A word
Fellow Forumers:
I'd like to apologise for being MIA these past few months. Getting on the internet is problematic in general for me, and reading this forum and posting on it takes time, which I usually don't have. But even though I haven't been able to devote as much time to OWF as I would like, I never forgot why I came here. I still love Oddworld every bit as much as I ever did. I still play the games every so often even though I'd had them for 8 or 9 years, and I never get tired of it, because it's so much more than just a game. It's art, no less, a whole world unto itself that seems so real and beautiful that there's just no alternative to sitting down and wandering around it for a few hours. Even more than that, it's not just something that looks pretty, but also something that really works and makes you think about things in a way that would probably not have occurred to you on your own. If this seems like just another wordy panegyric --- yeah, maybe.
I remember getting a vote on one of the Forum Awards for "Most Dearly Missed," and it kinda struck me at that moment, how much I've been ignoring this place, even though I never officially left, or even intended to leave. My whole point is that I haven't forgotten Oddworld, and neither have I forgotten this forum. And all of youse who haven't either --- Stay odd! I'm not through with you yet!