A piece of my day
Posted 10-01-2009 at 05:35 PM by Pilot
Tim asked me out on a lunch date yesterday, much to my massive surprise.
So today I go over to his shop and we ride over to a favorite place of his called the Full Belly Delly. We order our sandwiches (he ordered first and happened to order the SAME exact thing I wanted, btw, and I'd never been to lunch before with him) and started some small talk. I say, "So last night I found out that the house I've moved into must have been inhabited by a smoker." "Ohhh........" "Yeah. It was the first night I'd needed to fire up the furnace and when I did, out came the smell of stale cigarettes. Turns out, after checking the air intake, there's no air filter at all. It's missing." "Check inside the furnace itself, it's probably in a drawer-like affair that pulls out near the bottom." "I already checked. It's an older furnace and it doesn't have that..... so this means that that horrible smoke dust has coated the surface of the entire central heating system." He smiles, and says quite directly to me, "So you're saying that you need someone to come over and clean out your ducts, is that right?" As I was probably quite visibly blushing I said back to him, "Yes Tim, that's exactly what I'm saying. You got me" ------ He got me all right; didn't see it coming. Well played indeed. |
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