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12-17-2002, 01:05 PM
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A Quest! My first RPG!

Ok this is the first time I have ever done an RPG here so I hope I am doing this right.

The story begins in a small magog town at night on the outskirts of Scrabania where a bar fight batween a Big Bro and a regular slig is breaking out over who has the best Glukkon franchise. The fight just goes on and on as this entire bar is filled with many species from all over Oddworld. Pretty much everyone is like drunk. So the fight is kind of un noticeable. Nobody really cares and everyone just goes about there business. There are even Mudokins among the different races. Its all industrial and natural worlds mixed together just cerrying on with one another. For this a time where the two worlds are trying to co exist with one another but are still finding it difficult. At the same time my character from my first fanfic Blarg stumbles into the bar and orders himself a drink of some brew. Hes mysterous looking and is covered with a hooded cloak to conceal himself from industrials since he knows he is wanted by them from previeous encounters. Nobody really notices him. He is well concealed under his cloak that he just looks like a typical commoner.

Ok thats the breaf preview heres the story. I need everybody who would like to join this come and join. This can really turn into something awesome.

Oddworld A Quest

"Bar tender give me a Brew!" said Blarg

"Sure thing stranger! Say I never seen you around here before. Are you new in town?" asked the bar tender.

"I just came from the North. I guess you can say I am new!

Blarg turned around at the fight with the Big Bro and asked.

"What happened?"

"Ah those two been at it all night! The Big Bro over there thinks he works for the best Glukkon around and the little one doesn't agree. I tell ya they are messing up my bar and are causeing my custumers to leave. Times our just not like what they used to be my strange friend. I remember the days when life around here was just enjoyable now I just don't see that anymore." explaned the bar tender.

"Well thanks for the brew I must be going now." said Blarg

"Oh that will 3 Moolah."

"Oh ok here!"

"My oh my where did you get all that Moolah?" asked the Bar Tender.

"Oh this its only 100 moolah its not much."

"Well around here a hundred moolah is considered rich!"

"You guys must really be poor to think that."

"Its all we got around here well take care my fellow stranger!"

Meanwhile as Blarg slipped out of the bar as a bunch of slig shooters came storming in."

So what do ya think? Come and join this and lets make it big.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-17-2002 at 05:08 AM..
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12-17-2002, 02:50 PM
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The Red Muse
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(ooc:Oh yay! I'm joining!)

Name:Malice or "Silverbullet"
Species:Slig (ranked as Magnum)
One of the slig shooters.
Admired by lower- ranked sligs.

"Everybody freeze!!" Malice roared as they raided into the bar.
"Get on the ground! NOW!" He gave the order, scanning through everyone in the bar. He had his finger tightly against the trigger of his gun, ready to fire the weapon if necessary. But his concentration was broken by a sudden shout:

"Malice!" his squad leader yelled "There's one trying to escape! You go get him and bring him back!" He points his finger outside, towards Blarg.

Malice looks hastily at his squad leader and nods his head. "I'm on it boss!" he grunted and ran out of the bar, after Blarg.

"You there, stop right where you are!" Malice shouted at Blarg. He lifted his gun to his arms and aimed at Blarg.
"I have a gun aimed at you! Turn around slowly with your hands up! Do as I say and you won't get hurt!", he said with a husky voice.

(ooc:how was that?)
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12-18-2002, 01:34 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
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Thats pretty good we need Al to join in on this I will send him a pm about it.

Ok here we go

As Blarg turned towards Malice, a slight smirk shown upon his face. For he looked intimdateing do to his savere hatred towards the industrials.

"You don't want to mess with me!" said Blarg "I have work to do!"

Malice looked at him funny and suddenly Blarg started to make a funny whistling noise when out of the dark sky his small black energy orb appeared to him. It began to vibrate as Malice walked a little back from Blarg. The orb started circling Blarg as he began to hover off the ground. And suddenly he disappeared from sight. Malice was extremely confused by this and a little startled. But meanwhile at the same time on the other side of the town the orb reappeared as Blarg came teleporting onto the ground. Weaken from useing his orb he struggled to get himself up. Other commoners were stareing at Blarg as he was getting up. For he knew that the industrials were on to him. He heard screams comming from somewhere in the town but he could not do anything in his weaken condition. He knew now that the Slig Shooters were raiding the town now so he needed to find some place to hide. For he knew that everytime he uses the powers of his energy orb, it will drain him of some strangth which now he needed to find a place to re generate.

"Everytime I use my orb I am drained of my strength! Why? I can use my natural powers but when I use the orb it harms me! This cursid thing will be the death of me!" Thought Blarg.

"I CAN'T TAKE IT ANYMORE WHAT IS MY DESTANY?!" screamed Blarg at the top of his lungs as his fustration was shown through a slight red glow of his body. And suddenly out of the shadows a voice called out to him that sounded Mudokin.

Blarg turned "Who's there?"

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12-18-2002, 10:49 PM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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My characters-

Name- Xankain (nickname- Xan)
Species- Mudokon
Age- 18
Sex- Male
Occupation- Mysterious Hobo
Personality- Strange, forgetful, funny
Extra- Xan remembers nothing of his past, he gets strange dreamlike flash backs of being in Vykkers Labs.


Xan is sitting in his normal spot in a nearby alley way, drinking a stolen drink from the bar, when a creature walks into the alley. He was changing colors! Xan took a look at his drink, figuring that's what it was, and threw it down. At first, he was scared, but he faced his fears and called out to the stranger.

"Hey, dude, you okay?"
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12-19-2002, 10:43 AM
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As Blarg aproached Xan his glowing toned down and Blarg asked.

"Don't worry there is nothing to fear of me my name is Blarg. I need your help I have been on the run for longest time now from the Magog its a long story ill tell you as soon as we can get to some place hidden. Can you help me? I need to find the ancient one! Please I beg of you they will destroy me and the fate of Oddworld would be at stake!

Xan looked at him strangely.

"I know I am not your typical run of the mill being but I can explain on the way. I just need your help." Or do you know anybody who could help me? Please I am running out of time!"

Suddenly the voices of the raiding sligs was getting closer as both of them looked on.

Blarg turned to Xan and said. "They will kill you if they catch you. We have to move!"

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-19-2002 at 02:56 AM..
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12-19-2002, 02:16 PM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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Xan jumps up and thinks frantically (a little over-frantic) "Oh oh oh oh! um um um!!! I know! The Underground! It's an underground sanctuary for those in need of help! No body knows about it except us Muds! Follow me!"

Xan starts to run further into the alley, with Blarg following and the sligs getting closer by the second.

"In here." he said as he lifted a manhole cover and climbed into the sewers.

After Blarg got in and covered the hole back up, Xan said, "I'm Xan dude, forgot to tell ya. The Underground is this way. Its pretty gross down here. Watch out for ratz, the always end up getting under your feet."

While trudging through the knee-deep sewage, Xan asked Blarg, "So what about all that mumbo-jumbo that you said to me before?"
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12-21-2002, 03:58 AM
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The both of them stoped and took a rest for they were now safe from the sligs for the time being. Blarg still with his cloak over himself was now going to reveal himself to Xan.

"Well I guess your woundering what I look like underneath all of this."

Blarg took his black cloak off and Xan was a bit startled at the site. For he never seen such a being before. A being with spidar like legs and insect like wings with a baloon sack underneath the mouth Xan was indeed amazed.

"Don't be startled by the way I look I get that a lot. You see I have been woundering Mudos and most of Oddworld for several years now. And I have learned a whole lot. I know that I am the only member of my race who was ever born But I don't want to balieve that. I am in search for my purpose in life and why I was the only one born. The answers may lie within the ancient one. a mysterous entity who could give me the answers to my destany."

"And what might you say that be? several years ago One of your people I balieve you know him as Abe found me deep in a crevas hidden in the canyons of Srabania. At the time I dident even know what I was. I only knew my name was Blarg and I was born here for a purpose. Throughout time I developed incredable powers that minipulate minds create elements and control many lives. As a result this was created." As he showed him his black orb. "This is an energy orb that allows me to teleport anywhere and is my mentor who guides me in life. But there is a side effect I use this and it will weaken me. I was taken by the Vykkers who the natorus Molluck hired to study me and my awesome powers. The Vykkers were planning to use me as a control to dominate all of Mudos and Oddworld. They knew that my powers were extrodinary and almost naturally davine like that they found a new way to turn any who oppose into lifeless drones to do work for the Magog.

"I have learned that with my abilities the fate of everyone on Oddworld could be at stake. I have learned that If I were to die any who I have minipulated would die also. I have what the Vykkers like to call a symbeotic relationship with the planet. But I am baginning to realise that there might actually be more of my kind somewhere in this world. Who gave birth to me? I don't know. Are there others like me in this world possably? and that is what I am in seach for. In the mean time I rescue the small creatures of Oddworld and take them to safty.

Now I am wanted by the magog for this reason only and I must find this ancient one to fully understand what I need to accomplish. If the Magog were to catch me then everyone even you will be in danger. I can't survive their torture. And they are misunderstood for they don't know they would be in danger as well. There is something that I know deep in my heart that I must do and I can't until I figure everything out."

The Magog have found the way to keep their profits and franchises from failing. And that unfortunately is through me.

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12-21-2002, 04:33 PM
The Red Muse's Avatar
The Red Muse
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(Before Xan and Blarg entered the sewers) Malice retuturned to bar empty-handed and ashamed. He slowly walked to his squad leader, hanging his head.
"Where's the escapee Malice?", his squad leader, "The infamous" Cid, asked.
"It got away sir...",Malice replied angrily eyeing his gun.

Cid let out a little 'hmph' and turned to see Malice, "Odd be damned. I've seen it all:The great sharpshooter Silverbullet fails.", he barked, "...But don't worry Malice. Everyone fail sometime. Even you. Such is life.", he said calmly while patting Malice's shoulder. Eventually he turned to the other members of his squad and shouted out names, "Blue, Marcus, J.C , Malice! You go and find the creature! I want it alive! Go!", Cid commanded.

Malice and the others replied by dashing outside.
Malice was determined; He will not rest until he has captured this mysterious creature. Hatred flamed inside his heart as they ran in the night of Scrabania,

"Malice, there are two characters up ahead! What shall we do?", J.C, the youngest slig suddenly asked
"...Let's check 'em out...", Malice hissed under his breath.

They speeded up their pace.
Blarg and Xan noted them before and entered the manhole, when the sligs arrived... there was no one insight.

"They vanished!", Blue screamed, "Black magic!"
Blue quickly pulled out his amulets and began fingering them while muttering something.
J.C just looked scared, as usual and Marcus, well... He didn't care.
But Malice knew they were still around, "There's no such thing... as magic.", he said when he walked past Blue, "They're still here. I know it...", he said yet again, casting his glare down to the ground.

"And I know where they went."

::::::::::::::::::: (ooc: ) :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Character info-

Name:Cid "the infamous"
Species: Big Bro Slig
Age: 20
Squad leader of the slig shooters.
A battle skilled veteran with many years still to go.
Malice's friend- not as popular as Malice.

Name: Blue
Species: Slig
Highly superstitious.
Malice's pal.

Name:Johnatan "J.C." Clever
Species: Slig
Wuss- scared easily

Species: Slig
Stupid as a boot.
Cares only for food and moolah.
Malice's pal


(sorry I was in a bit of hurry...^^)
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12-22-2002, 12:54 AM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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Xan gave Blarg a confused look and sighed, "Woah, that IS a story! I don't really have a story. I don't remember my past. I think I was in Vykkers Labs at one point, but I'm not sure. After a while, I just got used to living on the streets and in the alleys." Xan looked further down their path, "Come on, the entrance to the Underground is near. Put your cloak back on, you don't want to stir up any trouble."

Xan led Blarg deeper into the sewers until they reached a huge stone arch with three Mudokon guards keeping watch. They glanced at Xan, and looked suspiciously at Blarg.

"What's his business here?" one asked.

"Ugh, he's with me, yea, with me. We're buds, he's Blarg, I'm Xan." Xan tapped his foot nervously.

With a moment of hesitation, the guard said, "Alright, he can come in, but we're going to keep an eye on you."

Xan gave him a sarcastic salute and mumbled, "Yessir!"

The Underground was a large facility, with buildings and Muds all over the place. Most of the Mudokons were lost, old scrubs and had no life. They came here searching for a future, but most ended up getting too lazy to work and just living their life in the slums.

"Hey," Xan told Blarg, "I got this friend down here, he may be able to help us. He's been around a lot and knows a lot. He's really old, but don't let his looks fool you, he looks my age, but he's actually in his fifties!"

The two went into a hut where a meditating Mud sat beside a burning fire, chanting.

Name- Thy
Age- Fifty- one (seventeen if you ask him yourself)
Species- Mudokon
Personality- Wise, but fun loving, always willing to help a friend.
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12-23-2002, 09:55 AM
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As the two of them entered the hut and approached Thy who was meditating Xan was talking with the guards of the hut as Blarg was stareing at Thy meditating. Through Blarg's mind he began to talk to Thy.

"Who are you? Can you help me? I sense your thoughts through your chanting. Do you know of the ancient one? Do you know of me?" asked Blarg through his mind.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-23-2002 at 01:59 AM..
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12-23-2002, 02:52 PM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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"Hm, maybe." Xan replied, still in his meditating position, "Yes, I know you Blarg. I see you from time to time. I communicate with Oddworld and it lets me see different places through my meditation, I see you. I was there when you met Xan and ran from those sligs. Can I help you? That might be a difficult question for me to answer, I cannot tell the future, but yes I will try to help you. As for the Ancient One, I have seen a strange entity on an island of the west coast of Mudos. I will take you and Xan there, for your destiny lies together. Xan is no ordinary Mudokon. He was born in Vykker's Labs, used as a test subject of the horrible kind. They exposed him to this mutating radiation, pumped him up on strange drugs that they didn't know what they would do! Now, Xan posesses powers he can't explain. He doesn't quite realize he has them yet, but in time or in danger, he will come through."

Xan walked in, looked at Blarg, then looked at Thy, then looked back at Blarg and said, "Hey, what's goin' on?!"
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12-24-2002, 01:01 PM
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Blarg got out of his mind trans and turned to Xan and smiled.

"Nothing Xan but Thy here can help us."

Xan looked at him strangely and woundered why us?

"Xan we both have been victomised by the Vykkers in one way or another in life. I truely balieve that in some odd way are destanys could be together. Hmm Mudokins never ceased to amaze me. Your abilities to connect with others such as myself are indeed most extrordinary."

Still Xan looked at him funny but dident mind what he said.
As the two of them were leaveing the Hut Blarg explaned to Thy and Xan.

"this underground sanctuary is most remarkable. I never seen such a sight in my entire life. I never imagine such cities could exist underground in this manner. I might have originated underground but I never seen this type of place before. Truely magnifacent! You Mudokins never ceased to amaze me with your abilities to survive in a doomed world of dyabolical danger! Where other races would have fallen victomeised to extinction you people persist. Truely magnifecent! I hope that someday I will find more of my kind if there was any of my kind in the first place. That is a burden of me whome I wish can fix but cant. And I am truely sorry that I have to bring my issues upon you people. For it is something that means a lot to me."

Last edited by paramiteabe; 12-24-2002 at 05:05 AM..
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12-24-2002, 05:12 PM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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"Aww, shucks, it weren't nothin'." Xan said smiling.

Suddenly, Thy stood up. "Well, are we going or not?"

Xan looked at the both of them, "Going where? Hey! I missed something!"

Thy put an arm around Xan's shoulder, "You always do Xankain, you always do." Thy handed him a tomahwk, "Here, you might need this."

"Gee thanks."

"Well, Blarg, Xan, its time to go."
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01-16-2003, 12:41 AM
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Smarter than the Average Slog

((OOC: Hope I'm not interupting your great RPGing guys. My character is Rubix, Slog that belongs to my Slig Krezz. To find out more see my topic FF Chars))

Rubix had followed these wierd creatures into the underground sanctum. He knew, however that he should have been protecting his masters other pet... a Paramite named Keero-Keero who was swinging around the trees when he last saw him... ((to find out more about Keero-Keero see Razzed Events topic)). With his master up in Vykkers labs, Rubix had to be careful. He had his jaws, but his master always did have a gun to back him up ((To see what Krezz is currently doing see the topic Death by Force)). He was now convinced that these strange new creatures were the others his master was looking for... His master possessed strange powers... and he had a strange scar on his right shoulder that would glow gold from time to time. Rubix, being smarter than your average Slog, knew somehow that his masters quest was somehow related with the two who called themselves Blarg and Xan. However, being without speech, Rubix knew that it was going to be hard to try and explain everything to the two.
"Well Blarg, Xan... it's time to go."
Rubix knew he had to do it now, before they all left. Rubix came out into the open. Blarg saw him. Xan saw him. They didn't look happy. "Sligs!" Xan exclaimed, "They must know we're down here... they've sent one of their filthy mutts onto us..."
Xan readied his Tomahawker... Rubix suddenly knew this was a bad idea... that this could be the end of him. He cringed, and closed his eyes, readying him self for the blow... he whimpered softly... death was apon him....

((OOC: Hope that's okay guys. ))

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01-18-2003, 01:52 AM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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((finally some action))

Xan held his tomahawk over his head, ready to smash the poor slog. As he brought it down, it was suddenly caught by Thy's hand.

"Xan, no need for that here."

Xan gave him a look like Thy just committed a crime, "But, the sligs-"

"The sligs have nothing to do with this slog, if they did, he would have already attacked us."

Xan cocked his head, letting Thy's answer soak into his brain. Thy put his palms together and began to chant. In his medatation, he was able to communicate with Rubix.

"Why have you come here, slog, you know you do not belong."
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01-18-2003, 09:11 AM
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The tiny slog was amazed to have the voice of this Mudokon inside of his head. He began to tell the Mudokon of how his master, Krezz, had gone to rescue Vita from Vykkers Labs. He told him how he believed Xan and Blarg would be able to help Krezz restore piece to Oddworld. He told Thy that although they did not know it yet... Xan and Blarg had un tapped powers inside of them, and that his master may be able to help them control it... use it to its full extent, for the good of Oddworld... soon the meditation ended.
"Well?" Xan asked impatiently.
Blarg just stood by and waited for responce.
"Well..." Thy said as he turned to face the others, "This lil guys deffinately got a lot on his mind!"

((OOC: Hmm.... mysterious powers??? Where's this going... looks like Blarg may find out about his true purpose and Xan could actually find out what those flash backs meen...))

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01-18-2003, 04:22 PM
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(I am sorry about the wait I have been busy with work and I just got back from a vacation so here we go.)

Blarg was stareing at Rubix as if he knew something. It was as if Blarg was in a sort of trans and then it happened. Suddenly a loud gun fire was heard within the tunnels surrounding the sanctrum. Blarg got out of his trans and yelled to his friends.

"Xan, Thy we got to go they found us!"

Thy and Xan looked at Blarg with a confused expression on there faces. as the other Mudokins were fleeing the Sanctrum from the sligs.

"But where Blarg?" Yelled Xan.

"We must go into the Northern pass across the deasert into the forest valley. I know a Mudokin who lives there his name is Jerec. It will take us 5 days to get there. He could help us but we must go now! Quickly grab hold of me and I will transport us to the surface!"

"But Blarg what about the Sligs? And can't you transport us to the forest valley?"

"No I can't I only transport as far as a mile. I can't transport beyond that for it is too far! We will go to the surface but we will be hidden in the cover of night. For we are underneath nothing but wilderness."

"They won't find us! We need to find the ancient one before it is too late!" explained Blarg

"But we don't know too much about this ancient one Blarg!"

"Nether do I but we must take this quest and discover it! Something of great importants needs to be fulfilled through me that could apply to the rest of Oddworld and you are my only hope!"

"Rubix here can help us out Blarg!"

"I know he warned me of the on comming sligs through my trans. LETS GO!"

And so Blarg, Xan, Thy and Rubix were about to leave just before Malice stumbled onto them. Our friends were now surrounded by sligs but the unexpected happened as a sudden flash of blinding light came into the area causeing Blarg to disappear into a relm of infanity created by his orb.


"You must find an orical to reach the land of the ancient one!" said the voice of the orb.

"Your journey has begun sub creature. You will see the truth in time!"

"But orb the ancient one! What is it?"

"The ancient one is a product of infanity that you must find. I can not tell you anymore!" said the voice.

Blarg suddenly reappeared as he quickly called to his friends as they were being draged off by Malice. Blarg used his ability to creat a massive surge of water to frighten the sligs. But Malice managed to escape but without Blargs friends.

"We are safe now no time to wait lets go!" as his friends grabbed hold of Blarg and transported out of the sanctrum. Meanwhile Malice stood there stareing up and he thought.

"Nothing will stop me from getting you strange creature. You will be mine!" as he laughed outrageously

At the same time Blarg and his friends were safely out of the underground Sanctrum of the Mudokins and were on their way to the forest valley to seek out Jerec and to understand their mysterous friends delema.

Last edited by paramiteabe; 01-18-2003 at 08:26 AM..
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01-18-2003, 11:53 PM
FireFrog's Avatar
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Oddworld Whats up Rubix?

Blarg, Xan and Thy trudged along. Blarg leading the band, followed closely by Thy and then Xan with his large Tomahawker. Rubix gave out a yelp. The others stopped.
"C'mon Rubix... we have to get going." Blarg shouted.
"Wait..." Thy told the others as he began to chant... and entered the mind of the tiny Slog once more...
About thirty seconds later, Thy had finished talking with Rubix.
"He says that his master may be able to help us... that he too, shares the same destiny... or... somethin' like that."
Rubix vigorously nodded his head to this. Blarg and the others now had a dicision... would they go out of their way to find Krezz?

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01-19-2003, 12:42 AM
Latamire_Munch's Avatar
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Xan looked at Thy and raised an eyebrow. "Well, what are we going to do?"

Thy glanced at Blarg, "I am only a passenger on this journey. The decision is not mine."

Now, everyone's eyes were upon Blarg, awaiting his answer.
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01-19-2003, 01:34 PM
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((ooc:sorry I haven't replied in a while, I've been kinda busy lately ....))

When Malice made it out from the sewers it was already dawn- the sunlight was blinding and Malice had to cover his eyes.
"Curse that creature," he swore while wading through the thick sewage.

After many curses and lost nerves, Malice made his way out of the waste. He was right on the outskirts of the magog town, so he headed back to the bar, hoping that Cid and the others would still be there.

As he walked in, Cid rushed to him, looking both worried and angry.
"Where the hell you've been? And where are the others I sent along?", he barked next to Malice's ear.
"...the creature that fled earlier... He has powers... he killed the others... and then teleported himself and his comrade to somewhere...", Malice replied almost casually.
"...What?! Killed the others? That's... That's totally-"
"...Totally true, Cid.", Malice cut Cid off, "He summoned a tidal wave, which swept them away. "

Cid didn't reply for a while, he just stared at Malice.
"I wish to go after it, Cid. I promised myself that I would capture this creature! Cid, let me go after it!", Malice demanded
"...only in one condition...", Cid said darkly
"And that is?"
"I get to come with you."

"What?!", Malice's jaw dropped, "Eh, Cid, look...ain't ya getting too old for this?" he joked
"Never!", Cid roared, "Listen punk, I've been through many battles, defeating all my enemies! And if you think, that some lousy alien-critter is gonna do me in, you're wrong!"
"Geez, okay, okay...", Malice said stepping away from Cid, "So...uh...When do we leave?"
"We leave now.", Cid said leaving the bar, "Lead the way..."

:::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ooc:

((Man I suck at this...))
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01-19-2003, 08:43 PM
paramiteabe's Avatar
Wolvark Semi Auto
: Nov 2001
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paramiteabe  (95)

(enter the hooded stranger)

At the same time Malice and Cid were cut off by a stranger covered in a long hood. This stranger had the glowing eyes of a glukkon. A slig approached the stranger and lit his cigar as he spoke to Malice and Cid. But his face was hidden. Though his voice was rather familure.

"I suppose you expect to catch that creature?" As he laughed at Cid and Malice.

"Whats it to you stranger?"

"You cannot catch him like that. That is why you failed twice slig or should I say Malice!"

"How did you know my name?" asked Malice.

"I know all the sligs names. Lets just say I am friends of Lady Margret. For two years now I have been searching for that cursid creature. They call him Blarg and I offered Lady Margret a deal of a lifetime 8 billion Moolah after negotiating with the Chroniclers. To catch that creature for the good of the Magog. Plus to bring a good reputation in my name once again. Blarg is one of a kind. His powers are incredable. I have been working with the Vykkers on searching for him but we have been cut off short. Yes Malice the creature Blarg is most valueable for the Magog's weapon production. With Blarg we will be abel to control the labor forces of Mudos. There will never be a breakout like that of the insident dealing with Abe that occured 30 years ago. Blarg is most valuable in the eyes of Lady Margret. She wants him alive and in our possession. You see he is easily saduced and if we could minipulate him in balieveing that the Mudokins are the true enamy then it will be easy pickings for us. Blarg is one of a kind. A rare species that has been forgotten for millions of years. With Blarg the Magog will rise again!"

Meanwhile at the same time Blarg turned to his friends.

"We will find your friend Rubix. I am a creature of good heart who helps those in need. So it is decided we will seek out this Krezz Rubix. After all you did say his destany was the same right? I have this feeling Krezz could be an important comrad on this journey. Let us seek Krezz out. But where do we even start?"

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01-19-2003, 09:36 PM
FireFrog's Avatar
: Jan 2003
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((Well guys the perfect place to start would be a new topic I've made: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd. If you guys join up, that meens we've got 3 RPG's being continued there. That's where Krezz is currently and everyone is welcome to go there. I'll write this RPG into it now. FireFrog))

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