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A Max to Grind

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My Summer

Posted 07-21-2010 at 08:47 AM by Wil
I have probably the busiest summer ahead of me. Normally my summers consist of nothing, last year I didn't really have one at all. This year I have tasks and responsibilities.

These are primarily:
  1. Redecorate the hall
  2. Pass my driving test
  3. Build a website for my swing dance society at uni

The first two are amazingly dull. I hate painting. I hate driving. The third is a lifesaver. Building this website is the first constructive thing I've done for months, and it's done wonders to lift my general mood and outlook. The antidepressants and counselling may also be helping. It's hard to the proportion of contribution each has made.

It's also helped to be home over the summer. On top of not having to worry about food/cleaning/laundry/bills for a few months, it's great to be back in my dad's house. I hadn't lived here for almost an entire year. The cats have moved back in and are healthier than they've been in years. Plus I'm just working on the finishing touches to putting my huge book collection back in place.

Unfortunately, my website efforts have now been destroyed by some stupid virus that has completely hijacked my computer's functionality. I could wipe over the bastard, but I really didn't think I'd need to bring my external hard drive home, and I've no practical way of backing everything up. I tried to save at least a few important files using my flash drive to transport them to my mum's computer, but the cunting virus actually installed something on the flash drive which prevents it from being mounted (at least on Windows - luckily I have my Linux-armed Eee).

So there potentially could go a lot of effort, which is really rather crushing. As Chris knows I wouldn't lose all that effort because it's partially online already, but still. The last two days have been a right pain in the arse. I'm blogging about this because it gives me a chance to look at my profile picture, which really does calm me down.
Total Comments 6


Josh's Avatar
My summer plans:

Posted 07-21-2010 at 09:40 AM by Josh

Sekto Springs's Avatar
As Chris knows I wouldn't lose all that effort because it's partially online already
So the pages you showed me are still in tact?
Posted 07-21-2010 at 10:52 AM by Sekto Springs

Wil's Avatar
They're still online, yeah. And I have managed to back everything up anyway, so fingers crossed everything will be sorted in a while.
Posted 07-21-2010 at 11:04 AM by Wil

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I'm sure you'll fix it up.
Posted 07-21-2010 at 11:12 AM by Sekto Springs

Wil's Avatar
That's probably the easiest and fastest I've ever found it to reinstall everything from scratch. Everything except my Steam games. Those fuckers will take ages.

I have willfully lost lots of stuff temporarily. I know it's backed up in Sheffield (oh god I hope so), but I couldn't back up the larger files here.
Posted 07-21-2010 at 04:02 PM by Wil

Splat's Avatar
I used to absolutely abhor painting but last summer I did some for the first time in years and actually really enjoyed it. It was just a chance to relax for a bit, and just do something you could see yourself making progress on, and you know that when it's done it's done and you won't have to do it again for a very long time. Wear shorts and flipflops and take an MP3 player; it seemed oddly effective for me (though it did ruin my flipflops and I had paint on my feet for three weeks afterwards...)
If you're doing a ceiling I pity you, however.

Build a website for my swing dance society at uni
For some reason I read 'swift dating society'.
Posted 07-22-2010 at 12:27 AM by Splat


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