Last September I had seen a Children of Bodom concert. It was pretty kick ass. Afterwards, I mutilated my body by getting a few facial piercings: 2 eyebrow, 1 lip.
Okay, there's nothing too bad about that. Hardly hurt getting them. They healed up almost immediately and I had yet to have a problem... until about a week ago. Some dipshit wasn't paying attention to where they were going during passing period.
I look up momentarily, only to see a body headed staight for me. Obviously I had no time to react or I would have said something/pushed him to the side to avoid being hit. However, instead of just running into me, he jerked towards me, and his binder smashed my face into the wall. The side with the piercings. One of the balls on eyebrow piercing closest to the wall fell off, and the other one was just a little torn. Doesn't sound very bad, hut it still hurt.
My first reaction to this is to turn and hit. So I did. Unfortunately, a hall monitor saw me and ran after me. The guy turned to me and apologized for smashing me into the wall. Just as I was about to say, "It's fine, just watch out next time", the hall monitor fucking tackles me to the ground, ripping out my lip ring, which then proceded to fall through a drain. Now, my eyebrow is drenched in blood, as well as my lip, and to make everything even better, the wire in my braces broke and ripped me a new one.
At this point I'm just glad I have high pain tolerance. The hall monitor rips me off the floor and starts yelling at me for fighting. The other guy had already fled "the scene of the crime". I tell her (the hall monitor) that it was just a small issue that had already been resolved. She just kept yelling and yelling and yelling. Then, I interupt her and tell her that I really need to get to class. Her response was: "WELL, YOU SHOULD HAVE THOUGHT OF THAT BEFORE YOU ATTEMPTED TO BEAT UP THAT POOR DEFENSELESS BOY."
I began laughing and walked away from her, only for her to snag my wrist and drag me to the dean's office. Now, I had to explain the whole situation to the dean's, all in the meantime wiping off the blood dripping from my mouth. My eyebrow had already clotted up, so no big deal. What pissed me off the most was the fact that I was injured, and no body even thought twice about sending me to the nurses office. In the end, I was RPC'd, and I have a nice little infection in my eyebrow now. It ended up keloiding, and now it looks horrendous. FML.
On the upside, I wasn't expelled.