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Finnish People? v2

Posted 09-19-2009 at 10:26 PM by Leto
Oh I've got it figured out now:

hahaha man, qq more, then grow a fucking pair

Seems that I have to help your memory.

"regsardless, piracy is stealing, you filthy finland fuck."

That's what you wrote into a reputation comment, or whatever it is called. ...And piracy? I have pirated _nothing_ in my life. Why did you even mention it?
Have you something personal against Finnish people or what is your problem?
Who the fuck are you and why are you asking me this question?

Have I ever thrown any ill-will directly at Finnish people? In fact, has there ever been any situation in Oddworld Forums that we have ever talked about Finnish people?

In short, no, I have absolutely nothing against Finnish people, but I do have something against you PMing me completely out of the blue with some wild acusation that came from absolutely nowhere.


seriously who is this guy
Total Comments 7


used:)'s Avatar
A die-hard socialist Finn. No, really. He called us all capitalist pigs once.
Posted 09-19-2009 at 10:44 PM by used:)

Nate's Avatar
Actually, no. Piracy is not stealing. Piracy is not a crime.

Piracy actually is copyright infringement, which is dealt with in a civil suit, rather than a criminal court case.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 12:36 AM by Nate

Leto's Avatar
I'll make sure to say "Piracy is a civil suit issue" next time, just for you
Posted 09-20-2009 at 09:10 PM by Leto

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Posted 09-21-2009 at 09:11 AM by Wings of Fire

used:)'s Avatar
Posted 09-21-2009 at 09:33 AM by used:)

T-nex's Avatar
Posted 09-21-2009 at 04:35 PM by T-nex

used:)'s Avatar
Combo breaker. XP
Posted 09-21-2009 at 04:53 PM by used:)


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