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And Then We Were Blessed with Doom

Posted 11-02-2007 at 01:43 PM by OddjobAbe
If you're religious, you may say that Doom, DOOM, DooM (whatever you want to call it) is a sign that God wants us to be happy.

If you're not religious, you're more likely to just say, 'Doom is fucking awesome'.

I got playing the ol' 90's PC version of Doom again the other day, and I have to say, I pretty much enjoyed the whole damn thing. It's now I appreciate it, as without Doom, there'd be no Halo or anything like that today. It would be unfair to say that Doom was the first first-person shooter, but it was undoubtedly the most influencial. And then there was that music. Pure excellence.

I remember the old Windows 95 advertisement - Bill Gates was in Doom (as Doom was a game made to be compatible on DOS with Windows 95). I still find that pretty much amusing today.

I always loved the little face at the bottom at the screen that represented your character's health. He always looked suspicous of things (he'd raise one eybrow while looking curiously to the left or right). You'd have to download the shareware version to understand. Either that, or download onto your XBox 360, Nintendo Wii or whatever, though try and get a pre-owned copy and run it on a 95 DOS emulator (or download an illegal free version from a torrent or something) for full experience.

The point of this post? I don't know. Just something for me to talk about when I get home from work.

Now. Screw off and play Doom instead of reading all this old bollocks that the strange man sitting at a computer has written.
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Mac Sirloin's Avatar
I bought Doom for the SNES the other day.

Still can't figure out where my socks have been blown off to.
Posted 11-03-2007 at 05:33 PM by Mac Sirloin

scrab queen's Avatar
YESH. ALL HAIL TEH UBER L337 Cyber demon! The only version of the original Doom I have is the bonus on the Doom3 disk. It probably scared me more than the pretty 3d one. Especially when you couldn't hear the enemy. You would be running along the wall, looking for secrets, when you hear that rawr, but it's too late, the invisible pinky demon already got you.
Posted 11-03-2007 at 11:16 PM by scrab queen


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