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Holy shit

Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:43 PM by metroixer
People still come here?
Total Comments 31


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
No. Go away.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:48 PM by Mac Sirloin

MA's Avatar
whoa, stay the fuck here this time!
jesus its been ages.

are you staying, though?

Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:49 PM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I haven't came here for ages.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:49 PM by Wings of Fire

OANST's Avatar
I don't even know where I am.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:51 PM by OANST

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I just came on OANST
Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:52 PM by Wings of Fire

MA's Avatar
the symbol came on the crowbar?
Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:53 PM by MA

shaman's Avatar
Posted 12-17-2009 at 12:56 PM by shaman

Pilot's Avatar
Unless your name is Roddy Rowdy, leave.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 01:02 PM by Pilot

metroixer's Avatar
Probably won't stay, just saw a familiar name post on one of my youtube videos and was curious to see if this area was still breathing.

happy trails
Posted 12-17-2009 at 01:18 PM by metroixer

Daxter King's Avatar
You still fap to Samus?
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:01 PM by Daxter King

Leto's Avatar
who the fuck are you
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:06 PM by Leto

~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
Interesting, you seem .. Nah, nevermind guess you aren't
who i'm thinking of.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:07 PM by ~Oprilthevykker~

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
Interesting, you seem .. Nah, nevermind guess you aren't
who i'm thinking of.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:13 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Nate's Avatar
I just came on Used:)'s jeans.

Heh... my genes in his jeans.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:26 PM by Nate

Pilot's Avatar
I don't know who he thought he was, but he obviously wasn't who I thought he was.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:29 PM by Pilot

MA's Avatar
I just came on Used's jeans.

i cant believe how many times that comes in handy.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:48 PM by MA

MA's Avatar
i like how the blog above this says 'everyone is allowed, even haters', and yet i am blocked from replying.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 02:55 PM by MA

~Oprilthevykker~'s Avatar
What a twist, no one can reply to my blog. Try again molluck.
Wings can't even reply, and he's my homie.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:09 PM by ~Oprilthevykker~

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Wait what
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:11 PM by Wings of Fire

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:17 PM by Wings of Fire

MA's Avatar
now i cant even enter it or see it on the blog home page. what is this trick to make blogs invisible?
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:21 PM by MA

Wings of Fire's Avatar
It means he deleted it, unfortunately it still leaves a mark on the main page. Blame Peter for that.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:29 PM by Wings of Fire

Pilot's Avatar
Pete made the right move. All spam and YTP should be reserved for legitimate forum threads.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:42 PM by Pilot

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I just came on AIN's face
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:42 PM by Mac Sirloin

Pilot's Avatar
Good...... Good.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 03:53 PM by Pilot

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I just came on AIN's face
Which one of you cried after it happened?
Posted 12-17-2009 at 04:37 PM by Disgruntled Intern

Nate's Avatar
Both of them... out of happiness.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 04:53 PM by Nate

used:)'s Avatar
I ran into your videos, Alosha. Your voice is....pleasant.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 05:20 PM by used:)

enchilado's Avatar
I just came on those videos.
Posted 12-17-2009 at 11:20 PM by enchilado

MA's Avatar
looks like someone just came into your mouth judging by your avatar, Ench.
Posted 12-18-2009 at 08:22 AM by MA


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