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299 792 458 m·s^−1 6.67384(80)×10−11 m³·kg^−1·s−2 6.626 069 57(29) × 10^−34 J·s 1.054 571 726(47) × 10^−34 J·s 4π × 10^−7 N·A^−2 = 1.256 637 061... × 10^−6 N·A^−2 8.854 187 817... × 10^−12 F·m−1 376.730 313 461... Ω 8.987 551 787... × 109 N·m²·C^−2 1.602 176 565(35) × 10^−19 C 9.274 009 68(20) × 10^−24 J·T^−1 7.748 091 7346(25) × 10^−5 S 12 906.403 7217(42) Ω 4.835 978 70(11) × 10^14 Hz·V−1 2.067 833 758(46) × 10^−15 Wb 5.050 783 53(11) × 10^−27 J·T^−1 25 812.807 4434(84) Ω 5.291 772 1092(17) × 10^−11 m 2.817 940 3267(27) × 10^−15 m 9.109 382 91(40) × 10^−31 kg 1.166 364(5) × 10^−5 GeV^−2 7.297 352 5698(24) × 10^−3 4.359 744 34(19) × 10^−18 J 1.672 621 777(74) × 10^−27 kg 3.636 947 5520(24) × 10^−4 m² s^−1 10 973 731.568 539(55) m^−1 6.652 458 734(13) × 10^−29 m² 0.2223(21) 1.660 538 921(73) × 10^−27 kg 6.022 141 29(27) × 10^23 mol^−1

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The Venn Diagram of Speakable Horror

Posted 11-07-2009 at 02:20 PM by Bullet Magnet
The monsters from four horror stories/genres, classified for your pleasure!

Excepting the glaring confusing of Frankenstein with his monster, which must be the most infuriating common literary error known to man. I expect to be challenged on this point by the resident literati.
Posted in Garbage
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Sekto Springs's Avatar
I love it.
Posted 11-07-2009 at 02:57 PM by Sekto Springs

Wil's Avatar
Brilliant. How dare you post it in Garbage.
Posted 11-07-2009 at 03:04 PM by Wil

Pilot's Avatar
Brillcreem. How dare you throw it in Garbage.
Posted 11-07-2009 at 03:20 PM by Pilot

shaman's Avatar

With passion.
Posted 11-07-2009 at 03:23 PM by shaman

Bullet Magnet's Avatar
"Garbage" is a catch-all for non-science. "Pure garbage" is the crapsack.
Posted 11-07-2009 at 06:06 PM by Bullet Magnet

MA's Avatar
surprisingly, i also get irritated when people confuse Frankenstein and the monster.

"you look like Frankenstein."
"so i look like a mad scientist?"
Posted 11-08-2009 at 03:45 AM by MA

OANST's Avatar
I fucking hate it when people mistake Frankenstein with his monster. I just had this discussion with Abbey a few weeks ago. Someone had put a statue of The Monster at her school, and they were calling it Frankenstein. I explained to her that Frankenstein is the name of the scientist who created The Monster, not the name of The Monster. I then gave her permission to tell any adult that she hears making the mistake that they have no understanding of classic literature.
Posted 11-09-2009 at 06:38 AM by OANST


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