
  Oddworld Forums > Blogs > Intern Queen

SEE! Marvak's deathly stare pierce your heart!
HEAR! Her short temper in effect from miles away!
FEEL! The burning caress of her shoe across your soft flesh!
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And so, the Inspiration Train comes to a horrible, gory, blood-bathed crash.

Posted 10-18-2007 at 12:19 AM by Marvak
Yup. When I was cleaning out my computer of unwanted files, I accidentally 'cleaned-out' my very large and important Face Off page.
Oh, joooooy. -_-
Total Comments 4


Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Can't you just copy and paste what you already have on OWF?

Or maybe they're in the recycle bin.

Marvak: I'm afraid what I meant my that is that I had deleted them. They are no more. Nil. Nothing. Nada. They have gone into the great database of Peace, where they can never return.
Posted 10-18-2007 at 03:40 AM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 10-19-2007 at 02:55 AM by Marvak

Zozo the Zrilufet's Avatar
What Kastere said. Nuuuuuuuu, poor you and Cal and everyone.
Posted 10-18-2007 at 10:03 AM by Zozo the Zrilufet

Mac Sirloin's Avatar
Are you SURE thery aren't in the recycle bin?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Posted 10-20-2007 at 04:23 PM by Mac Sirloin
Updated 10-21-2007 at 04:05 PM by Marvak

Laser's Avatar
right click on the file and go to propeties then recent versions of this file and voila!
Posted 10-21-2007 at 07:17 AM by Laser


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