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I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend to give a damn about my life.

Posted 02-21-2010 at 08:47 AM by Nemo
Updated 02-21-2010 at 09:00 AM by Nemo

So, today, I'm just going to leave. I'm going to go to the other side of town, and walk around all day.

I'm tired with being bored. I'm tired with being unhealthy. I'm tired of being numb. I'm tired of hoping for better yet being fine with worse. I'm going to try and do at least one thing interesting, even if it's just outro material.
Total Comments 36


Wings of Fire's Avatar
This is good shit here, alternatively if symptoms persist and it turns out you actually do have clinical depression (Something I doubt at your age) go to doctor and get help.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 09:46 AM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I've been dealing with clinical depression for years now, and what you feel now is what I've dealt with for a long time.

The best advice I can give is; let it go away. I say "let it" because most of what you feel is entirely self-propelled. The day you wake up and decide to seriously stop being depressed, you will.

Now, it's impossible for anyone to go through life without circumstances bringing them down, but you have to find the strength and the will to disallow this. When life gives you lemons, don't see it as an excuse to return to your comfort zone of "WOE IS MEEEE", see it as a challenge and rise above it. Prove to yourself and everyone else that you can overcome.

Clinical depression is a bit different, because it's a completely physical problem involving effed up brain chemistry. This is what I have, and it's extremely difficult to deal with without medication. I took medication for a time but it made me sluggish, apathetic, and completely fucked up my libido so I stopped a little over a year ago. It's not been easy, but if you keep yourself distracted with work or hobbies, and do everything in your power to improve your health and your environment, you'll find that it gets harder and harder to be depressed about anything. Be proactive; just the fact that you're getting up and doing something about it will give you a little rise in spirits. Nothing makes depression worse than apathy or believing that you can do nothing about it.

Stress of school and family, peers, work. Everyone has to cope with these things, and it's even harder with those of us who have depression. But you can't give up, you can't keep feeling sorry for yourself, and you can't just sit around and complain and wait for some miracle to come along and clean it all up for you. That's not going to happen. You are in control of your life, and only you can fix your depression. Stop telling yourself that you can't help it or that life is so bleak, tell yourself the opposite, fucking believe it.

TLDR: Depression is self-propelled. Choose to seriously do something about it and you'll get better.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 09:59 AM by Sekto Springs

MA's Avatar
Clinical depression is a bit different, because it's a completely physical problem involving effed up brain chemistry. This is what I have, and it's extremely difficult to deal with without medication. I took medication for a time but it made me sluggish, apathetic, and completely fucked up my libido so I stopped a little over a year ago. It's not been easy, but if you keep yourself distracted with work or hobbies, and do everything in your power to improve your health and your environment, you'll find that it gets harder and harder to be depressed about anything. Be proactive; just the fact that you're getting up and doing something about it will give you a little rise in spirits. Nothing makes depression worse than apathy or believing that you can do nothing about it.

believe me Nemo, if you continue to convince yourself and believe you're this bad, you will make yourself this bad, and then you will regret it, and then you will no longer even want to make blogs about it.

so wise up. for your own good.

Yeah... um, JOKE.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 10:29 AM by MA

OANST's Avatar
Beat a homeless guy to death. Always makes me feel better.
Posted 02-22-2010 at 11:36 AM by OANST

Ridg3's Avatar
I was wondering why MarsMud dosn't reply no more...
Posted 02-22-2010 at 11:47 AM by Ridg3

Oddey's Avatar
I have very little advice to offer, but I say fresh air, and quiet place to think always does me good.
Posted 02-23-2010 at 06:01 AM by Oddey


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