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07-31-2001, 02:49 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)
'Black and White'

Here's the intro to my lastest fic. Please bear with me as this is the first time I am doing a whole fic in first person. And yes this is from Spider's PoV *grin*


I watched the other village residences go ‘bout their daily routines and sighed. So much has changed in my life. Jus’ over a year ago I was still in the labs…tryin’ ter escape. Now…I have a new home, new friends, a new life and a pack of my very own. Still…I didn’t get like this without some hardship and unexpected surprises, which is normal I think. There are still some sligs here that wouldn’t go near me…because of what I am and what I have done in the past, but I don’t let that bother me anymore. I know that no matter where I go…there will be people like that. I have plenty of friends now, some ordinary (if there is such a word…), others…how should I describe it?…unusual I guess.
There’s Hak…the biggest frackin’ Big Bro I have ever seen. Fortunately he’s a pretty mild mattered guy, only fights if he has ter. We have spared a couple of times…jus’ fer fun and in doin’ so gained great respect fer each other. I shudder that the thought of how devastating it would be if we ever got really mad at each other and squared off; everyone would keep a wide berth that’s fer sure.
Bea…her I owe a lot ter. If it wasn’t fer her, I probably would have killed myself long ago, back before me and Nerik were reunited. Don’ know how old she is…and she ain’t tellin’ either. Wise old mud she is, her wisdom has kept many from goin’ off the deep end I heard. I never seen her mad, don’t think I want ter either….
Dragadon…didn’t really get ter know her until after Nerik died two weeks ago. It’s was weird…findin’ out that one of the most powerful creatures on Oddworld is yer half-sister. Now that we know what we mean ter each other, she and I have kept more in touch. Sometimes I feel like she’s been keepin’ watch over me…as if ter make sure I stay outta trouble…well she did say dragons take care of their own….
Xar…we’re not exactly friends, more like we came ter an ‘agreement’ with each other; I don’t bother him unless I need his ‘services’ and he don’t bother me until such time. Frankly I wonder how his patients don’t all have hearin’ problems as loud as he is. The nickname ‘Foggy’ suites him….
Drek…another old-timer here. Poor guy has been through a lot from what I heard, ‘specially in recent times. He’s a good leader, I jus’ feel he lacks confidence in himself at times….
Ishtar…now she’s an interestin’ character…what did she say she was? A Godling… that’s it. She wouldn’t give me anymore details though other then ter not get on her bad side…and from the magic I seen her der I don’t want ter either…Can go from bein’ pleasant ter downright nasty at a moments notice. I usually don’t see her much here, normally jus’ ‘pops’ in lookin’ fer one of her kids…usually Jai’ana. How in Oddworld Hak managed ter win her heart I will never know….
Jai’ana…she’s a firecracker in the most literal sense. Her temper is shorter then her mothers, and many have ter dodge incomin’ fireballs(myself included) due ter it. I think she had a crush on every guy slig in this village at some point I think…save fer me…oh well…she seems ter have settled fer Skan at the moment, not sure how long that will last….
Then there are my pack mates, all of whom I have raised on my own.
Tok, despite bein’ a victim of abuse fer a short time, is turnin’ out ter be a great fighter and leader type. Does tend ter jump the gun from time ter time though.
Bas is the laid back one, tends ter stay out of trouble, but he jumps in if one of us is in trouble. Acts as our field medic when any of us gets hurt.
Ner; the jumpy one. How a kid like him could get into mechanics is beyond me. He’s good though and getting’ better all the time, even with the occasional malfunctions and explosions.
Rik…sometimes I wonder if he is really jus’ a much younger version of Nerik as stubborn as he is. Fortunately he knows when it is wise ter quit. He was the one I gave Nerik’s whip ter, he was ecstatic when I told him that I felt he was the one who could utilize it the most.

I had never thought I would end up with so many friends and things where lookin’ up fer me. Little did I know…that within a short months time I would be goin’ through the most tryin’ time of my life…

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07-31-2001, 03:46 PM
Molluck's Avatar
Howler Punk
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Just joking its brilliant and award winning... er.... carry on draggy

[ July 31, 2001: Message edited by: molluck ]
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07-31-2001, 06:03 PM
Osiris The Fleech
Super Stingbee
: Apr 2001
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Osiris The Fleech  (12)

That's really good Dragadon. Wasn't Grid's second fic gonna be named something like that? He probably will never read this topic anyway. hmmm. Carry on.
No spamming club member

Zorak: You don't want me to play ya to the desk?

Spaceghost: When have we done that??!! We've never done it that way!! And if you think you're getting sympathy from the shark, well, then you're wrong!

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07-31-2001, 07:32 PM
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Black Dragon
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Very good, Drag. Keep it up!
-Black Dragon

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08-01-2001, 02:21 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Yeah Grid's next fic is going to be called that. If I come up with a better title I'll rename it. Anyway heres the first Chap.

Chapter 1

I stretched as I awakened, I didn’t want ter wake up…but I knew I should since I have patrol duty tonight. I laid there awhile, thinkin’ the things Nerik told me before he died were still fresh in my mind. All the things he told me surprised me, ‘specially the bit ‘bout me bein’ fertile. Since then I have been lookin’ at things a little differently and payin’ more attention ter the emotions I felt. Lately I have been feelin’ a dull ache…no more like a yearnin’. I ‘specially feel it when I see a couple doin’ their ‘mooshie’ stuff. At first I didn’t know what it was…so I asked Drag one day. She told me that it was most likely the urge ter find a mate and that it was a natural thing. I had then asked her where I would find a ‘mate’ and she chuckled as she said:
“Don’t be so eager my kin, for if you are too eager your heart my end up broken. The right girl you don’t have to search for. Instead, when the Gods deem the time right, you will find each other. Remember though; love is not something that always ‘just happens’ for sometimes it must be developed. Try to not to let your emotions completely overwhelm you and remember that things are not always what they seem to be.”
Basically she was sayin’ I have ter be patient. It’s hard though, ‘specially since this urge is getting’ stronger every day.
I shook myself off, shaking out those thoughts out of my head. But I knew it was only temporary and that they would be back. I forced myself up, put my pants on, and headed outside.

I wandered through the village, rather aimlessly. I was bored and my shift fer patrol duty wasn’t fer a few more hours. I paused when I heard laughter. I listened a moment and recognized it ter be Skan. Most likely he was being tickled ter near death by Jai’ana again. I felt that urge flare up again and I quickly moved away until I couldn’t hear them anymore. Despite Drag’s warning I was startin’ ter get desperate ter find a mate of my own. But females were rare and changes of me findin’ one that was ‘available’ was slim.
I leaned up against one of the posts in the village center and my mind started ter wander again. I started wonderin’ what the ‘right’ girl fer me would look like.
“Lean on that post anymore and you’ll break it.” A familiar female voice said behind me. I jumped what felt like 4 feet into the air. I whirled ‘round ter see Ishtar laughin’ at me.
“What is it with yer and Drag? Yer both always manage ter startle me.” I said a bit annoyed.
“Well normally I would have to use my magic to keep you from detecting me…” Ishtar smirked, “but this time you were so deep in thought all I had to do was walk up behind you.”
“Feh…funny. So I have a lot on my mind right now.”
“Hmm..” Ishtar had a mischievous look on her face, “Something about your unexpected fertility and finding a mate I take it”
I felt the heat raise up ter my cheeks as I turned red. “Ishtar…I wish yer wouldn’t read people’s minds without permission…”
“Sorry…” Ishtar grinned, “I take it you have some questions about it.”
I turned even redder, “Well Drag filled me in on some things…but…um…how der yer know yer in love?”
“That emotion my friend, is one of the most difficult emotions to describe…even for me. All I can really tell you is that you know it when you feel it.”
“Oh…what ‘bout….” I didn’t get ter finish my question, fer Dragadon suddenly landed in the village center; barely avoicin’ squishin’ anyone. She looked beat, as if she jus’ flew ‘round the whole planet on one go.
“Drag whats up?” Ishtar asked concerned, “You look like you just been chased by a battalion of Dragon Slayers.”
I notice Dragadon’s sneer at the comment. “I wish it was just that….” She said.
“What’s wrong?” I asked.
“I was flying patrol when I saw smoke on the horizon. I flew to the location and saw that the nearby village to the east was wiped out! Completely obliterated with virtually no trace of it left!”
Both mine and Ishtar’s mouths fell open in shock…

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08-02-2001, 05:34 PM
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Wolvark Sloghandler
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wouldn't worry. grid'll probably never finish his first. do you know he said right at the start that he was definately going to write, and i quote, "a 7-part epic, along with 2 prequels"?! *ahem* well, quite...

Guns don't kill people, People kill people! Using Guns.

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08-04-2001, 12:49 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

heres the next chap.

Chapter 2

"A whole village...jus' like that!?" I said, not quite believing what Dragadon jus' told us.
"I didn't think the Cartel had the ability to wipe out a village like that..." Ishtar said.
"From what I can tell...it wasn't the Cartel." Dragadon said worriedly.
"Then who or what?"
"My magic abilities may be very limited, but I could feel magic all over that place...dark magic to be precise."
Ishtar started pacing then, mumbling in some language I couldn't understand. I could tell she was worried 'bout this and maybe even a little frightened.
"Show me this village Dragadon. I need to see this for myself." Ishtar finally said as she transformed into a white dragon, startlin' me.
"As you wish Ishtar." Dragadon nodded and took ter the air, Ishtar followin'.
I watched them disappear over the horizon. I was a little unsettled by this. If this got someone as powerful as Ishtar worried...it has ter be bad....

By nightfall, Dragadon and Ishtar still haven't returned and I was hopin' nothin' bad had happened ter them. I had told Bea and Drek 'bout what I heard and they both said that until they return...we wouldn't know what we were up against. Drek decided ter increase patrols ter be on the safe side...which I didn't blame him.
I walked along on my patrol route, happily wakin' up any loafers along the way. The other sligs hated it when I did that...and I always told them that it was better fer me ter wake them up then fer them ter end up not wakin' up at all.
A paused at a clearin' and looked up at the stars. They were beautiful tonight. I remember both Drag and Ishtar tellin' me that there were many other worlds like Oddworld out there, most populated by other sentient beings. I could only wonder what those beings looked like. My thoughts went back ter the mate bit again and that urge flared up again. I sighed...I wish I had a girl I could sure this with and ter chase away this urge....
My thoughts were broken when the sound of a twig breakin' reached my ears. I immediately ducked into the shadows and sniffed the air, tryin' ter determinin' who it was before I made my presence known. I caught a faint scent, but it wasn't like anything I smelled before. Weary, I waited fer the owner ter come in sight.
I saw a small figure step out and stop. It was slightly shorter then Ishtar and had a similar body shape, but that was all I could see, even with my night vision.
"Who ever you are..." a femine voice said, soundin' annoyed, "You better show yourself before I get nasty."
"Brave words fer someone so short." I replied, "Who are yer?...and what's yer business here?"
"Who am I and what I'm doing is none of your dam business!"
"I'm makin' it my business." I said as I stepped out, "So yer best tell me before I get nasty."
"Well now...I have never seen anything like you before." she said, soundin' a bit surprised. "How interesting." She stepped out then, and my eyes when wide with shock....

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08-04-2001, 02:37 AM
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Capri Ream
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If there isn't choclate in Heaven, I AIN'T GOING!

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08-04-2001, 10:01 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

Chapter 3

Standin’ before me was a being that I have never seen before. Her body looked very similar to Ishtar’s main form, which resembled a muds, only with claws instead of nails on the tips of her fingers. She had a 2 foot long tail, which looked very flexible. Her head resembled a sligs, only she had only 3 face tentacles and three fins on her head, one on each side jus’ behind the eyes and one on the top of her head. Her skin was light blue and her eyes were lavender.
She was…beautiful and I felt strange jus’ lookin’ at her. I can’t really describe it…I jus’ know that my heart is goin’ a mile a minute and I feel a bit light headed.
“Do you like what you are looking at?” she said suddenly, soundin’ a bit annoyed.
“Uh…” I muttered as I snapped myself back ter my senses, “I…I’m sorry…I jus’ never seen such a beautiful…I mean never seen someone like yer before.” I blushed slightly and hoped she didn’t notice.
“How cute…” she purred. She noticed…dam. “a big strong guy like you getting all weak kneed at the mere sight of a pretty face.” She walked up ter me then and dragged the claws of one hand lightly across my chest. I gasped and shuddered uncontrollably at the sensation I felt; no one had ever touched me like that before.
“Ooo you liked that didn’t you?” she cooed.
I could only nod in response.
“Well…” she said with a smile, “I’d love to stay and chat with you a bit….but I got places to go and people to see..” She turned and started ter walk away then and I felt a sense of panic. I…I jus’ couldn’t jus’ let her walk away….
“Wait!” I cried as I ran up beside her, “Where are yer goin’? Maybe I could escort yer there.”
“How noble…but I can take care of myself. Besides, I don’t even know you.” She said coolly, still walkin’.
“Spider…my name’s Spider.” I quickly said, “Can yer at least tell me yer name…and if I will see yer again?”
She stopped suddenly and turned toward me, a smile on her face.
“Neph is my name.” She said, “And will you be around this area tomorrow night?”
“Uh…” I thought a moment, “Ya I have patrol tomorrow at this time, I’ll be here.”
“Good…I’ll see you tomorrow then.” She smiled again and ran off, disappearin’ into the night. I jus’ stood there fer a few minutes, takin’ in what jus’ happened. Then a let out a short joy filled howl and pranced ‘bout the best I could in my pants. Never before I have felt so happy and excited. I have jus’ meet a girl, the prettiest thing I have ever seen, and she was willin’ ter see me again….

Later that night, after I finished my shift, I dreamt of her. I felt so happy in it and I remember Drag tellin’ me that with dragons, dreams have a meanin’. But I was so focused on ‘her’ in the dream…that I didn’ see the storm on the horizon….

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08-04-2001, 10:19 PM
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Outlaw Mortar
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Alector  (58)

Dragadon, you're the fanficwriter!!! those are amazing!

Oº°'´¨`·–l[ (¯`'·.,¸·´¯`·*> <*·´¯`·¸,.·'´¯) ]l–·´¨`'°ºO

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08-04-2001, 10:37 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
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Sl'askia  (10)

thankie Alector. Theres a bunch more in the works. AFter this one is 'Snap and Departure', 'Shriek', 'The Return'(temp title), and 'Prophecy'.

I also have another 'Chronicals' section in the works called 'Kin'.

*realizes the work she has ahead of her and faints.*

Spider: *shaking his head* yer work ter hard Drag....

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08-04-2001, 11:59 PM
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Outlaw Mortar
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Alector  (58)

Yeah! I really love your fanfics, they are exciting and cool! i'm curious about the next! I'm workingon a fanfic, but i think that i have a lot of spelling mistakes in it (or problems with the grammar).

And i hope you'll like it!
P.S.:keep up the good work and never stop to write those amazing fics!

Oº°'´¨`·–l[ (¯`'·.,¸·´¯`·*> <*·´¯`·¸,.·'´¯) ]l–·´¨`'°ºO

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08-05-2001, 02:12 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

'Snap and Departure'? *grin* you will have to wait and see...

Spider: I hate it when she grins like that....

oh quiet...anyway heres the next chap.

Chapter 4

The next morin’ I was awakened by someone poundin’ on my door.
“What der yer want!?” I yelled, annoyed at bein’ woken up so early.
“Spider,” it was Tok, “Dragadon and Ishtar are back. And they requested fer everyone ter meet them in the village center ASAP.” I heard Tok said.
I sighed and got up, now we will find out what happened ter that village.
“Alright I’m comin’” I called out as I put my pants on. I stepped out and greeted my pack mate and we walked ter the village center together.

The village center was crowded with everyone in the village there. I felt like I was wadin’ through waist high green sludge or somethin’. I was sure Hak felt the same way, but at least we both have the best views. Ishtar was sitting in the center of the crown, on top of Drag’s head. Drag looked very tired and looked like she needed ter sleep fer a decade or so. After waitin’ a few minutes, Ishtar cleared her throat and got everyones attention.
“I am sure by now all of you know about the sudden destruction of a nearby village.” She said. After seeing a bunch of nods, she continued, “I investigated the site and found that there was no way the Cartel could have done this.”
There was a sigh of relief from the crowd.
“Don’t think for one moment you can relax!” Ishtar snapped, “What destroyed that village is far more dangerous then all of the Cartels armies combined!”
I heard gasps of shock and disbelief ‘round me.
“How can that possiblely be?” I heard someone ask.
“The one responsible is one of my kind…only from the dark side, but that is all I could make out. I also could not tell where this creep is heading next, suggesting that this one is either of equal or greater strength to me.”
“And that means?” someone else asked.
“It means…that if he or she comes here…I might not be able to hold him or her off….” She replied, a note of worry in her voice.
“Wh…what can we der then?”
“Until I can figure out who it is and how powerful he or she is…there is little we can do. I the mean time, I would highly suggest increasing the patrols and if anyone sees or hears someone or something suspicious, you are to inform me at once!”
We all nodded in understanding.
“If you can’t find me…get in touch with either, Hak, Jai’ana, Sketh, or Dragadon. They’ll be able to contact me.”
We all nodded again and dispersed. This didn’ sound good at all, if Ishtar can’t hold back who ever it is…who can?

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08-05-2001, 04:54 PM
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Outlaw Mortar
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Alector  (58)

Very good, Dragadon! *clap*
I wish that my fanfic will be so good. Your fics are great, i love them!

Oº°'´¨`·–l[ (¯`'·.,¸·´¯`·*> <*·´¯`·¸,.·'´¯) ]l–·´¨`'°ºO

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08-06-2001, 02:34 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
: No I am not telling you so :P
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Sl'askia  (10)

here's the next installment

Chapter 5

That night on patrol I walked my usual route. What Ishtar said earlier today was still fresh in my mind and it worried me. How would we defend ourselves if this creep came here?
“You look deep in thought tonight.” Someone said behind me. I jumped and whirled ‘round ter see Neph leanin’ up against a tree. Drat…with all the commotion ‘bout the destroyed village goin’ ‘round I had forgotten I was supposed ter meet her. “Jumpy to.” She laughed as she walked up ter me. “Why so jumpy?”
“Eh…sorry, there’s somethin’ goin’ on nearby and we not sure what we can der ‘bout it.” I said, a bit nervous. I felt that weird feelin’ again and I suddenly forgot all of my worries ‘bout the destroyed village.
“Oh really?” Neph said as she dragged her claws across my chest, makin’ me shudder, “Care to tell me what’s it about?”
Seein’ no harm in it and feelin’ I should warn her ‘bout it, I told her ‘bout the village and what Ishtar had found out. She seemed rather interested in my village and Ishtar in particular. I don’ know why it didn’ strike me as odd that she wanted ter know so much ‘bout Ishtar and the village, I guess it was due ter my current state of mind. I had an awfully loose tongue tonight, but I didn’t care. I jus’ wanted ter satisfy her, so I kept answerin’ her questions ter the best of my knowledge. It was awhile before I realized it was late and I should’ve been back in the village over an hour ago.
“Oh crap.” I said.
“What? What’s wrong?” Neph asked, lookin’ at me with a puzzled look.
“I have ter get back…I’m late.”
“Ah pooey…when can I see you again?”
“Um…I have a day off in a couple of days…provided Drek doesn’t cancel it der ter the possible threat nearby.”
“I’m sure he won’t.” She suddenly reached up and pulled my head down closer ter her. Then with a smile she kissed me, right on the lips. I recoiled slightly in surprise but held it. The sensation I was feelin’ was absolute bliss and I didn’ want this moment ter end. But it did, she released me and said softly:
“I’ll see you in a couple of days then.”
“O…k..” was all I could say as I stood their dumbly, breathin’ heavily. She then ran off, disappearin’ like she did the night before. It took me a moment ter snap back ter my senses and head back…

Now tell me...do any of you 'trust' Neph? hmmm? *grin*

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08-06-2001, 09:44 PM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

lookie lookie! two chaps in one day! whee!

Spider: she's lost it....

Chapter 6

Jus' as I entered the village, Ishtar appeared in front of me, startlin' me.
"There yer go again with the scare..." I stopped my compliant short when I saw the look on her face. I was in trouble...cripes.
"Where were you?" She asked with a slight growl in her voice, "You are two hours late."
"I...uh..." I was 'bout ter tell her 'bout Neph, but suddenly somethin' told me ter avoid tellin' her if at all possible, "Got a little sidetracked and lost track of time." I said.
Ishtar gave me an odd look, "How so?" she asked.
"Well...um...I had noticed how beautiful the stars looked and I stopped ter look at them fer a while." It was a terrible lie, but it was all I could come up with. I hoped it worked.
"Really?" Ishtar said cockin' her head sideways, "Why don't I believe that?" Dam!
She glared at me more and I shifted uncomfortablely. The last thing I wanted was ter get on Ishtar's bad side and the way things were goin' at the moment that is right where I was headed.
"You are hiding something Spider. What is it?" she demanded.
"I'm not hidin' anything!" I said, backin' away.
"That's not what your body language is telling me." Ishtar suddenly reached up, grabbed me by the face tentacles, and pulled my head down ter her level. I knew what she was 'bout ter der and I suddenly knocked her off me, sendin' her ter the ground flat on her back. I don' know what came over me when I did that....
"Dang it Ish!" I said annoyed, "There are some things people don' wantrevealed, 'specially by noisy mind readers!"
Ishtar looked up at me surprised for a moment, surprised by my actions as much I as was. Then with and angry growl she jumped up and knocked me off my feet with a magic blast.
"During times like this NO secrets should be kept hidden!" she said as she jumped onto my back, "Now stay still!"
I wasn't 'bout ter stay still. With a growl I reared up suddenly, throwin' Ishtar off. She looked at me again in surprise as I slipped out of my pants and arched my back, growling at her. We circled each other; Ishtar sneerin' and me growlin' and hissin' like a feral cat. The rage I felt was intense and unexpected; I don' know why I was actin' this way, as I normally don' get angry this quick. I knew in the back of my mind that Ishtar could jus' snuff out my life with jus' a wave of her hand if she really wanted ter, but that wasn't registerin' ter me at that moment.
"Fine then." Ishtar snorted after what seemed like an eternity, "Keep your secret, but I will find out what it is soon enough...you'll see." She then jus' disappeared into thin air.
All at once that rage I felt lifted and I shook my head, snapping myself back ter my senses.
Jus' why did I react like that? It wasn't like me ter get aggressive over something like that. I realized jus' how tired I was, so I reclaimed my pants and headed back ter my hut.

I didn't notice the dark figure standin' on top of a nearby hut, grinnin' evilly...

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08-07-2001, 02:33 AM
Sl'askia's Avatar
Outlaw Bomber
: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

oooo 3 chaps in one day! haven't done that in a long time!

Oh and would you believe there are only 2 more chaps after this one? Just to warn you...the last chap is rather shocking...hmmm? why do I say that? *taps nose* you will just have to wait and see. *grin*

Chapter 7

The next two days were the slowest days in my life. This was due ter the anxiety of seein' Neph again and havin' ter constantly keep an eye out fer Ishtar, ter make sure she didn' try ter read my mind without me knowin'. I knew it was only a matter of time before Ishtar confronted me again....
Fortunately Drek saw no reason ter cancel my day off. So, the mornin' of, I grabbed a blanket and a few food items and set out. Ter my surprise (and relief) it wasn't Ishtar that stopped me at the village edge, but Dragadon.
"I see you are set to enjoy your day off my kin." she said.
"You bet ya. I need it." I said.
"Considering the all the tension going on right now I think we 'all' need a day." she chuckled.
"Some more then others." I laughed. My laugh turned into a growl when I said, "Jus' wish Ishtar would get off my case...."
"Oh?" Dragadon raised a brow at that, "I have noticed you two seemed to be at odds the last couple of days. Care to tell me what that is about?"
"Feh...she keeps tryin' ter find out somethin' personal from me and it ain’t any of her dam business!"
"She has her reasons my kin. She is only concerned for your safety and everyone else’s, besides...I seriously doubt she would have told anyone if it was intend that private."
"Perhaps, but I'd rather not take that chance."
"Your choice." Dragadon shrugged, "You be careful now my kin and remember...things are not always what they seem to be."
"I will Drag. Thanks." I said as I walked off.

A little while later I was at the spot where I had meet Neph the two previous times. I didn't see her so I waited. After a while of waitin' I started ter get worried. Was I in the right place? Did she forget?
"Ah you made it." I heard her say behind me, makin' me jump.
"Jeez...first Drag and Ishtar, now yer." I said as I turned 'round. She jus' giggled and kissed me lightly. I rumbled in response and nuzzled her cheek.
"My...an affectionate big guy aren't you?" she giggled, "You do have the whole day to yourself right?"
"Uh huh" I said as I stared into those beautiful lavender eyes of hers.
"Good. Follow me." she said as she suddenly turned and walked off. I quite happily followed.

She lead me to a small meadow. It was beautiful, all the flowers were in bloom.
"Beautiful aint it?" she asked.
"Not as beautiful as yer." I replied with a soft rumble.
"Flirt." She laughed, "Come on, we can set that blanket you brought over there."
We did and we had a nice little picnic. We chased each other 'round the meadow, tried ter make out what the clouds looked like, and generally jus' enjoyed each others company. It was the best day of my life, but it couldn't compare with what happened after the sun had set.
It started out with us jus' holdin' each other while layin' on the blanket lookin' up at the night sky. Then came the kissin' and caressin' and then...well...yer can guess what happened after that....
Afterwards I was exhausted and drained, but it was worth every second.
"Sorry, but I have to go." Neph said suddenly, gettin' up.
"Aaawww." I moaned, I didn' want her ter leave...I didn' want this night ter end.
"Don't worry, I'll see you again." she said softly as she kissed me. I rumbled happily and she ran off, disappearin' as always into the forest.
I figured there was no reason ter stay out here any longer, so I packed up and headed home. If I was able ter I would have skipped all the back as happily as I felt.

As I neared the village I spotted one of the sligs that was on patrol slumpin' up against a tree. Figurin' he was takin' a snooze and poked him ter wake him up. To my surprise he fell over...stiff as a log. Somethin' was very wrong. I bent down ter get a closer look and recoiled in shock. This slig was not only dead...but it looked like all the fluids in his body were drained out of him, leavin' nothin' but a dry husk; his face contorted into a expression of pure terror....

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08-07-2001, 04:06 AM
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General Drippik
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I would read it but I can't. I'd never find the time. According to other people it's brilliant so keep it up!
- Drippik

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08-07-2001, 02:25 PM
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: Apr 2001
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Sl'askia  (10)

heres the last two chaps, and the shocking conclusion! *goes to hide*

Chapter 8

I stared at the dead slig a moment, not believin’ what I was seein’. Who or what could’ve have done this? I realized I had ter inform Ishtar on this and I ran ter find her. Fortunately she was in the village center and I skidded ter a halt in front of her.
“Whoa Spider…what got you spooked?” Ishtar asked, surprised.
“There is somethin’ yer got ter see and I think it has ter der with that village.” I said.
“Lead the way then.” Ishtar said, suddenly interested.
I told her to the body and a look of terror appeared on her face.
“Oh no….” I heard her mutter, “This is far worse then I thought.”
“What did this?” I asked.
“I will explain, but I need everyone in the center ASAP!”
“I’ll see ter it!” I said and I ran off ter start knockin’ on doors.

After a lot of runnin’ and knockin’ I managed ter get everyone ter the center. Ishtar was pacin’, lookin’ very worried and scared.
“I got everyone Ish.” I said as I walked up ter her.
“Good.” She said as she turned toward the crowd and cleared her throat, “The situation is much worse then I previously thought.” She said ter the crowd, “The being that is threatening this village is not of the dark side of my kind, but rather something much worse.”
“How can something be worse then one of you?” a mud asked.
“I’ll explain: As you know there are two types of my kind; the light side, which is what I’m of, and the dark side. Now normally these two sides don’t go mixing blood with each other so to speak. It occasionally does happen though and the result is a sadistic, vampire-like creature we call Myrikons. Their sole purpose…is to drain the life essence of their victims: mortal and immortal alike, to enhance their power. I am now positive…that it is a Myrikon that destroyed that village and is now stalking ours.”
There were gasps of surprise and fear in the crowd, I myself shifted uneasily.
“Can yer stop it Ishtar?” I asked.
“I…I don’t know.” Ishtar said hangin’ her head, “I do know it is at least of equal strength to me, but since it is capable of using both light and dark magic I am at a disadvantage.”
“What can we do then?” someone asked.
“I will seek the aid of the more powerful members of my kind. This will take time though, and until then I ask that no one leave the village. As additional precautions, I suggest the no one goes anywhere alone and to let no one into the village unless you are absolutely sure of their identity. Understood?”
Everyone nodded nervously and then dispersed. As I walked back ter my hut, it hit me: I was stuck in the village, with no way ter contact Neph and warn her of what’s goin’ on. I prayed she was safe….

I few days later, I was goin’ stir crazy. I think everyone was, save for Drag: how that dragon keeps herself from gettin’ bored is beyond me. I missed Neph and really wanted ter see her again. Ter my surprise (and relief) she jus’ ‘appeared’ in my hut that night.
“Neph?” I said…shocked, “How did yer…”
“Does it matter lover boy?” Neph said as she caressed me.
“No…not really. Jus’ that there’s some thing goin’ on that I wanted ter warn…”
“Hush now…I don’t care about that. All I want right now is you…”
How could I refuse? I wanted her so badly. I let my instincts take over and enjoyed the moment.
Afterwards, I felt really tired and drained. I couldn’t keep my eyes open, so I fell asleep.

The next mornin’, she was gone again. I sighed, I wish she could live with me fer the rest of our lives.
Suddenly, I heard a blood-curdling scream from outside. I quickly got up, put my pants on, and rushed outside. When I reached the village center, which was were the scream came from, I skidded ter a halt when I reached the village center and I gasped in

There in the village center, was most of the village inhabitants. Only they were all bond by some sort of magic. Ishtar was unconscious and Drag was tied ter the ground, trapped in her shrunken form. Jai'ana was the only one there that was unbound and she was jus' sittin' there, tremblin' in fear. The remainin' villagers must been cowerin' in the shadows or had fled. But what was surprisin' me the most was who the only other individual that was unbound, besides me and Jai'ana....

Chapter 9

I couldn't believe my eyes...there, standin' between me and the others, was Neph; my Neph! She must have sensed me or somethin', cause she turned toward me then.
"Ah Spider, I see that sleep spell I put on you has finally worn off." She said with a smile. The wasn't the innocent smile I was used ter seein', this was a smile of pure evil.
Sleep spell? I thought, then I realized that it was the middle of the day!, "Neph...what is goin' on." I said, my voice shakin', "Why aren't yer helpin' them?"
"Help them?" Neph said with a cruel laugh, "I was the one that put them that way."
In response she suddenly transformed. Her skin turned a dark purple, her eyes red. She grew ter 'bout 8 feet in height. Her lower jaw and middle tentacle turned into a beak-like mouth, the other two tentacles turnin' into tusks. The tail grew longer and split halfway into two tails, each tipped with a hooked claw. Her arms, hands, and torso became like a Big Brothers and her legs and feet became more draconic.
I staggered back a bit in shock and she laughed a laugh that was nothin' but pure evil.
"I am the Myrikon Ishtar spoke of my dear Spider." she said, "and I must thank you...for giving me all the info on this village."
"What!?" I cried, "I would've never have given yer that info if..."
"Ah but there was no way that you could have known before. The moment I first saw you, I could see how desperate you were to have a mate. So I used that knowledge to seduce you and coax the info I needed out of you. Now...I have a feast that I haven't had in over an eon...all thanks to you."
I couldn't believe my ears, Neph has been jus' usin' me the whole time?Jus' ter get ter my friends? "That can't be true!" I cried, "If it was then that would mean..."
"That you meant absolutely nothing to me. You were nothing more then my toy, my pawn to get what I needed. Now if you would excuse me...I need to feed."
She turned back toward the others then and headed toward them. I jus' stood there, my heart felt like it was torn in two. I didn't want ter believe all that she said, that all this time she was playin' me for a fool and was toyin' with my emotions.
"No Neph!" I cried as I ran in front of her, "Yer don' have ter der this! There has ter be another way!"
Neph laughed that evil laugh again, makin' me shudder.
"Oh but I do need to do this my dear Spider, I need their essence, Ishtar's in particular, to continue my own existence and to augment my powers, there is no other way. And you...."
In the very next instant she struck and I suddenly found myself impaled on one of her arms. She had struck so quickly I couldn't react. Her claws had gone straight through me, shreddin' my lungs, severin' my spine, and jus' barely missin' my heart. I coughed painfully, coughin' up a lot of blood and slumped up against her, barely clingin' ter life.
"are in the way." she finished, as she pushed me off her. I fell ter the ground, no longer able ter stand. I could only stare blankly up at her, tears in my eyes.
"I must admit Spider, it was fun playing with your heart, " Neph said with a cruel smile, "I might just keep it for a souvenir."
She walked out of my line of sight then, not that it mattered...my sight was goin' anyway and I knew were she was headed. There was nothin' I could der ter prevent her from killin' my friends, my family. And it was all my fault...if I hadn't been so desperate ter satisfy my own desires...this wouldn't have happened.
It's very hard ter breathe now...my life is as good as over. Nothin' could save me now. I could faintly hear my friends cries of grief, shock, and fear. I could only hope...that they forgive me fer what I have done...
Then I could hear nothing. Nothing...but the silence of death....

*pokes head in* to be continued in 'Snap and Departure' coming soon!
*grins then runs like mad from the angry Spider fans*

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08-07-2001, 07:32 PM
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Sine your not online now. . .
Very good, Drag! Can't wait for the next one. . .
- DH

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08-12-2001, 05:01 AM
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wow!!incredible drag!!! this is the first time ive had time to read it all. i thinks its great!!!

[ August 12, 2001: Message edited by: Joe the Intern ]
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