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Liek whoa! I had sex!

Posted 09-03-2007 at 04:11 AM by Havoc
Just sharing...
Total Comments 13


squeak117's Avatar
Man 1: "Like, you've dunnit, wif a lady?"

Man 2: "Yes"

Man 1: "... Wassit like?"

Man dressed as a nun rowing a boat indoors with a woman's voice: "Well I think it's overrated really."
Posted 09-03-2007 at 04:31 AM by squeak117

Rex Tirano's Avatar
Oof. Youza liar!
Posted 09-03-2007 at 04:43 AM by Rex Tirano

Venks's Avatar
Posted 09-03-2007 at 06:25 AM by Venks

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Like, with a person?
Posted 09-03-2007 at 10:51 AM by Mac Sirloin

Alcar's Avatar
OMG, I had sex last night as well!

However, I had to get up to go to work this morning, and I woke up late as usual, so I didn't get to have a shower. So now I'm sitting at my desk, with clothes on, but they're sticking to me. I have lube everywhere. And I mean, everywhere.

Posted 09-03-2007 at 02:56 PM by Alcar

Hobo's Avatar
Peter, did he decide to do some finger painting with you?

I got laid last week. With an Ex. It wasn't too enjoyable I must admit.
Posted 09-04-2007 at 03:05 AM by Hobo

Alcar's Avatar
Hahaha. Perhaps.

I slept with my ex once after we broke up. Must say, like all the other times, I enjoyed it

Posted 09-04-2007 at 03:22 AM by Alcar

Hobo's Avatar
Your avatar's broken. See mine for reference.
Posted 09-04-2007 at 04:30 AM by Hobo

Photographic evidence or it most likely did not occur.
Posted 09-05-2007 at 09:01 PM by Nemo

Strike Witch's Avatar
It doesn't count if it's with a small rodent.
Posted 10-06-2007 at 03:52 PM by Strike Witch

Patrick Vykkers's Avatar
No offense, but.. nobody cares.
Posted 10-10-2007 at 04:09 PM by Patrick Vykkers

Statikk HDM's Avatar
I do. So, was it a tabby, a calico, a seal point....
Posted 11-20-2007 at 04:17 PM by Statikk HDM

STM's Avatar
I care very much, since I'm not allowed till I get married *hrumpfhh

Posted 08-06-2010 at 04:19 AM by STM


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