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Wings of Fire had spectacular night on Pilot with cheerleaders!

Posted 03-12-2009 at 04:08 PM by Wings of Fire
Updated 03-12-2009 at 04:15 PM by Wings of Fire
Maybe I should do more blog titles in headline style? :P

I was in that and it was awesome. It was us (The Glasgow Knights) versus a team of fifty cheerleaders (The Scottish Rockettes), the quiz was a nobrainer lark, not only were questions answered by taking the mean or mode of the whole teams answers but the questions were about random off the wall things that you'd either of never heard about or the host was actually about to do.

We started by losing to the cheerleaders (How embarrassing D: ) but quickly pulled it back around question 5 and by question 10 we were leading 3000 points to 1600, and the last question was worth 1000 points, 2000 if the answer was perfect.

For the last question they bought a crack team of BMX tricksters into the studio and they performed a load of stunts, the host then said that one of them was going to try for the world record in a bike high jump right there and then and we all had to input the last height we thought he'd reach (Naturally we weren't told the current world record).

I was epically awesome here, as I whispered to everyone around me that he couldn't possibly go over 125cm and the whisper spread around, I put 120 in and then sat down to enjoy the show, lots of cheering, lots of yelling and he cleared up to 120 pretty easily. Then the host said he was now trying for over the world record; 122.5.

He failed on both attempts, meaning the last one he got to was 120 then the host told us what our averages were.

The Rockettes needed a perfect and for us to be wrong to win, so the host first told them that they were correct, but, their team average was....118.

Then he came to us, congratulated us for winning and told us....our team average was exactly 120 .

Final Score? 2600-5000

We were screaming and cheering and clapping for at least quarter of an hour, we won £1000 for our society which will be used on buying a portable forge and reducing the costs of our camp this summer and we ended the night in the student bar singing 'DON'T STOP BELIEVING' at the tops of our voices, I stumbled home around 1 and spent the next fourteen hours asleep, after my previous sixty hours of insomnia.

Oh and I finished that eassay seconds before it was due in too, and I managed to find a clean pair of pants behind my bed .

Crowning day of Win!
Total Comments 4


Nate's Avatar
Clean pants! Awesome!
Posted 03-12-2009 at 04:11 PM by Nate

Wil's Avatar
Sounds euphoric.
Posted 03-12-2009 at 05:04 PM by Wil

Pilot's Avatar
Ha ha ha, hee hee, ho ho. You wish.

Seriously though, Great that you had a blast. Good call on the jump!
Posted 03-12-2009 at 06:28 PM by Pilot

Wings of Fire's Avatar
Hillariously I also guessed right on our total weight before the options were even given, I whispered to a friend 'There's fifty of us and the weight of every person is probably between ten stone for the geeks, me and the girls and fourteen for the other geeks and the rest of the manly men so 12x50=600'

Oddly enough option D was exactly 600, and despite my arguing that 600 was as likely as any other number most people chose 564. I was one of only three people to get it right.

We still won though, because EVERY SINGLE CHEERLEADER thought they weighed more than they actually did.
Posted 03-12-2009 at 06:39 PM by Wings of Fire


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