Ok.. So in about 20 mins I have an exam.... I totally misunderstood the timetable and got ½ an hour too late!
But instead of not allowing me to take the exam, the kind Sensor said she'd take up up at half past one. Which I'm grateful for. But anyway, like always. I'm really fucking nervous, I could chew my fingers off, and I'll forget half of what I know cos Im so damn nervous.
... Maybe I'm allergic to exams. )= Thing is.. I don't only wanna pass. I want good grades. Dunno if I'll get good grades though. Making a nice paper is one thing. Having to blurt out words on the spot is extremely difficult. I tend to forget keywords that are very important. Teachers like keywords... yey keywords!
Anyway.... Yea. Sorry to buzz your ears.. or rather eyes off!