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Fuck fuck fuck x_x

Posted 01-12-2010 at 03:13 AM by T-nex
Ok.. So in about 20 mins I have an exam.... I totally misunderstood the timetable and got ½ an hour too late!

But instead of not allowing me to take the exam, the kind Sensor said she'd take up up at half past one. Which I'm grateful for. But anyway, like always. I'm really fucking nervous, I could chew my fingers off, and I'll forget half of what I know cos Im so damn nervous.

... Maybe I'm allergic to exams. )= Thing is.. I don't only wanna pass. I want good grades. Dunno if I'll get good grades though. Making a nice paper is one thing. Having to blurt out words on the spot is extremely difficult. I tend to forget keywords that are very important. Teachers like keywords... yey keywords!

Anyway.... Yea. Sorry to buzz your ears.. or rather eyes off!
Total Comments 7


Taco's Avatar
Wait, what did you get half and hour too late? I'm confused, but in any case, I wish you the best of luck. Exam stress is pretty horrible, especially if you start forgeting things you know you learnt. So I dunno, try to keep your cool!
Posted 01-12-2010 at 03:35 AM by Taco

MA's Avatar
she missed the exam by half an hour.

good luck. i was terrible with my exams. not so much nervous, more so didn't care because i knew i wouldn't need them for my pending job. what exam is it anyway?
Posted 01-12-2010 at 04:07 AM by MA

T-nex's Avatar
Ok.. so it went like I suspected it would. I got an ok grade. Not too bad, though I wish I'd gotten more

I got the same feedback as always: "You seem to know your stuff well, and when we ask about things you can answer them properly, but you need to train yourself into talking more yada yada"... <.< It's really hard when I'm so nervous.
I basically go in and I'm like *Hides behind hair* "Uh.. hi.. uh... so uh....." and they are alike: "Go on." ... Me: *stare*.

EDIT: Oh and I had an exam in Web Communication and Sociology. Also I have another exam tomorrow in Interfacedesign.... Which is gladly the last exam. Then I Don't have school till 25th!

On an unrelated note I'm really bugged because the tax people screwed up my name/social security number, which means that the state student support didn't get my tax-card, which means they can send me the monthly money I'm supposed to get, which means I'm ... Moneyless <.< God I'm so tired of the government screwing up my social security number and name. ... AND birthdate. Although having 2 birthdays would be cool.
I just want my money though So far my mom has been helping me. She seems happy enough doing so. But I'm so tired of needing her help I don't wanna mooch on her.
*shoots someone*
Posted 01-12-2010 at 05:56 AM by T-nex

Splat's Avatar
Aw man, my sister was totally messed up by her bank this year. She's doing a four-year Arabic course which involves spending one of those four years studying in a country that speaks Arabic (Jordan). But as soon as she got there, her bank started charging her money for some monthly payment they hadn't cancelled, and refused to let her do anything about it because she wasn't in the UK. And they wouldn't let my mum sort it because they wanted to deal with my sister. It was crazy!!!

I remember I once had a Japanese speaking exam and my mind just went blank. It was extra-horrible because my teacher was taking the exam and she was just there jabbering at me in Japanese and I was completely clueless and she was annoyed that I didn't know the answers she'd taught us.

Oh, and there was one exam I had at uni where I had an awful lecturer who gave me a low mark because I expressed my own opinion (which was what I was supposed to do) rather than regurgitating his.
Posted 01-12-2010 at 06:16 AM by Splat

T-nex's Avatar
Can't you negotiate with the teachers/school? .. Usually, here if a student is dissatisfied, they can complain and then people either revide the work, or they arrange for them to take another exam or something like that.
Posted 01-12-2010 at 04:03 PM by T-nex

Nate's Avatar
T-Nex:Your exams are tested orally/verbally rather than written? How does that work?
Posted 01-12-2010 at 05:35 PM by Nate

T-nex's Avatar
We have to talk about what we know. Usually we pick out a random question out of 10 questions or so, and have 30 mins to prepare what we wanna say, and then then we talk about it, while they ask questions.
The bad part is if you pick something you know less about. It's quite uneven.
Posted 01-12-2010 at 06:27 PM by T-nex


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