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My Twelth Blog: Scribblenauts rules!

Posted 09-13-2009 at 10:34 AM by AlexFili
I've been playing the game for a while now, it's just so awesome!

My first custom level was a T-rex with a top hat and a saddle. I used the mind-control device to let me ride him and kill the zombies

A great surprise is to summon two Maxwell clones and a fake Starite. They will steal the Starite from each other going "yoink!" each time!

The puzzle levels are an interesting set-up of scenarios, most of which are pretty clever. The action sequences are less fun, but are still good in their own way.

I hope some interesting levels are created quite soon.

NOTE: No copyrighted characters are in this game.

PS Here's a funny Slig Scribblenauts picture that someone else created
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Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Wasn't Scribblenauts leaked? Wouldn't that mean you're playing the leaked version?

It just seems like pirating such a unique game is kind of a crummy thing to do.

Slig's neat, though, can it be transferred into the game itself?
Posted 09-13-2009 at 10:39 AM by Mac Sirloin

AlexFili's Avatar
Actually a lot of people already have their games early, due to scattered release dates! Although you're right, piracy is quite a big problem and it needs to be solved in the near future. Digital downloads will hopefully push the pirates out of the market.

Not without rom hacking, but it's still quite a nifty little thing. There are avatars of Samus and Megaman too. I think a lot of people are drawing pictures because they won't be in the game. Here's the thread;
Posted 09-13-2009 at 10:46 AM by AlexFili

Nate's Avatar
You seriously don't need to count your blogs. We can all see how many you've done in your postbit.

Also, I hate you. I'm still more than two weeks off Scribblenauts being released here.
Posted 09-13-2009 at 05:34 PM by Nate

Leto's Avatar
Scribblenauts is the only regret I have for selling my DS.

I sold it a month ago.
Posted 09-13-2009 at 05:59 PM by Leto

AlexFili's Avatar
Sorry Nate, it's a habit that I now have to keep for the sake of appearances.
Posted 09-18-2009 at 03:20 AM by AlexFili


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