The futility of effort
Well, my entire past year of work has basically just been made redundant, and my hopes for the future have been rather spectacularly slapped in the face, ridiculed and shot dead.
I have currently got/am on track to get, if not exceed, the required grades for my chosen universities- Im on track for an A* and 2As, possibly 2A*s and an A (I got a C in my 4th subject but through re-sitting I can bump it up to an A). So, all good right? Wrong.
I've been told that applying to 1, maybe 2 of them is practically pointless as even though I comfortably got the grades they wanted, even exceeding for 1 of said 2, I underperformed in a couple of modules-not enough to change my grade yet seems thats irrelevant. Basically I got really great A's but slipped on 1 or 2 units, yet apparently, somebody who theoretically gets worse grades overall would get the spot provided they were consistently-good-but-not-great- apparently consistency is more important now than quality, and its not like Im truly inconsistent as I've always achieved As or above every other exam I've done. Also, apparently the fact that one of my teachers was absent for several of the lessons in the subject I got a C in is also irrelevant. As is the fact I've had serious back pains for over 2 years now, as the doctors couldn't medically find anything wrong.
This is always the way with me. Double standards against me, and as soon as I grab the brass ring, it gets pulled away cause the powers that be change their mind. I achieved what the Unis wanted, I overachieved for 1 of the 2 "lost causes". Yet apparently that's not good enough.
Also my college timetable's been radically changed for no reason without informing me beforehand, causing me to miss a lesson today and now have an utterly shit timetable that leaves me with all of my free periods with nothnig to do and nobody else around who I know. Trivial and possibly correctable but still a kick in the balls.
Still, I've always got another University to go back on. One that isn't nearly as good as the other 2, holds no true appeal to me whatsoever, and leaves my post-Uni ambitions as dead as possible.
And finally-one of my cats is dying. 20 years old, very dear to us and very ill. In the past I even tried praying but that doesn't seem to be enough.
Hooray me.