
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > Intern Queen

SEE! Marvak's deathly stare pierce your heart!
HEAR! Her short temper in effect from miles away!
FEEL! The burning caress of her shoe across your soft flesh!
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Posted 11-23-2007 at 11:35 PM by Marvak
Okay, where do I start?

Don't leave me alone, guys. Even when I say 'go away', don't. I'm fucking lonely.
I'm fucking sick and tired of being left out of conversations.
I'm sick of being part of a gang that doesn't even acknowledge my existence.
I'm sick of being looked down upon like I'm some hideous animal when I finally do pluck up the courage to speak.
I'm sick of being ignored when I make an accomplishment. I'm sick of being afraid of my own anger.
I'm sick of being 'over-sensitive' like so many fucking people tell me I am.
I'm sick of being weak, on the inside and outside.
I'm sick of having to deal with all these assholes who seem to be
the only ones who even know I exist.
I'm sick of being the last one to be chosen for sports teams.
I'm sick and tired of having empty and brief conversations with those on MSN.
I'm sick of having so-called 'friends' who are never there when you need them.
I'm sick of being in unrequited love.
I'm sick of being humilliated in front of those whom I have unrequited love for.
I'm sick of my flabby things and pot belly.
I'm sick of my masculine face.
I'm sick of my mind not matching my body.
I'm sick of my low stamina.
I'm sick of having to look at myself every day knowing that I look like a boy.
I'm sick of being too weird for my 'friends' to want to look at me.

I'm sick of being lonely.
Posted in Rants, Life
Comments 21 Email Blog Entry
Total Comments 21


MA's Avatar
ey up, duck. dont be so hard on yourself. i get ignored all the fuckin' time on these forums, and have now worn thin my nice phase and have moved onto confronting anyone who makes a snide comment towards me or tries to take the piss. i also cannot STAND bullying, and quickly intervene when i see such a case. i read your story and thought you put a lot of effort into it, with the audio file an' all. hopefully your blog entry was genuine and i havent just made a twat of myself.
Posted 11-24-2007 at 04:23 AM by MA

Hobo's Avatar
It'll only change when you make it. Trust me.
Posted 11-24-2007 at 09:59 AM by Hobo

Laser's Avatar
been their done that.
i just pass in and out of stages of depression which will not go away until i talk to someone i fancy
Posted 11-24-2007 at 11:14 AM by Laser

scrab queen's Avatar
*smiles* i'm half invisible too. Especially after incedent. Any friends I do make always have a mental disorder of some sort. At least you still have some sembalance of social skills. Wanna ponder the meaning of life and the stupidity of the human race with me?
Posted 11-24-2007 at 05:43 PM by scrab queen

skillya_glowi's Avatar
I know things don't seem to be going very well at the moment, but trust me, it will get better. We're all going to have shit in our lives at some point, might as well just accept it and not get upset over it, you know? I hate to repeat this age-old cliche, but really, no one's perfect. Just don't lose hope, don't lose sight of the good things in life, don't lose sight of yourself, OK?

Now smile
Posted 11-24-2007 at 11:40 PM by skillya_glowi

moxco's Avatar
My life has always been shit and always will be.
Posted 11-24-2007 at 11:56 PM by moxco

Now you know how I feel every couple of months or so.

Clinical depression sucks.
Posted 11-25-2007 at 12:45 AM by Nemo

Laser's Avatar
basically find someone that will help you through the day and makes life worth living for just to see his/her (no one can call me a homophobe) face again
Posted 11-25-2007 at 01:19 AM by Laser

scrab queen's Avatar
That's the problem. Finding someone like that. It's hard to do that. Really difficult.
Posted 11-25-2007 at 02:22 AM by scrab queen

Wil's Avatar
Ah, depression. I slipped out of my worst stint of it earlier this week. After approaching two lustra of it, I feel like I’m used to it. It even offers a certain kind of comfort and familiarity. Still, I’d prefer not to end up there ever again. Just keep at life: it keeps on going, and there are always enjoyable bits along the way.
Posted 11-25-2007 at 04:35 AM by Wil

Hobo's Avatar
ITT: Misery
Posted 11-25-2007 at 07:28 AM by Hobo

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
If people ignore you when you're in a large group than don't bitch and moan about it.
Don't stand there looking forlorn and lonely and expect people to start conversations.
You want to not have flab and not feel like a sentient emorphous blob? get some excersise for chrissakes, ride your bike, walk, take 20-40 minutes out of your day to go to the YMCA (or whatever the hell you have) and exercise there.
Don't expect people to treat you well when you can't even be assertive enough to get your friends attention.
MSN is fucking stupid, if you expect it to fill the void that unattentive friends leave then you've got to be goddamn kidding me.
Find something new and funny to show people, hell, I suggest you go buy the Curb Your Enthusiasm DVD's right now and make all your friends watch that.
Next time you're down and out, don't tell people to leave you alone and get mad when they do, I've done that plenty, it makes you look like you want conflict regardless of other people.
Posted 11-25-2007 at 04:45 PM by Mac Sirloin

OddjobAbe's Avatar
At least you're not my sister, Marvak. She has manic depression.
Posted 11-26-2007 at 07:53 AM by OddjobAbe

Venks's Avatar
I won't ever leave you.
I always want to talk to you.
I always acknowledge your existence.
I never look down on you.
I love everything you accomplish.
I only stop talking to you on MSN if I HAVE to go, my family dragging me off the computer, or I've stayed up so late talking to you my body literally shuts down and I fall asleep on my computer chair.
I try to be there for you whenever I can be, but sadly school and work take up much of my time. I still do my best to talk to you none the less not caring if I get no sleep.
I love you for who you are.
Do you think of me as nothing?
Posted 11-26-2007 at 08:02 AM by Venks

alf's brother's mate's Avatar
Dont worry Kastere, i think you are really funny, and a lot of others blaitantly do. Everybody on this forum hates me - all of my 'friends' are not really friends at all - they bitch and backstab and try to get me beaten up sometimes. Fuck them, fuck them all. I just try and live with them. Don't worry, you'll pull through!
Posted 11-26-2007 at 10:51 AM by alf's brother's mate

Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
What Venks says (Though my mummy tells me to get off the PC and such). I hope you get better and such, I commented on DA also....Though I see how the identity crisis thing can be hard .__. .
Posted 11-26-2007 at 11:38 AM by Zozo the Zrilufet

Hobo's Avatar
ITT: Teen Angst
Posted 11-26-2007 at 12:56 PM by Hobo

Disgruntled Intern's Avatar
I fear for the children.

Truly, I do.

Also, Kastere is correct.
Posted 11-28-2007 at 04:21 PM by Disgruntled Intern

metroixer's Avatar
I agree with the above statement.
Posted 11-28-2007 at 05:29 PM by metroixer

Leto's Avatar
Kastere, that was a very Donnie Darko speech. Feel glad about yourself, you'd have a big emo fanbase if you rant like this in real life. ps. you're cool lollage. let's go fishing?

As for Marvak, really Hobo's first comment is the best one for you.
Posted 11-29-2007 at 10:00 PM by Leto

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I try, though the level of giant invisible rabbits in my life is simply limited to this one.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Posted 11-30-2007 at 06:40 PM by Mac Sirloin


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