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Excitment and Panic for me

Posted 09-09-2009 at 04:56 AM by Oddey
Today, I had a spout of anger while playing a game, causing me to flip out and randomly press keys on my laptop. Needless to say, bad idea, as two keys fell off. After searching for them, I found that one was missing the bit to hold onto. overtaken with panic, I searched frantically for it before finally finding it. After a quick examination of the other one, I managed to get it on and stick it back in. The other one used the same thing, however it was slightly off, so I had to spend a few minutes trying desperately to fix that, before getting it right, and sticking that one back in.

I have done this on other keyboards, with no effect, so I did not expect this. Oh well. No harm done it seems.

This is what causes me to panic. I feel stupid now.
Total Comments 2


Wil's Avatar
Did you put them back in the right place?
Posted 09-09-2009 at 06:03 AM by Wil

Oddey's Avatar
Thankfully, yes. I was actually worried I wouldn't. But one of the keys had that little bumpy thing on it.
Posted 09-09-2009 at 06:26 AM by Oddey


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