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Music lessons

Posted 06-21-2010 at 02:50 AM by Phylum
Updated 08-11-2012 at 05:28 AM by Phylum
The three in our lesson group walked into our lesson today. The teacher said:
"Today, we'll be doing some quartet playing."
"There are only 3 of us!" exclaimed one of my peers.
"Including the teacher..." Replied the other.
The teacher continued, "we'll play these... Oh, there's a soprano sax part. I'll just get one of you tenors to play it." (I am one of the 2 tenors.)
"I want to play a soprano..." Said the first of my peers to speak.
"I've wanted to play the soprano for ages!" I said.
"Are you serious about trying one?" Said the teacher to me. I'm sure you can all see where this is heading, so I'll spare you.

Soprano saxophones are awesome. They play very flat and are a massive lip work out. My teacher was quite happy with my ability to pick the instrument up and play in tune. I was content with her happiness.

Sadly, the soprano isn't available for hire from the school, so I'll need to "fork out" $6000 AUD...

This isn't going to happen soon as I'll be getting a bass flute soon, hopefully. This is also big news I haven't posted here. I was going to wait until I owend it and post a video, but it occured in this blog unexpectedly.

Oh well, I can dream...

(While I'm dreaming, I'd also like a contrabass flute.)
Posted in Music
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Ridg3's Avatar
I want to be in your dreams.
Posted 06-21-2010 at 03:59 AM by Ridg3

MA's Avatar
6000? Jesus. just threaten to scold the shop keeper's cat. that's what Oddjob does to get a discount.
Posted 06-21-2010 at 04:08 AM by MA

Ridg3's Avatar
I thought Oddjob could get a discount for being an all fairness that is a bit steep for an instrument of any kind ('cept grand piano)
Posted 06-21-2010 at 05:32 AM by Ridg3

OddjobAbe's Avatar
6000? Jesus. just threaten to scold the shop keeper's cat. that's what Oddjob does to get a discount.
The method works. Give it a go.
I thought Oddjob could get a discount for being an all fairness that is a bit steep for an instrument of any kind ('cept grand piano)
You git. Also, who wants a poncy grand piano? It'll always be a good, slightly out-of-tune upright piano for me. Nothing like a bit of ragtime a semitone off standard pitch.

One of my biggest regrets is not learning to read music. I would love to be able to transcribe an album and make some money off my work.
Phylum, you should go see Courtney Pine. I saw him in Holmfirth a couple of months ago. He was brilliant. Played soprano sax and bass clarinet. I was really pissed off, because the second I went to get a drink, he came off stage and played precisely where I was stood. I felt so fucking sick about that.
Posted 06-21-2010 at 07:20 AM by OddjobAbe

used:)'s Avatar

Definitely post some videos, as there was still a huge shortage on Youtube last time I checked.
Posted 06-21-2010 at 04:25 PM by used:)

Nate's Avatar
One of my biggest regrets is not learning to read music.
If it makes you feel better, Pavarotti also never learnt how to read music.
Posted 06-21-2010 at 04:54 PM by Nate

Phylum's Avatar
I thought Oddjob could get a discount for being an all fairness that is a bit steep for an instrument of any kind ('cept grand piano)
You obviously have no experience buying good instruments. My next flute will probably cost at least $8,000 and could extent as high as $20,000 easily. Flutes over that generally are part gold. Solid gold flutes start at $30,000 (less for 9c, but they're uncommon) and end anywhere around $99,000 (I've played a flute worth $99,000. Solid 18c.). An average flute can range from $2000-$7000 easily.
Posted 06-23-2010 at 05:03 AM by Phylum

used:)'s Avatar
I once saw a cello with an asking price of 40g US and recently bought my own euphonium for the very lucky price of 3g. Most new ones I see go for at least 5 or 6g. It has terrible intonation, but I deided to give it a few months, as there are a lot of factors I should consider. How much is the AUS to the US?
Posted 06-23-2010 at 05:33 AM by used:)
Updated 06-23-2010 at 05:39 AM by used:)

Phylum's Avatar
1 USD = 1.15206 AUD
As is stood as I posted this, so:

6,000.00 AUD = 5,208.07 USD
Also, I checked to see how much a contrabass flute would cost today. It sits at around $16,000 AUD.
Posted 06-24-2010 at 04:57 AM by Phylum


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