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The last 30 hours of my lifeSo I went to work, and then came home yesterday, but OH NO ONE OF THE RECYCLING BINS IS DOWN THE STREET BETTER GO GET IT
and it was fucking smashed, in a 'not the wind' kind of way, and my dad could've brought it in during the day but he didn't then he listened to fucking tv at like max volume and I went to jordans and watched these stupid fucking youtube videos that were not funny and not entertaining at all and he was like "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" and I couldn't laugh, and then we played mario and yelled at each other then watched MORE OF THAT UNFUNNY FUCKING SHIT and then watched slow all video brinquedo and Troma movies then I went to fucking sleep and he said he can't go to bed until 5 AM and I was like "fucking god damn it" and slept until 9:30, then had shitty breakfast or pop tart and tootsie rollers and then I got some music from him then I FUCKING LEFT AND WALKED FOR 20 MINUTES ALONG THE HIGHWAY AND I ENJOYED MYSELF AND THEN MY MOM PICKED ME UP BECAUSE I HAD CALLED HER AND THEN I CAME HOME AND SHOWERED AND NOW WE'RE FUCKING HERE And now I'm hungry and shit. |
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