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R.I.P. Simon Clair 1992-2010
Posted 06-24-2010 at 07:06 PM by Mac Sirloin
Hello Oddworld Forums.. My name is Jillian Clair, I am Simon's (or kastere, to his internet friends) sister. As some of you may know, my brother died last week of a Brain Aneurysm; It was very sudden and unexpected for our family. The funeral is on Monday, June 28th.
It's ...difficult to explain this, but Simon kept list of post mortem requests pertaining to his toy collection, various possession and his membership on this Internet Forum. I do not have it with me at the moment so all I can do is paraphrase:. "I want the people on a forum I go to to know if I die. My account name is Kastere (we needed Simon's friend Jordan to suggest 'Mac Sirloin, as the former did not work..) and my password is ....... Please tell them how, when and if applicable, why I died." We're currently going over his email contacts and several people on Xbox Live who he was somewhat close with. please try to avoid communicating with us if you see him Online. Thank you Jillian Clair |
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