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shitcunt family issues
Posted 11-25-2009 at 08:24 PM by Mac Sirloin
My parents are separating. So now my dad's being a childish fuck and has essentially lost interest in working in any sense, leaving my mom shackled with finance issues until the separation is concluded. He's also leaving Dating websites open on his computer. It's embarrassing. What's wrong with him? Why can't he take this like a man? He acts all nice to me and then throws a big hissy fit over the most trivial things, and constantly mouths off with stupid shit. Fuck any defense you can possibly puke onto your screen for him. The man is aware it's his fault. He just wants to play the victim. I hate him. Being near him makes me unhappy. He emanates ignorance and stupidity. He's having some retarded little midlife crisis. Why an't I just live in the mountains somehwere? |
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