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Good news (Dog update)

Posted 06-27-2009 at 05:31 PM by ArtemisPanthar
So the surgery and vet visit went great yesterday. For the most part, the tumor looked much much worse than it really was. It didn't invade bone or any of his teeth (if it did, they would've had to have removed part of his jaw) and was able to removed almost completely. The doctor suspects it may've been something like an epulis (a usually benign tumor of the mouth), but we won't know until the biopsy comes back in a few days. However, his blood work was negative for cancer so the doctor thinks it'll probably be good news.

They did give Dakota a chest X-ray and found some specks in his lungs they didn't like, which we're sending to a radiologist just to be safe (but the doctor was less concerned about them after he removed the tumor). The tumor looked really, really bad in his mouth because it looked like a solid mass whereas once it was out you could see it had a 'mushroom-like' structure, with a thinner base and a wide disc at the top. The base was a godsend, as it made the tumor grow out and away from the teeth and bone. Overall, Dakota was one lucky dog

By the by, if anyone would like to see the dog I've been talking about:

Thanks to any and every one who helped, gave kind words, and/or good thoughts. I can't thank you enough. Dakota has been with us for 7 years and I couldn't stand the thought of losing him. Thanks for letting me advertise and seek sympathy, I rather needed it

Anywho, enough sappiness

(P.S. We borrowed the money for the surgery but I still have to pay it back, so I could still use commissions. More info here:
And don't worry, this will be the last time I advertise here if all goes well. Thanks for bearing with me!)
Total Comments 5


used:)'s Avatar
I'm glad everything went well. I commission you but I'm pretty broke, blah blah blah. Good luck though.
Posted 06-27-2009 at 05:46 PM by used:)

AlexFili's Avatar
Glad it's nothing too serious. Pet fees can be very expensive sometimes.
Posted 06-28-2009 at 05:00 AM by AlexFili

MA's Avatar
your dog reminds me of mine (i dont know why). my previous dog, who was an alsation/whippet cross lived for 17 years, so i would think Dakota has a lot of life left yet.

glad things went well.
Posted 06-28-2009 at 05:38 AM by MA
Updated 06-28-2009 at 06:09 AM by MA

OddjobAbe's Avatar
That's a very nice dog. I'm glad the operation went well.
Posted 06-28-2009 at 08:06 AM by OddjobAbe

Wil's Avatar
I’m very happy for you, Dakota, and his loved ones.
Posted 06-28-2009 at 10:27 AM by Wil


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