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There's nothing like having a bit of someone else in you...

Posted 06-23-2010 at 05:51 PM by Nate
Direct quote from the Australian Prime Minister in his farewell speech.

Does no-one proofread his speeches?
Total Comments 8


Pilot's Avatar
Clearly you did.
Posted 06-23-2010 at 05:58 PM by Pilot

Havoc's Avatar
Only perverted people would see something wrong with that sentence.

Right up there with ya, Nate.
Posted 06-23-2010 at 06:04 PM by Havoc

Alcar's Avatar
I chuckled a little when I heard him say it.

As I did with Howard, I feel sorry for the chap.

Posted 06-23-2010 at 06:51 PM by Alcar

Pilot's Avatar
Well, you know what they say...

"There's nothing like having a bit of someone else's dick in your butt..."

I'm sure he was remembering this saying.
Posted 06-23-2010 at 08:24 PM by Pilot

Daxter King's Avatar
Well, isn't it true?
Posted 06-23-2010 at 10:15 PM by Daxter King

Oddey's Avatar
What if he's just a cannibal?
Posted 06-24-2010 at 06:56 AM by Oddey

Wil's Avatar
What if he just likes having invasive surgery?
Posted 06-24-2010 at 11:18 AM by Wil

moxco's Avatar
I can't believe I didn't pick that up. I thought you were ranting on about a grammatical error.
Posted 06-25-2010 at 03:48 AM by moxco


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