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In defense of "Political Correctness."

Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:12 AM by Dipstikk
People spend so much time trying to project an image of not being "bound and shackled by (what they identify as) political correctness" and it really chafes my grapefruit. Society has demonized and distorted the phrase "Political Correctness" to the point that they just use it as a shield. It's taken on a definition similar to "oversensitive." You can be branded as "politically correct" by some slob if you tell them not to call a homosexual couple "faggots," and the pig calling them such will likely be touted as a hero within his circle of bigots for "daring to speak against the system," the system, of course, being whoever he sees as persecuting his right to be an ignorant bigot. This can be applied to any similar situation.

Let me give you a scenario if you're having trouble following along (YOU BIG DOLT). Introducing, Dudeface and Guyman:

Dudeface: "Hey, you hear that Mitchell got fired from his job?"

GuyMan: "Yeah, apparently he got mad at his boss for calling him 'colored'."

Dudeface: "Yeah, that's how they are. You can't say anything around blacks anymore, man. The other day, I was called a racist. For nothing at all! They think they can play the race card to get sympathy."

GuyMan: "Um... I don't think this is a situation where he's in the wrong. You can't call a black person "colored," it's a slur and an outdated term."

Dudeface: "Look, man. Those blacks are always trying to mess with us. We freed them, right? So what's the problem? Every day it's something different! It's time for those guys to just get over what happened!"

Guyman: (Is kind of in shock for a moment)

Dudeface: (Indignantly slurps the drool from his chin and continues) "I mean, they're criminals! This isn't racist, it's the truth. They're more likely to kill and rape! They even got one in office, and they still whine about racism! Racism is over with! Obama stopped it! I mean, god, they're lucky white people like us are so forgiving."

Guyman: (Shakes off the utter shock) "That is by far the most disgusting, entitled thing I've ever witnessed in my life."

Dudeface: "What? Christ, that is so typical. Everyone's so afraid to say what they think. Political correctness has taken over, man! At least I'm man enough to admit the truth!"

GuyMan: "No, you're spouting off about something that you don't understand and using political correctness as a shield instead of taking responsibility for your mind-blowing bigotry."

Dudeface goes into a rage and it does not end well.

If these represent the average American's beliefs towards minorities, wouldn't it be more appropriate to label Guyman as the politically incorrect person? The problem with Dudeface's use of political correctness is that his statements are all personal beliefs and bigotry. Keep in mind, I didn't give Guyman a chance to disprove anything, but he's got an encyclopedic understanding of everything from the history of African Americans to white privilege. If, hypothetically, Guyman knows more than Dudeface and was even able to send Dudeface into a rage without mentioning a single rebuttal beyond informing him of his own ignorance, doesn't that make Guyman the politically incorrect one? By definiton, this makes Dudeface and everyone like him the "politically correct" crowd.


Dudeface represents your average caucasian American. His beliefs are modeled off of not only the majority of conservatives, but many moderates and a few liberals. Guyman represents the well-informed, mostly modeled off of liberal progressives and activists. Dudeface is a buffoon who would more likely shrug off Guyman's wimpy liberal booklearning and go get a burger.

I'm not sure where I wanted to take this. I identify more with Guyman and I tend to avoid people like Dudeface.

I guess I'm also tired of phrases like "Political correctness" being misused. I'm tired of a lot of words being misused. I'm tired of semantics and buzzwords in general. I'm tired of the informed being pegged as "lacking in a sense of humor" when the more informed you*become, the less funny you find the holocaust. I'm tired of stupidity reigning, I'm tired of my fellow liberals being more like conservatives on issues like this. I'M TIRED OF BEING AWAKE, DAMN IT IT'S LIKE 5 OCLOCK IN THE MORNING GO TO BED MATT

So yeah.


Go Packers?
Total Comments 59


Wings of Fire's Avatar
Thisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthisthis and this.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 02:32 AM by Wings of Fire

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Neil Gaiman Pictures, Images and Photos
Posted 11-12-2009 at 04:08 AM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Fuck you Kastere for beating me to that joke.

And fuck the rest of you for pushing my awesome blog off the main page.

Also I don't entirely understand your blog, though I do agree that people have been using excuses both political and religious for years to hide their bigotry.
I find that someone trying to be politically correct doesn't have any strong opinions one way or the other, and this is why they're "politically correct", because they're trying to be inoffensive to everyone. I actually find this alot more annoying than people who are honest, whether or not their honest opinions are a bit fucked.

I prefer honest, outspoken people because at least then I know the quality of my company. There's nothing worse than hanging out with someone for a few months only to finally have them open up to you with beliefs that starkly contrast your own.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 04:51 AM by Sekto Springs
Updated 11-12-2009 at 05:29 AM by Sekto Springs

Wings of Fire's Avatar
The reasons expressed in this blog are why misogyny and racial hatred are on the rise, it's far too easy for counterculture opinions to appear deep and meaningful.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 06:52 AM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Here's a controversial quote:
"A liberal is a conservative who has never been mugged"
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:23 AM by Sekto Springs

Wings of Fire's Avatar
That's a fucking stupid quote.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:30 AM by Wings of Fire

Sekto Springs's Avatar
It is, but in alot of cases its also extremely true. Not that that's a good thing.

Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:31 AM by Sekto Springs
Updated 11-12-2009 at 07:45 AM by Sekto Springs

OANST's Avatar
Nah, I don't think it's all that true. I don't think it's true at all.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:34 AM by OANST

Sekto Springs's Avatar
They become conservative for the wrong reasons. But it does happen. It's not even a matter of whether or not you think its true, its a fact. It happens.

Kind of like how someone would change their dogma based on a death in the family. Their reasoning is not necessarily sound, its based on personal devices.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 07:44 AM by Sekto Springs

used:)'s Avatar
I hate how "liberal" is coming to mean something along the lines of "elitist, hedonistic, whiney snob." I've also noticed that trend in how being counterculture is mainly just used as a shield. It's not about whether it's popular or not, it's about what blatantly right or decent-natured. For instance, nearly all my friends were bitching at the treatment of some of the G20 protesters by the police. And which groups do you think were "mistreated"? The Tibettan freedom activists? No, it was the loud, disruptive, half-drunk, anon-mask-wearing college kids. Christ, sometimes I think they just protest for the sake of protesting.

And will people please start growing a sense of humor. All that bullshit about Obama's "Special Olympics" comment. He wasn't making fun of the Special Olympics, damnit!
Posted 11-12-2009 at 08:05 AM by used:)

Sekto Springs's Avatar
No, it was the loud, disruptive, half-drunk, anon-mask-wearing college kids. Christ, sometimes I think they just protest for the sake of protesting.
I attended a protest about a year ago that took place outside of the Pittsburgh Scientologist Center. It was poorly organized and consisted of Anonymous fags wearing Guy Fawkes and Laughing Man masks. I whipped out my camera and took a few interviews (which are still floating around Youtube somewhere under a different account), and lemme tell you, these kids were clueless. A few of them even admitted they were just out there for the action and didn't actually care what the cause was.

As for Obama, let's not forget all the memorable media tantrums thrown back in the campaigning days. Not wearing a flag pin, the racist preacher, and my personal favorite, the "terrorist" bump.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 08:24 AM by Sekto Springs
Updated 11-12-2009 at 08:35 AM by Sekto Springs

Dipstikk's Avatar
No, it was the loud, disruptive, half-drunk, anon-mask-wearing college kids. Christ, sometimes I think they just protest for the sake of protesting.
I dislike 4chan with a burning passion for plenty of good reasons, but this rubs me the wrong way. Protests are supposed to mean something, you're supposed to be passionate about what you protest. These people are nothing but traffic cones. You want to talk about hedonists? These fucks don't lift a finger unless it benefits them, and they will heartily admit to this. They have no passion for what they believe in, they mock people who show any empathy or morality and actively shun people who are actually interested in doing something for a cause. Morality makes you uncool.

I would LOVE. LOVE to see a protest against Scientology from people who actually give a shit.

They're a bunch of parasitic, sociopathic nutters who never grew out of their teens, connected by a bunch of idiotic memes who will most likely never be able to mingle in public without those stupid, ridiculous masks.

And Chris, you best send me those vidjyuhs right fucking now, bro.



Not that this changes my routine up much.

Posted 11-12-2009 at 09:03 AM by Dipstikk
Updated 11-12-2009 at 10:22 AM by Dipstikk

shaman's Avatar
I have not had the best day, and therefore will be blunt and aggresive.

Apologies in advance.

Dudeface: c "I mean, they're criminals! This isn't racist, it's the truth. They're more likely to kill and rape! They even got one in office.
I am highly critical of political correctness, and if anyone said that to me, i would agree that they are a fucking racist idiot. Just because somebody is against the politically correct straight jacket, doesn't mean they're ignorant racists.

GuyMan:You can't call a black person "colored," it's a slur and an outdated term."
1) No it isn't.


3) A friend of my family sends her daughter to a nursery where they are not aloud to sing "Ba Ba black sheep" Because it may be "offensive". So what the fuck do they expect? can't say black, can't say colored. But of course it's quite alright to say "Honkey", nobody can attack a person for that. And who the hell would be offended by any of those words?

Political correctness is a stright jacket desinged to be "unoffensive". But most people are not offended by the things that political correctness attacks. Surely we should be focusing on the things that acctually matter.

EDIT: And who do you think came up with the idea of "political correctness"? It sure wasn't the black community. NO, it was people who think they solve social issues by restricting free speech.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 09:15 AM by shaman
Updated 11-12-2009 at 09:18 AM by shaman

Dipstikk's Avatar
Also, Chrus

Here's a controversial quote:
"A liberal is a conservative who has never been mugged"
Lousy, faulty logic. A year ago, my bike had been jacked by a black person. He dropped it and I got it back. I have yet to experience this monumental shift in beliefs.
If a mugging is all it takes to shake your world view and turn you into a pitiless bigot, then you had no right to call yourself a liberal in the first place.

Another attempt to steal my bike was made a few months later, but by a homeless white guy.

I just chain my bike up now. Stereotyping is for the weak-brained because it makes labeling and thinking easier.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 09:23 AM by Dipstikk

OANST's Avatar
Posted 11-12-2009 at 09:50 AM by OANST

Dipstikk's Avatar
1) No it isn't.


Maybe I should have used a stronger slur. It's still considered an outdated term. Certainly many black people have reclaimed it, but to the victors go the spoils.

3) A friend of my family sends her daughter to a nursery where they are not aloud to sing "Ba Ba black sheep" Because it may be "offensive". So what the fuck do they expect? can't say black, can't say colored. But of course it's quite alright to say "Honkey", nobody can attack a person for that. And who the hell would be offended by any of those words?
1. Seeing as "Black sheep" means something entirely unoffensive in that context, I'm going to agree with you on that. Perhaps it's because kids don't understand context, but even I consider that reaching.

2. "can't say black, can't say colored."


The fact that people used the word "colored" to segregate is why that word, when used in the context of "colored people" is considered offensive. Most black people that I have met don't consider the term "black people" offensive. I think that's just your own racial paranoia.

3. "But of course it's quite alright to say "Honkey", nobody can attack a person for that. And who the hell would be offended by any of those words?"

Because the word "Honkey" doesn't carry with it connotations of oppression, dehumanization and prolonged degradation, like the words "colored" or "nigger," does it?

Political correctness is a stright jacket desinged to be "unoffensive". But most people are not offended by the things that political correctness attacks.
Of course most people aren't offended by it; they don't have to deal with it. Whites simply don't carry the same experiences as minorities or marginalized groups, and with each passing generation, they become far less aware and far less sympathetic of the history of racial discrimination. The majority of you, like Dudeguy, view the lives of black people from a distance, so of course you just don't give a shit about racial discrimination. And it's not just not giving a shit, we're encouraged to ignore racial discrimination. It's mocked and shown as insignificant, usually in the same way as your "black sheep" story. You get the impression for long enough that "these folks are just whining babies" and you start to lose sight of what racial discrimination actually is.

Political correctness is a convenient excuse to toss up so the privileged majority to not have to deal with what racism has become. It hasn't gone away, it's been internalized and has just found new, quieter and more insidious ways to perpetuate itself. Things have gotten a little better, but there's still a lot of work to be done.

Surely we should be focusing on the things that acctually matter.
And who says we can't multi-task?

And who do you think came up with the idea of "political correctness"? It sure wasn't the black community. NO, it was people who think they solve social issues by restricting free speech.
1.Did I make the claim that black people came up with the term?

2. Absolutely. So what do you call it when you pass off someone else's claim of racism or bigotry as "whining?" What do you call it when this is practiced by the majority and encouraged?
Posted 11-12-2009 at 10:00 AM by Dipstikk
Updated 11-12-2009 at 10:09 AM by Dipstikk

Dipstikk's Avatar
I love that, OANST.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 10:10 AM by Dipstikk

used:)'s Avatar
I forgot how much PV sucked.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 11:21 AM by used:)

OANST's Avatar
Posted 11-12-2009 at 11:33 AM by OANST

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Hey Robotnik the /toy/ and /an/ boards are a-okay.

Otherwise agreeing over here.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 11:53 AM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
I dont know how many black pplz are left that actually care what you call them.

Racism is so 90's.

Anti-gay is where it's at now.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:24 PM by Sekto Springs

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Fucking gays, so fucking narrow minded.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:32 PM by Wings of Fire

Nate's Avatar
I don't get the Neil Gaiman photo.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:35 PM by Nate

Sekto Springs's Avatar
Wow, Nate. You are slow.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:41 PM by Sekto Springs

Nate's Avatar
No, I'm just fast enough that I don't need to read pseudo-conversations out loud.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:48 PM by Nate

Dipstikk's Avatar
Bigotry is treated like a competitive sport when it's not.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:49 PM by Dipstikk

Wings of Fire's Avatar
I don't get that one, elaborate please?
Posted 11-12-2009 at 01:54 PM by Wings of Fire

shaman's Avatar
1)It's no insult to call a black person black.

2) When "Segregation" was going on, baring in mind this was a long while ago, most of the current black population were not around to be offended.

Because the word "Honkey" doesn't carry with it connotations of oppression, dehumanization and prolonged degradation, like the words "colored" or "nigger," does it?
Oh right, if a word isn't backed up by history as being offensive, then obviously nobody has a right to be offended by it.

Tell you what, the word "Cunt" hasn't been used to insight segregation, and isn't backed up as "offensive" in history; so i'll just call the next person i meet a cunt? Obviously, they have no justification to be offended.

Whites simply don't carry the same experiences as minorities or marginalized groups.
I can't really see what justifies being softer on blacks just because in their history their ancestors were abused because of their ethnicity.

and with each passing generation, they become far less aware and far less sympathetic of the history of racial discrimination.
What are you trying to say? This sounds like with each passing generation, whites become less and less sympathetic about racial prejudice and blacks don't? Do you think Whites are totally unaware of the racial discrimination taking place in the past, whilst blacks are still reeling from the slave trade? NO!, WE'RE ALL IN THE SAME YEAR.

The majority of you, like Dudeguy, view the lives of black people from a distance, so of course you just don't give a shit about racial discrimination.
I have black friends, there is never an issue of race between us. I'm as much aware and a part of their lives as i am with my white friends, do not accuse me of being distant and withdrawn from the lives of others simple because of thir ethnicity.

And it's not just not giving a shit, we're encouraged to ignore racial discrimination.
Are we fuck!? We are not " encoraged to ignore it"! you daft sod! it's rammed down our throats ALL. THE. TIME.

You get the impression for long enough that "these folks are just whining babies" and you start to lose sight of what racial discrimination actually is.

Who do you mean by "These folks"? Do you mean whites, blacks or everyone?

Skin colour is irrelevant. if Anyone decides that they are being "discriminated" Against simply becuase sombody uses the word "Coloured" or "Black" on occasion, then yes. yes they are a whinning baby and need to grow a fucking pair.

And who says we can't multi-task?
Sure, let's put some of our resources into "He called me this he called me that"! instead of the serious shit. If it's a real issue and the person in question is in actual danger or is genuinly being intimidated by the "racial abuse" Then of course we should act on it.

.Did I make the claim that black people came up with the term?
You certainly seem to think the anti politically correct masses think that way, i direct your attention to "Dudeface" And the wasy you made him out to be simply because he is against political correctness! You can;t surely think we're all like that!

Absolutely. So what do you call it when you pass off someone else's claim of racism or bigotry as "whining?" What do you call it when this is practiced by the majority and encouraged?
The majority hate political correctness, you're one of the few poeple i have spoke to who are in support of it.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 02:01 PM by shaman

Munch's Master's Avatar
I agree that the examples posted in the first post would be construed as racist, but by no means does that mean anyone agasinst political correctness is a racist.

You either need 100% free speech where anyone can say anything to anyone, or 100% correctness where both sides of the story are controlled.

I've had people throw white-based slurs at me. Meant as definitely negative connotations. Nothing ever could or would happen about it. However, if I'd been a black student and there had been such comments I'm sure something would have happened. It didn't offend me regardless, but the fact is where I an ethnic minority there would have been an outcry. It's not right to say it about anybody, regardless of whether the person saying it or having it said to them is black, white, Asian, whatever.

The majority of you, like Dudeguy, view the lives of black people from a distance, so of course you just don't give a shit about racial discrimination. And it's not just not giving a shit, we're encouraged to ignore racial discrimination. It's mocked and shown as insignificant, usually in the same way as your "black sheep" story
I'm not quite sure but I think you just inferred that shaman is ignorant of ethnic minorities. That's quite a bold assertion to make.

There's a minimum quota for black/coloured/whatever-term-doesn't-offend workers, there's a minimum quota for Asian workers and other ethnic minorities, but if a business chooses they can exclude any white person from working there. There's a minimum quota of job interviews for black/coloured/whatever applicants, a minmum quota for Asian applicants, no minimum quota for white applicants. I don't care what the reasons are, that is a cast-iron double standard.

The word "Paki" meaning Pakistani, is outlawed as a racial slur. I have only ever understood it to be an abbreviation. I don't use the word cause Iknow how many people get touch yabout it, but I've always taken it to be an abbreviation. "Aussie", "Scot" and "Brit" are all permitted words. They're also abbreviations. "Limey is acceptable, and thats not an abbreviation. Same with "Pommie". I'm not offended by any of those words, and I'm not saying they should be banned. I'm just saying there shouldn't be this double standard.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 02:05 PM by Munch's Master

OANST's Avatar
Hey Shaman, why do you care? If you know that a group of people are touchy about a certain term being used in reference to them, can't you just shut the fuck up, and not use it? Seriously, the term doesn't apply to you, so you don't get a say in it. What's the point of throwing a hissy 'Oh, these niggers don't want to be called anything' fit about it. Just respect their wishes, and move on.
Posted 11-12-2009 at 02:16 PM by OANST


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