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Graphics cards.

Posted 07-07-2009 at 07:28 PM by mr.odd
Now that i got my new laptop, i have been looking for some cool games to put on it. sadly almost every game i want needs a good graphics card. i had a hell of a time trying to get Dawn of war soulstorm to work, lucky for me a friend of my dad works for a computer company and was able to get to work(well enough). few of the games i wanted: Fallout 3, Dawn of war 2, and Battle march. all these games need a better graphics then the one i already got. they been going from $100-$500, which i can't afford. i would get a job, but every place i go won't hire at fifteen.

So i'm trying to figure out if i should save up money for one of these cards, or save up for a better laptop. buying a card would take less time, but getting a better gaming laptop might be cheaper in the long run depending if i find a good deal. but it also seems more of waste when i got this one. should i upgrade this one or get a better laptop?
Total Comments 6


Leto's Avatar
unless you have an awesome laptop specifically catered for playing graphics card intensive applications:

don't play games that came out post-2005 on a laptop
Posted 07-07-2009 at 07:50 PM by Leto

Nate's Avatar
What Leto said.

Also, you'll find it difficult to replace the graphics card in a laptop. They're mostly hardwired in to the motherboard.
Posted 07-07-2009 at 09:09 PM by Nate

joshkrz's Avatar
Yes laptops usually have on-board graphics, which are usually quite shit, also games will drain you battery untill it melts.

If you want to play games get a desktop, then you can upgrade when every you want.

Just a bit of advice that might not be relivent unless you get a desktop, go for an Nvidia 8 or 9 series and make sure it is a GS type (GSX and and FX or whatever the others are, sound better but in fact there not). Also make sure it at least has 512Mb Dedicated Video RAM, DDR3 is the best.

The higher the clock speed the better, its mesured in Mhz and apply to both GPU and RAM, my specs for example: 600Mhz GPU 500Mhz RAM, this is overclocked so it runs faster than when it was out the box, you can do this also, but if you set it to high your card basicaly fucks up.

Also make sure your PC eather has a AGP x8 port or a PCI-Express, go for the latter if you want the best performance but AGP isn't bad.

I have an old motherboard so I have to stick with AGP, andI alredy have the best Nvidia card for AGP which isn't that bad but it wouldn't run Fallout 3 too well

Expect to pay about £120 for a decent graphics card (about 230 USD I think), anything below won't run what you need.

You will also need at least 2GB DDR2 RAM and a Dual core processor, these also contribute alot to the performance of the gam along with a 7500RPM (something like that) SATA hard disk. You proberbly don't know what all this is, but if your looking for parts look ou for things like this.
Posted 07-08-2009 at 04:16 AM by joshkrz
Updated 07-08-2009 at 04:24 AM by joshkrz

Havoc's Avatar
Don't game on a laptop... just don't.
Posted 07-08-2009 at 06:03 AM by Havoc

mr.odd's Avatar
Another problem, i can't get a desktop or i would. my dad is using the only avaible space for his computer, which is why we got one for me so i dont use his.
Posted 07-08-2009 at 10:00 AM by mr.odd

joshkrz's Avatar
I wouldn't recomend a laptop for gaming though.

I'm getting rid of my Xbox to get monies for components to buld a gaming PC. PC is by far the best "console".
Posted 07-08-2009 at 10:52 AM by joshkrz


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