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Fuck Pets

Posted 03-21-2010 at 09:37 PM by Sekto Springs
Sorry to disappoint Havoc, but this is not a blog about fucking your pets.

My cat Mao-Mao (yes, that's his name) pissed on my bed for the second time since I moved here some months ago. For those of you who don't know, cat piss is not like dog piss which is somewhat innocuous. Cat piss has one of the most pungent, horrible odors ever emitted from any animal anywhere. Worst part is, it's damn near impossible to get the smell out permanently.

After my usual hour long cleaning regimen, I climb into bed only to realize how badly it smells. I flick on the lights and sure enough there's a big fucking stain eating a hole into my mattress, soaked through the comforter, the sheets, into the fucking springbed itself.
Its now 1 am, I'm tired, and I want nothing more than to get some fucking shut-eye. My first thought is to flip the mattress over, but oh wait, he pissed on that side a few months back too. So I have no choice but to scrub the mattress rigorously and Fabreeze the hell out of it for half an hour. The companionship that cat gives me, or any of the pets in my lifetime for that matter, is not worth all the shit (literally) that you have to put up with to keep them.

Ever since I was young, my family has never had less than two dogs, two cats, and at least one "aquarium" animal.
Tallying up all the damaged furniture, soiled carpets, dirtied blankets, and table legs the fuckers have cost us; we've thrown out somewhere in the vicinity of over 5k worth, and spent at least 1k on fixing/replacing things they've destroyed. Not to mention the constant cleaning of dander, and having to utilize scented candles and air fresheners on a daily basis just to make the air breathable.

It's not even that the cat didn't know how to use the litter box, he was marking his territory. He pisses there once, and he thinks it's his room, and takes every opportunity to remind me by pissing again and again. For a while I managed to just keep the door closed, but the doorknob broke a few weeks ago and it's one of those ancient ones that can't be fixed with any post-bronze age tools. My only option would be to replace the entire door opening mechanism, which isn't in my budget at the moment.

Though they never showed any emotional attachment to me, I still much preferred the aquarium pets. I had a toad that I found in a junkyard for damn near a decade. It never pissed on my bed, made me sneeze, or cost me thousands of dollars worth of damage to a valuable commodity. I had to feed it crickets once a week and make sure it had enough water. After he died, I kept hermit crabs. I could watch them do nothing for hours and it was still more fucking fascinating than playing fetch with Rover.

Hairy pets - that includes cats, dogs, ferrets, hamsters, spider monkeys, kinkajous, squirrels, elk, bandersnatches, ocelots, or hobos - cannot pay for the things they ruin with companionship and are not worth it.

Fuck it. I'm getting a ball python.
Total Comments 10


enchilado's Avatar
We have a pet hare my mother found as a baby on the road some months ago. He's extremely intelligent. We let him out during the day (we live in the country, very few cars around and nothing to eat him except snakes, dingoes, foxes, owls and feral cats), and he always comes back at night for this stuff mum feeds him, green barley powder mixed with yoghurt or something. He loves it, whatever it is.

He knows where all the exits are in the house, he knows mum's the one that feeds him, and various other things. The problem is he craps like fucking crazy. Tiny round hare shits all over the floor, and he pees in small puddles, too. I've found my desk covered in poop a couple of times, and he also pissed on my bed a while back. Luckily, it's not as large or as smelly as cat urine, but I still had to wash my quilt.
Posted 03-21-2010 at 10:09 PM by enchilado

I highly suggest to everyone not to get a cat.

Only trouble with theese, I can't know why so many people got them. (got expirience)

Otherwise I agree with you, other pets also fuck things up badly
Posted 03-22-2010 at 03:37 AM by AlienMagi

MA's Avatar
a dog is a very good and worthwhile companion. no matter what their size or gender, they have the balls to defend you against threats, sense trouble before its even begun, keep watch over your property while you're not home, let you know if someone is trying to force their way onto your premises, all sorts.

for example, i worked on a farm just outside of my town for a couple of years, and they had a pet Alsation. typical farmer pet, but he proved his worth one day, before i even begun working there, according to a workmate.

V long fucking story V

my boss had 2 caravans, seeing as he had to travel to do cattle shows a few times a year, and one of them was fucking grand. the area surrounding the farm was notorious for gypsies, and these aren't the gypsies that sell lucky charms and shit, these are the ones that just steal anything worth a damn in broad daylight, from scrap metal to cars and even tools. well one afternoon they drove up in this run-down truck, hooked it up to the caravan right in the middle of the day on the farms premises, and tried to make off with it. the dog always wandered around the farm, generally keeping foxes away, and apparently he went nuts. he pelted it towards the caravan, scared the shit out of these 3 gypsies who dived back into the truck, and they tried to speed off with this huge caravan. the dog, while the caravan was doing 30-40 mph down the lane, bit into the back caravan tyre and managed to pop the fucker, amazingly. the dog himself broke a few bones doing this; i think he broke his leg and possibly his jaw, and lay in the road, but the caravan didn't get far and the gypsies were caught and arrested. that dog did his job, and by the time i started working there, he was an old boy. lovely as anything, but christ, he was fucking huge. i didn't believe he popped the tyre until i actually saw the dog. it was like a bear.

so yeah. dogs are fucking ace. i don't mind cleaning up a bit of shit to get that in return.
Posted 03-22-2010 at 06:33 AM by MA

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Well-behaved dogs can be quite the blessing. Unfortunately I've only ever had one in my life who died of cancer at 13. The others were all either irate, incontinent, constantly shedding, or chewing on something of mine.
Posted 03-22-2010 at 06:39 AM by Sekto Springs

MA's Avatar
Kastere's the one to ask about that, but i'd assume they were bored if they're constantly chewing things about the house. i may be wrong, but that's my guess. i think the more well-behaved dogs are the ones that get plenty of exercise or actually do a job in a workplace. gives them that freedom, and plenty of shitting-space.

and that LONG story of mine wasn't meant to be pushy. some people like dogs, others don't. i got no problem with that.
Posted 03-22-2010 at 06:46 AM by MA

OANST's Avatar
I don't fuck cats.
Posted 03-22-2010 at 08:27 AM by OANST

T-nex's Avatar
Then why are you being so defensive about it?
Posted 03-22-2010 at 10:07 AM by T-nex

shaman's Avatar
I don't fuck cats.
OANST are you being silly again?
Posted 03-22-2010 at 02:29 PM by shaman

MA's Avatar
oh shit, that's where its from. totally forgot.
Posted 03-22-2010 at 02:34 PM by MA

MeechMunchie's Avatar
My cat is awesome. He is very fluffy, very fat, and very stupid.

However, to his eternal credit, he can:
1. Open doors by himself
2. Climb stairs
3. Steal someone's chair, curl up and fall asleep within 10 seconds of them getting up.

He is still a cat, and will:
1. Swipe at any passing leg
2. Attack falling leaves
3. Repeatedly fail to understand the concept of glass, instead opting to press his paws against the window.
Posted 03-23-2010 at 12:47 PM by MeechMunchie


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