A flick to the balls can be the most mind-numbing pain imaginable, so yes, kicking a man in the balls is a fairly efficient means of defense.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 11:47 AM by OANST

OANST's Avatar
That doesn't mean that Chris isn't a pussy, though. Chris is definitely a pussy.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 11:47 AM by OANST

T-nex's Avatar
*pats Oanst's head*

Anyway, how long would it take for a guy to recover from a really harsh kick to the balls?
Posted 11-05-2010 at 12:29 PM by T-nex

OANST's Avatar
A really harsh one? A few weeks, maybe.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 12:34 PM by OANST

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
Personally, I recommend the use of your teeth. Your jaw muscles can deliver the strongest force your body can muster.

And remember: you gain the courage of what you eat.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 01:00 PM by Bullet Magnet

OANST's Avatar
I recommend using your tongue.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 01:21 PM by OANST

Mr. Bungle's Avatar
Kinder chocolate is the best chocolate.

And I agree with what the others said; a kick/flick/other sudden force to the balls is dreadful, when properly executed.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 02:07 PM by Mr. Bungle

T-nex's Avatar
If you consider Kinder Egg chocolate the best chocolate, then your standards must be really fucking low X_x

Sure it's good. I like Kinder Eggs too, but the chocolate is really just cheap quality. Still tasty though.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 02:30 PM by T-nex

ziggy's Avatar
Everybody knows a kick to the balls hurts a hell of a lot. But I don't think a kick to the clit would hurt any less. Genitals are just very sensitive, like eyes, because they're really really important.

Also Isn't there an anti-rape female condom that women can wear in case of rape that releases several tiny razors into the rapist's dick causing him extreme pain and resulting in him pulling out and running away with a bloody dick? Maybe it's being worked on. I could have sworn that I saw that posted on this forum once. But if the rapist were to penetrate the ass, then I don't know what you could do. I've heard many rapists choose to rape the asshole whether their victim be male or female. But rapists should all go to hell and get castrated anyway.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:08 PM by ziggy

T-nex's Avatar
Yes there's an anti-rape condom. I don't care though. I don't actually worry about rapists... I was just wondering how effective a kick to the nuts is.

Also, a kick to the clit is in no way the same as a kick to the balls. For one, it's much smaller. I've seen girls fight and kick each other in the middle, without them rolling on the floor.

I guess the closest equivalent to the pain of being nut-kicked, would be a tit-kick. Being hit in the boobs hurts a LOT more. I mean, a girls genital area is mostly bone as everything is on the inside.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:12 PM by T-nex


However, if I was raped, I wouldn't go for the balls.

I'd bite his dick off.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:13 PM by Nemo

T-nex's Avatar
but that means that the penis actually has to be touched. What if the guys has aids or herpes!!
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:20 PM by T-nex

ziggy's Avatar
Ya, that's sounds kind of a gay way of rape protection too. I don't think biting a dick off would be very easy either unless you're wearing a steel grill or something. Now a tazer in the crotch would SURELY do the job. But in a perfect world everyone would find a partner who would fuck them with consent and rape would not exist. What's wrong with humanity?
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:30 PM by ziggy

abe619's Avatar
well a strong enough kick to the balls might cuz death from pain or it might turn him into a herm.
i say go for the's less sensative than the balls therefore can't easily kill, but can make the guy faint.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:31 PM by abe619

ziggy's Avatar
Man Abe619 what planet are you from?
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:32 PM by ziggy

Yeah, probably not a good idea to get someone's blood into your vagina.

I don't think biting a dick off would be very easy either unless you're wearing a steel grill or something.
You're obviously not aware with either how hard you can bite down, or how easy it is to tear into flesh.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 03:34 PM by Nemo

ziggy's Avatar
Ok, I can't say because I've never tested it before. lol
Posted 11-05-2010 at 04:38 PM by ziggy

T-nex's Avatar
Wanna test it?
Posted 11-05-2010 at 04:48 PM by T-nex

ziggy's Avatar
That sounds like a bad idea.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 04:52 PM by ziggy

If you can eat animal penis, you can eat human penis.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 05:47 PM by Nemo

Splat's Avatar
It hurts with the agony of a thousand dying suns, but since it actually does little damage the guy will probably be after you fairly quickly; pain is painful but if nothing's broken or bleeding it doesn't take much shaking off if a person's angry or desperate enough.

And since it'd probably kill his mood, if he did get hold of you a second time rape probably wouldn't be on his mind.

I'd heard its similar for a woman to having her breasts crushed.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 06:00 PM by Splat

MA's Avatar
a mate of mine told me that on the first day of going to secondary school, he witnessed a girl kick a boy in the balls. and i mean, kicked him with enough force to lift him off the ground temporarily. apparently he just threw up everywhere.

so yeah, it hurts.
Posted 11-05-2010 at 06:07 PM by MA


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