Oddworld Forums > Zulag Three > Oddworld RPG

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03-07-2003, 08:07 PM
: Dec 2001
: 31
Rep Power: 0
Nathanton  (10)
It came...

For the fith time this week Balgin the mudokon had to send a mudokon over to Alf's to get helped. Balgin just couldnt understand it. The tribe had found a few last bottles of soulstorm brew three months ago and, well, uhm, disposed of them (ehehehe). Perhaps there are more bottles in the forest? Thats the only explanation. Balgin leaves his little wooden hut and walks towards the edge of the woods. Its dark inside. Thats odd considering that the sun is bright outside, and the forest usually reflects the beauty of the day. A little creeped out by this the cranky old balgin proceeded into the lush, green forest. After a few minutes walk he finds nothing. He sits on a nearby fallen trees trunk and rests for a while. He was just about to doze off when something stirred in the nearby bushes. Balgin jumps up, and through stubbornous alone inspects the bush. Then it is elsewhere. A shadow left the small bush and passed to the nearby tree. Balgin walks closer. "Who is there?" he demands, trying to sound brave and vengeful, but fear could be heard in his voice. Who doesnt dare tread further. He simply stares at the trees trunk. Something stares back, with a bottle in hand...
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