More scary uni stories
Posted 04-22-2010 at 12:22 AM by Nate
I was in a meeting for my research group on Tuesday when a new guy walked in and sat down. My first thought was "He's kinda cute". My second thought was "He looks vaguely familiar."
A little while later he mentioned teaching Electronics labs and it clicked; he'd taught me some years ago. After some thought, I turned to him and asked "Did you teach Control Systems?".
He replied "Yes. I remember you... Mr Rose." So not only did he remember me, but he even remembered my surname. This I found quite scary. Most people might think that being memorable might be a good thing, but in my life it generally means that I've embarrassed myself somehow.
I had to sit and stew for the next hour until the meeting was over and I could go question him. Turns out he remembered me because back then I was a good little Jewboy and wore my skullcap all the time, which I suppose makes me distinctive if nothing else. And his explanation for remembering my surname was that "it's such a cool name". That received a clear response from me of "Huh?!" He explained "Well, it sounds so Elfish." And that received a clear response from the many geeks in the room of "WTF?"
So, anyway, apparently I'm memorable.