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Posted 09-19-2009 at 09:21 PM by Mac Sirloin
Went to see 9 with my mom today. It was okay. The story was contrived, the dialogue was kind of shitty, and NOTHING wasn't Either Grey, Brown, Red or Green.

On the other hand, the Animation looked good, the Monsters were amazing (best part of the movie) and the atmosphere was great.

Don't go see it for full price. See it on a day where they charge a lower price if you can.

Better yet, just see Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs 500 times.
Total Comments 8


AlexFili's Avatar
I heard a few mixed reviews from this. So disappointing for a Tim Burton film.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 01:19 AM by AlexFili

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Tim Burton produced it. He basically slapped his name on to advertise.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 07:29 AM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
What Kastere said ^ The same confusion was surrounding Coraline, and it irritated the hell out of me as Coraline was much better than any of the Stop Motion films Burton has produced so far.

Yeah, I haven't seen it yet but I could tell from day one is relatively contrived and it would fan out to be a run-of-the-mill CG action flick.

They kept playing up on the whole "this isn't your little brother's animated movie" aspect, but if the only appeal behind it is violence and the word "damn" peppered lightly over the dialogue - then really I think it would impress one's little brother more than it would you.

Everyone was also fawning over the original short film. I saw it and found it to be mediocre at best. So it was kind of creepy, but it wasn't any more or less creepy than all of the other avante garde, CG, senior project films belched out of Visual Arts schools all across the nation.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 10:49 AM by Sekto Springs

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
They never swear. As a matter of fact, Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs got away with 'hellhole'.

The Action and violence IS mature, and I could see some kids getting frightened seeing it, but it was still nothing worse than what they show on your typical Saturday morning fare.

Also, Coraline was a remarkably good film, and got away with a decent amount of scariness and creepiness without resorting to a bunch of shrieking monstrosities.

9 has corpses, though. And you seem them several times in solid detail. Not to mention the monsters built out of human Skeletons.

More than anything, I'd like a figure line made out of the Monsters. The Sock-people have been released, but what I wouldn't give for a model of the big bad.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 11:25 AM by Mac Sirloin

Sekto Springs's Avatar
McFarlane isn't used nearly enough as a toymaker. His movie/videogame toys are the best out there, but it seems he hasn't been churning them out like he used to. Now he mostly does sports figures.

I would kill for some Dead Space figures. I remember he and his team took on Quake, and since the in-game models were so simple (old game) he had alot of room for interpretative sculpting.

He could easily do some awesome 9 figures, as well as some awesome District 9 figures. Unfortunately, it seems he's lost interest in film figures - he hasn't made any good ones since Beowulf.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 01:16 PM by Sekto Springs

Strike Witch's Avatar
Posted 09-20-2009 at 02:48 PM by Strike Witch

Sekto Springs's Avatar
That sucks alot. I guess I'll have to get my fix from Neca, who comes in at close second to Todd.
Posted 09-20-2009 at 03:31 PM by Sekto Springs

AlexFili's Avatar
I second District 9 figures. I'd love to get a Slig action figure too.

Coming back to 9... Why did they use sackboys? Would a lot of people see it is a LBP rip-off?
Posted 09-21-2009 at 12:06 AM by AlexFili


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