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Bose... DON'T DO IT!!!

Posted 11-06-2007 at 01:05 PM by Havoc
Okay so lately I've been looking into upgrading the stupid piece of shit equipment my mom once bought from some slick sales guy. Surely you've seen the commercials for Bose sound systems, the 3-2-1 system that claims to create a perfect surround sound by bouncing sounds off the walls. Well that's not the set we're talking about now but it has the same principle.
Seriously, does Bose really believe that pointing a speaker at the wall () makes the sound bounce around like a pool ball and creates perfect surround when done right? Puhlease, you can NOT. I repeat: You can NOT!!!! get perfect surround sound with only 2 speakers bouncing sounds out on the bloody wall!!!
You know what happens when you bounce sound on a wall? It's get muffled. So when the sound reaches your ears it sounds like James Bond just took a large dildo up his ass begging you to please just kill him because he doesn't want to sound that way for a second longer.

So, if any of you kids every want to get a fancy set of speakers for your living room or whatever hear my advice: BOSE SUCKS!!!
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Nate's Avatar
I thought the whole point was that it can compensate for the sound bouncing off the wall and thus cause it to sound sharper rather than having a little echo in there.
Posted 11-06-2007 at 02:16 PM by Nate

Havoc's Avatar
Yea... but it doesn't...
Posted 11-07-2007 at 06:34 AM by Havoc

Hobo's Avatar
Maybe it's not set up right then
Posted 11-07-2007 at 03:04 PM by Hobo

Taco's Avatar
Just get a cheap Logitech 5.1 system like I did. Works fine
Posted 12-05-2009 at 06:22 PM by Taco


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