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05-10-2006, 01:49 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

May be a bit late but I'll join if it'll be of any help.

Name: As of yet none
Age: 7 months
Description: About 2/3rds the height of an ordinary Scrab at the moment, being as of yet not fully grown.
Sex and specie: Male (if gendered), 'mortal' Shrykull
Equipment: Has some sort of pouch slung about him which he can't remove or see the contents, so he doesn't know what they are.
Personality: Fun loving, likes being with others, but get's angered easily and will seek vengeance desperately.
Bio/Backstory: The vykkers have created this creature, part Paramite part Scrab, based off of the Mudokons holy Shrykull. They thought it may be of some benefit , either meat wise or having supernatural powers. Unfortunately for them, it had no supernatural powers (idiots), and being an unnatural creature, as it were, cannot breed and therefore creating more would be more costly than profitable. He was eventually left and neglected in a cage, while still very young, before being experimented on. He wanted more company though, being of gregarious nature in his paramite side, but the fuzzles seemed to be trying to move away from him, and the vykkers were obviously being neglective. He got angered and depressed after a few weeks, and then turned vicious on the lone vykker who had attempted top sneak him out to experiment on him while the other was gone. The vykker was moreover expecting a more friendly greeting, knowing about his gregarious nature, but had failed to realise he might be just a wee bit ticked off at being in a cage starving for about a week. Being strong physically, with a whole 8 limbs, he just managed to bring the vykker down, but with some wounds from the vykkers claws. There was a dripping pipe, which helped to soothe his wounds as he ate what he could, before drinking. He then showed pity upon the fuzzles and attempted to free them, also hoping for some company. The cages were too tough, though. (bear in mind that this would grow quickly, being a 'wild' creature and not a slow growing human or suchlike. He also had very good nourishment left over from his embryonic days, as it were) He eventually gave up, and got fed up and leapt out the window. Luckily, the vykkers lab was close to ground sucking up unfortunate captured specimens, so it wasn’t too harsh a fall. He eventually, without finding predators, fortunately found a tight cave, too small for any real predators to enter, except maybe some fleeches, but they weren’t hard to chew up, and they provided a good food source for a while, pouncing on them as they wandered past the cave entrance. He would have to sometimes wander out for water, though, and be very careful not to be attacked. He’d tried calling to Paramites and Scarbs, being able to make the same cries, but when they came, they either attacked or ignored him as he was…different to them.

OOC: Now it’s the present.

As usual, he waited near the cave entrance, just waiting for something, hopefully more than a fleech, to stumble past. Hopefully soon, maybe even someone he could befriend…
If noone comes along soon, he decides, he's now hopefully strong enough to defend himself against many threats...at least, thats what he hopes.
05-10-2006, 12:00 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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OOC: Hmm, I like your profile Zerox. Welcome, anyway. Hope you have a nice time here. We are just waiting for some other posts on the new rules, or something. We sort of need time to fly.

05-10-2006, 09:49 PM
oddveteran93's Avatar
Rabid Fuzzle
: Jan 2006
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Just keep going with this RPG following the current rules.
How could I ever think, it's funny how, everything you swore would never change, is different now.

05-11-2006, 02:05 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Okay, shall I carry on a bit, or does someone else want to...?
05-12-2006, 10:36 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Fine then, I'll try and carry on a bit. Don't expect much, though. Sorry about the doble post, mainly to sort of freshen the thread up so people know that I added something...

...and so, uh...um...(OOC: I need a name. How about...Shryke? At least for now...) 'Shryke' wandered out of his cave to the watering hole, trotting so as to get there and back relatively quickly, before any large predators or packs could ambush him. Half-heartedly attempting to grab the fleeing Elums legs, being fast, but would be a nice change of prey if he could get hold of one (OOC: Shryke, of course, was seen by the Elums as they actually have eyes, as it were, and Elums were afraid of both predators, so they they decided to leg it :P). After having a good few mouthfuls and washing a little bit, he started to make his way back, feeling calmer. But he was too slow this time, as he would find out...
The Paramites immediately surrounded him, dropping down quickly on their webs in a wide ring around their chosen victim, preventing escape even if he attempted to move quickly. Shryke, thinking quickly, attempted to communicate with them, but at such close quarters, they could tell he was not one of them, and therefore prey. Smeeling like a Scrab appeared to put them off slightly. Shryke also attemped a roar at them. The Paramites flinched for a moment, and he attempted to run for it. Almost out the ring, one snapped back and lunged with its vicious fangs and caught one of his forearms as they sunk deeply in. Roaring in pain and anguish, he jerked his arm hard, then causing the Paramite pain in its mouth. It retreated, squealing at the others to follow suit. But they were in a large pack now, and afraid of nothing (exept maybe someone like Big Red or summat...or maybe meat grinders), gave chase to their quarry. Being lower to the ground, they would be able to reach into his cave, which they would normally ignore as it was generally uninviting. The water hole was up ahead. He leaped into it. The Paramites stopped. As neither Shryke nor Paramites could swim, they could only walk at certain depths, and Shryke was thus taller than them, and could narrowly evade their grasp for the time being. But they decided to bide their time. He couldn't stay there forever. He would have to come out eventually. And even if a Scrab big enough to scare them off DID come, it would also view him as food. Or, worse yet, a rival. Shryke needed help, and soon...
05-12-2006, 10:45 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: I'll post here for the time being. So I'll just go ahead in time.

IC: A few hours, Slurp awoke from his slumber. He had slithered out of the skull of the sleg while he had been unconsious. But the presence of more was near, but they were all familiar. They were all fleeches like him and they had noticed that he was awake. They all screeched in cheerfulness, giving him a honor, with saying, "The great hero-whom-killed-the-excintion has awoke from his slumber!".

Slurp knew why too. He had killed a sleg that could have killed all of the members of the fleech nest. And as a honor, the hero would present the body to the Fleech queen. But even so, he felt like that something was missing. He didn't know what, but at the moment, something felt like that he was standing up.

Just then, the sleg also awoke from his slumber. The fleeches screeched in fear and all tounges flung at the sleg. Slurp was going to the fling his tounge as well, but unbareable pain had struck him. He screeched in pain, with the sleg. The tounges had stopped. The sleg had screeched, not barked, and with Slurp. Some said, "Our hero-whom-killed-excintion, has shared the pain with the excintion beast! Is a spirit before us?"

Other fleeches started praising the sleg, but Slurp knew that it was not a spirit. Maybe something else. Somehow he was connected to this sleg, but he didn't know what. Suddenly, a voice of a fleech said, "Look, the spirit shares our hero's sign!" Slurp was curious, and he was right. On the sleg's forehead, there was a spade shape, just like his own. Slurp slithered near the sleg, in confusment. For the first time, he saw the actual thing on the sleg's side. It was a golden ring, with the engravement, "To Father of Max- Molt" Obiviously, this sleg had an identity.

Suddenly, the sleg barked, but Slurp understood it. It was, "Why do I feel like I'm looking into a mirror?" Slurp yelped in his understanding. Obviously, his second brain has made the sleg feel like he is him. Slurp noticed that some of the fleeches were going to attack the sleg, so he explained the sitution to his fellow fleeches. One said, "This case should be said to the queen!"

OOC: Well, since Slurp has changed, time for his profile to be changed.

Name: Slurp or Slurp 1&2
Sex: Male
Spieces: Fleech
Age: 8
Describation: Slurp is an averge Fleech. There is nothing different about him than any other, except for his spade shaped birthmarks on each head. In a recent accident, Slurp's second brain was cleared from memory and was transfered to a sleg's brain.
Equipment: Tounge and all.
Personally: Jumpy. He can give off a quite a scare to himself. He doesn't like any creature that isn't a slurg or fleech. He's pretty agressive to any threatning creatures or even non threatning creatures.
Bio: He was born in the mine, and is protecting the "nest". He was scouting the forest until the conference of the industerians. Since he has his second brain in a sleg's, we do not know of what will happen to him.

05-13-2006, 12:16 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: I still need help, before I can continue, pretty much. Nice idea with the whole brain thing. Will you be controlling the Sleg as a seperate character or what's happening there?
05-13-2006, 02:29 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: What exactly do you need help with? And my two Slurp characters are the same character, just in different bodies.

IC: Slurp 1 and 2 followed a royal servent to the Queen's area. Once he exited the enterance, he entered the Fleech nest. The nest had tons of stone cliffs, with several mine poles, and mine consturction stands. The nest's roof was covered in vines, which many fleeches swinging on them. The queen was on the largest stone cliff and the Slurps both had to climb all the way up. Since Slurp 2 was a sleg, he couldn't swing the vines. For Slurp 1, it was very hard to slither and keep up with Slurp 2.

Slurp 2 observed his surroundings. Many fleeches were studying him, which he never experienced. Some would attack him, which made him bleed more. It weren't for Slurp 1, he would be dead by now, but Slurp 1 would screech at them for doing that. At the moment, Slurp 2 was not very happy being a sleg.

Several painful minutes, they fianlly reached the Fleech Queen. She had a very big lump on her back, with a Scrab skeleton behind her, with tons of eggs in it. Most of her royal servents stayed with her for their lives, since they were her mates. Slave mates, more like it.

The queen screeched in horrified disgust, "What is this live beast doing in my presense?!"

The royal servent replied, "Please, your highness, this hero has tamed the beast to be ours! He even understands us!"

The queen settled down and said, "Well, you are the hero then. Well then, it's time for you to have an advanced assignment. Our spies have seen the mudokon base and the refusal foot men and the news is not good. The strange floating eye have made it's report and the foot men plan to take over the mine. But the mystic men plan to do something with us and we need to do attack as well. So your assignment is to help us and attack. You'll join the offense now. Any questions?"

Slurp knew what foot men and mystic men were, but he had strange memories of them being called "mudokons", "green bird men" or "glukkons", and sometimes, "Damn greeds!". But he knew not to correct the queen, so he just bowed his head, with Slurp 1. Slurp 1 said, "This is an honor. We will fight for our very lives to serve this nest." Slurp 2 felt insulted to be considered a seperate being. But he would more time later to argue. At the moment, they would have to find the battle unit area.

05-14-2006, 02:49 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: I need help with my Paramite problem, as it were. Maybe if a Fleech just 'hapened' to startle them. Or maybe an abnormally large Scrab...*shot*
05-17-2006, 09:15 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Okay, this is sort of updating the thread so people notice I've posted, as well as asking a bit more for some help or SOMETHING to happen around where I am (apart from me being savagely ripped to shreds by multitudes of Paramites, obviously) to get rid of the stupid things, because there's not all that much I can do myself to get out of this, really...
05-17-2006, 11:31 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Sorry, but with homework and RP in W@RF really can suck time out of you. Besides, I can't really help. Slurp doesn't have spidey senses, nor those anybody else. This RPG may lead a future of mishap, but as long there are two members, we are all right.

IC: Slurp was lead by a new royal servent, even though he remembered where the offense base was. The offense was a group of fleechs that had been through a lot, such as fighting mudokons and scrabs. Since normal fleechs would hunt for the queen and themselves, they had to serve themselves as well. Some devoured just nearby chimpunks or bolamites.

However, fleeches like these are not known to be nice. Some were reported to cause callopses in the mine and others were reported to attack fleeches and slurgs. Though that these terroist acts have their consqueses, none were to be punished. Some had their mysterious ways of getting out of these situtions, others had cleaned up their act. But in more ways than one, all the fleeches on the offense were unpunishble.

As Slurp went on to the offense base, he noticed how there was rocks where there shouldn't be. Like where there was a passage way to the outside, a mountain replaced it. Where there were remants of the queen's food, there was a hill of rocks, stacked together.

Fianlly, the offense appeared before them. They were on an area full of mining saws and bones, which made the place more suitable for nasties, like the offense. There was several overgrown fleeches, some smaller than normal, but all bulky for average. There was even a purple, overgrown fleech. He was the known leader and not for his color. He served for the queen longer tghan anyone has and had been rumored that he took out half the FTPC. (Flesh Thristy Paramite Community) But that's a different story.

As Slurp entered their region, many of the fleeches screeched at Slurp 2. The royal servent quickly responded before the fleeches could react, "Please brothers and uncles, this sleg has been trained by our new hero!"

But the fleeches did not mind the fleech's words, saying, "No sleg enters this pack without us deciding to do so!" Slurp 1 gasped, when the leader said, "Attack the hideous beast! He is not one of us!"

With tounges reaching their wrath on Slurp 2, Slurp 1 tried to calm the group down, but no such luck. Slurp 2 groaned in pain, but Slurp 1 had intense pain. He screeched in the air, "You imbiciles, your cruel, black hearts have not seen the ways of using a sleg on our defense!"

The leader stopped flicking his tounge and made the rest do the same. He roared, "You sir, are the poorest excuse for an offender! We are protecting danger from our base, not letting it in! If you are as great as duke here says, can you prove yourself as a fleech? Duel one of my fleeches. If you kill him first, your pet stays. If you die, your pet has no purpose."

Many of the fleechs grinned in appeal. A duel was uncommon, so this was a pleasent event to watch. Slurp 1 gulped in afraidness. If he lost he dies twice, which shouldn't be a surprise. One of the fleeches stepped before, which didn't look pleasent. It was a fleech that was smaller than him, but had a second head on one side. He grinned in impulsing way, showing two set of teeth. Slurp 1&2 knew who this was and Mutant wasn't a guy of letting it easy.

05-18-2006, 02:14 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: I was sort of hoping at least that you'd randomly pass by and do something. Also, we really need alot more people to interact with, since particularly our stories are completely set apart, and that we'd not really be able to interact with each other in partcular much, to the extent that this is getting rather pointless.
Wow, I wasn't aware fleeches could be so...smart :P
05-19-2006, 05:40 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Slurp's story begins with fleeches. I'm trying to make him look like he didn't come out of nowhere. But I plan to interact with your character.

I tryed to make Slurp's society so advanced than other fleechs'. Fleeches have also made most of their ideas from their former masters. But the new fleeches might have feeble lives lately. But what ever. I don't want this RPG to die very soon. Trust me. In the two posts, I promise to interact with you.

IC: Slurp 1 prepared himself before he decide to attack. But there was the crowd. Several fleeches cheered Mutant on. As Slurp started to grow more less confident, the purple fleech yelled, "Duel between Slurp and mutant begin shall, now!"

Slurp suddenly realized that fleeches didn't give others time to wait. It was all up to him to continue his life, but to kill another. But even so, Mutant made the first move. He used his one face, to wrap his tounge around Slurp's throat. Suddenly, air did not come to either Slurps. Slurp knew that he couldn't lose so quickly, so he wrapped his tounge around Mutant's tounge. With incredible speed, he unwrapped it and it went back to his mouth. Because of the speed, Mutant's tounge started to bleed extermly well. He screeched in pain and placed his tounge back inside. At the same time, other fleeches screeched in displeasure. Slurp couldn't easily resisit, so Slurp 1 screeched back, "Hey, I can beat you all if I wanted to!"

At the same time, Mutant lunged himself at Slurp 1. Slurp 1 used his quick reflexs, to wrap his tounge around Mutant's two head side. It wasn't long before Mutant fought back, by flipping over and biting Slurp's second head. Screaming, Slurp layed down in pain. Slurp knew that he must have lost. But he remembered that the one killed each other won, so he had a chance. Mutant's grip continued, but Slurp 1 flung his tounge into Mutant's mouth. He tried to grab something, but then, he found a stomach. muutant screeched in more pain, while the crowd screamed in displeasure. It was like Slurp 1&2, feeling the same pain.

Unexpectly, Mutant shouted, "No more! I give up!" He slithered back to the crowd, when Slurp let go. With both Slurps were surprised, the purple fleech, "You have proved yourself well. But you are not going to join us, this is a normal test to all soliders." Slurp wasn't surprised that there wasn't a whole lot of them. "Your first test, is to report to us the current progress of the foot men. Do it now!"

Slurp 1&2 left without a single word. Slurp hadn't been in the club for long, but he had hated the club already.

05-20-2006, 03:19 AM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: Poor Slurp.
Anyway, I'll try and get the message across...
Hopefullt that'll work. It better work, otherwise I'll get pretty annoyed, because everyone just sort of died here.
05-20-2006, 05:14 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: I send a pm to Slig_Cake. He is the only alive member, besides OK, that still posts. Maybe I can advertise it to in my sig.

IC: Slurp thought about the sitution very carefully. Only a few minutes ago, several fleeches cheered for Slurp being alive, but fleeches in the offense would like it better if he dead. It made him feel like there was no hope for him. But he remembered that others lives were just as bad, so he figured not to complain.

As he left the enterance, Slurp thought about his next plan. He would go to somewhere the foot men might want to find their resourses easily. The watering hole was the only place where the wild life can get water. Plus, people can hunt there, since everyone goes there.

As soon Slurp has reached the watering hole, he saw that there was a group of paramites around the water and a freakish creature in the water. Slurp recogonized the creature to be part of the mudokon legends. Maybe it was a true legend and this was actually a creature of power! He had to stop the paramites, so Slurp 2 howled to the moon and revenged. The paramites screeched in anger and ran towards Slurp 2. Slurp 1 went behind the paramites and attacked them. The paramites turned around and went to Slurp 1. Slurp 2 attacked the first paramite and killed it, while Slurp 1 tripped the other three paramites. Slurp 2 killed another before they could react, while Slurp 1 swallowed another paramite.

The final paramite screeched in horror in the two dead buddies of his. He ran in horror, into forest. Slurp 1 used his tounge to get across the water, using the rocks on the water. He fianlly got to Shryke and said to him, "Hey man, are in need of help?"

05-21-2006, 02:31 AM
Slig_Cake's Avatar
: Mar 2006
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Reur (Big red) regained consiousness. He wandered through the forest blindly not knowing how to reach the great white scrab. For hours he trudged north until he came to the edge of a cliff face. Below him was a great plain stretching out far into the horizon. The scrab could not see all this but could sense the environment was changing. He knew he was getting close to his destination.

(Growing a mullet in support of the Socceroos)

Last edited by Slig_Cake; 05-21-2006 at 02:55 PM..
05-21-2006, 12:06 PM
Zerox's Avatar
Outlaw Mortar
: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

OOC: YAY! Another person!

Shryke looked (he has no eyes though :P) down at the Fleech. It didn't appear frightened or trying to attack him. Shryke was rather puzzled at tis behaviour. The fleech was screeching at him, while in the background an odd, unfamilier, odd thing was charging around, chewing on the remains of the previous threat, the Paramites. Unfortunately, even though Shryke was in verse with Scrab's and Paramite's, he could not decode what the screeching of the Fleech was, that is, if it was actually attempting to communicate with him. But Shryke realised that these two oddities HAD saved his life, so he didn't feel it would be right eating the Fleech. He was fed up with Fleeches anyway. But then there was this new creature, but this one was far more fearsome than any lone Fleech, and it had dispatched two Paramites easily enough, taking them by surprsie. And they had both appeared at the same time and attacked the Paramites, meaning they were most likeley in league with each other, meaning it wouldn't be wise to attack either of them, even if the Fleech was feeble, he didn't like the sesne of that other thing. But, they seemed nice enough to him, and weren't threatening him right now. They semed alright, so Shryke attempted an ackowledging screech towards the Fleech, saying thanks, if it even vaguely understood.
05-21-2006, 01:51 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: Slig_Cake, I thought your character is called Big Red.

IC: Slurp 1 jumped at Shryke's howl and nearly lost his memory of trying to be friendly. Apperently, the beast had understood some part his sayings, supposung that the two can commuicate. But since the creature had not spoken Fleech, he supposed that it would be impossible to talk to each other.

But just as he was going to say something, Slurp 2 barked, "Come on, we have a job!" Slurp 1 also jumped in surprise, but realized that Slurp 2 had still been able to talk to Slurp 1. Just as he was going to leave, he remembered that another beast on their side would be helpful. Slurp 1 nudged his head, in a motion to say, "Come on!". Slurp 1 bounced after Slurp 2, waiting if the beast would follow.

05-22-2006, 08:17 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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: May 2006
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Zerox  (154)Zerox  (154)

Shryke thought that it would be worth following the Fleech. The Fleech and it's companion (he sensed some strange connection between the two) could offer protection. Besides, he had been looking for some company, and he got it, fortunately. He had a quick wash and drink and began to follow, when suddenly, a huge Sea rex leapt at him from the (very big) lake. Shryke only just got out the way as it collapsed down. He recognised the thud, as he had heard it several times before in the forest, usually followed by the screeching of Elums and other creatures. But this time, the huge creature had misjudged its leap, and gone a bit too far, and was now stranded. Shryke attempted to beckon his two companions other with a screech and a wave of an arm in the Sea rex's vague direction. He gave the thing a good kick in the face, peeved, before some closer inspection of it, and what to do with it, whether leave it, or kill it for food, or what to do. He'd have to be quick though, the promise of large amounts of meat would draw other carnivores, particularly the bigger, more danerous specimens of Scrab's. He again, attempted to beckon the two, quickly.
05-22-2006, 01:53 PM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

Slurp 1&2 saw that the Searex jump out of the lake and onto the the shore. Slurp 2 didn't know what to do with the Searex, for he had sensed that his body had already disgested food. Slurp 1, on the other hand, had not aten for hours, but couldn't eat the Searex. A Fleech could only eat so much and a Searex would be impossible to swallow whole. Their new companion, on the other hand, proved to have the strength to kill the Searex, but he didn't seem so interested in the creature anyway. Leaving the Searex was another problem. To leave it out in the open, would not make the watering hole very safe for other creatures. More predators and scavengers would come to eat, making other animals endangered to more monsters. There could also be a collsion between Scrabs and Paramites.

On the other hand, industerials could come to visit, since he had memories of the walk men looking for new animals to kill. Next, they could kill at least one of the walkmen and let the other go off. Then, they could chase after the walk men, and find their hideout. And all they had to do, was make sure the Searex was still the bait and other animals did not interfere. Slurp 2 barked out his logic, but Slurp 1 jumped again and almost attacked Slurp 2, before realizing he was attacking himself. He nodded in agreement and screeched to Shryke, "We stay." Since he did not know if he understood him or not, he released his tounge and pointed it to the ground. Slurp 2 next went into the forest, but kept his distance close to the watering hole.

05-23-2006, 02:31 AM
Zerox's Avatar
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Shryke shredded some flesh off the Searex's side for himself and his companions. He made a movement on the Searex to Slurp 1, udging it as in pushing it back into the lake, as it had a smooth underside and would slip easily back into the water. But then he realised that the rotting corpse could contaminate the water. Then he heard the worrying roars of close by battling Scrab's, which meant that they were presumably metting up as they came closer.
05-23-2006, 11:09 AM
Slaveless's Avatar
Outlaw Shooter
: Jan 2006
: At a thearpy session.
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Slaveless  (36)

OOC: I don't understand a whole lot what just happened, but I will try to figure that one out.

IC: Slurp 1 screeched in displeasure of Shryke decision. That would ruin the whole plan! Slegs, Paramites, and even the surivor of that Scrab fight would come and eat what is left of the Searex. Slurp 2 growled as well and gave barking "No!"

Slurp 1 jumped in fear, but he couldn't tell if that was a random sleg or Slurp 2. He see his barking foe, so he slid to the back of Shryke, and screeching, "Beat that sleg! He will kill us both!" Slurp 2 now knew what he meant and barked back, "Slurp! It's me, Slurp!" Suddenly, Slurp 1 understood and said, "Oh. Silly me!" Slurp 2, in a way, swayed in a sarcistic manner.

Just then, two mudokons, on Meetles emerged from the forest. The Meetles had carring armor on, but they and their riders didn't happen to see the three. One of the Mudokons said, "So you see, I bet Frex hasn't found anything. All he brought was a Steef. I mean, come on! I know he means weel, but- whoa!" The Mudokons happen to see the Searex. The second one said, "Well, I bet it's dead. What should we do?" The other said, "I don't know. Searexes don't have a whole lot of predators. It could contaminate the water. Plus, Meetle Larve could eat this and that wouldn't be good either." The two thought for a moment, and the second one said, "Let's dig a hole!"

Obviously, Slurp couldn't understand a word they were saying, but he sense that they approuching the body. Slurp 1&2 knew that the Meetles were armored and probably stronger than the two. They both had to run far away, even if the plan would work out. The Meetles would kill them both and there had been rumors of Scrabs and Paramites acting weirdly when Mudokons were around. But Slurp 2 had the tempation to stay. His sleg side wanted him to eat the Mudokons, but he knew he could die from the Meetles. He ran away from the lake and went further from the forest. Slurp 1 reacted differently, by hiding behind Shryke.

05-23-2006, 12:32 PM
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Shryke stopped nudging the carcass. He was only hinting whether it would be a good idea. The Mudokons, however, were odd. He had never seen or heard of them, and was curious. They didn't look dangerous, with no sharp teeth or claws or anything, and he presumed if he didn't attack them that they wouldn't attack him, and they wouldn't set the Meetles (OOC: I thought that plant raised Meetles weren't dangerous, only meat-eating ones. Meh, whatever, I haven't played the game) on him. He ate a few scraps of flesh while waiting for the Mudokons, and nudged some towards Slurp 1, incase he hadn't noticed his offering earlier. He hoped strongly that the Mudokons would be friendly, and maybe join their posse.

OOC+PS: What happened earlier was that Shryke made vague nudging movements on the Searex, sort of 'asking' Slurp 1&2 whether it would be a good idea to push it back in, so that large numbers of predatoirs weren't attracted to the valuable water hole in large concentrations. Shryke also heard the roars of battling Scrab's nearby, as they had met on the way towards the smell of flesh and they had got angry at each others presence. If they see the amount of meat, though, they'd probably ignore each other in favour of such large amounts of food. Also, wouldn't two Mudokons take quite a long time and be pretty risky digging a hole? Particularly taking so long and at risk of ambush by Scrab's etc., particularly near the watering hole. They must be retards. Maybe the Meetles could help, but I don't know enough about how effective they are at fighting or anything to know. I haven't played Munch's Oddysee. Stupid move to X-box (hold L2 and press 'X'-AE quote LOL)

Reur (Big red) regained consiousness. He wandered through the forest blindly not knowing how to reach the great white scrab. For hours he trudged north until he came to the edge of a cliff face. Below him was a great plain stretching out far into the horizon. The scrab could not see all this but could sense the environment was changing. He knew he was getting close to his destination.
You are going to post again, right?

Last edited by Zerox; 05-23-2006 at 12:35 PM..
05-23-2006, 04:42 PM
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OOC: Supposily, Meetles are the herbivores and Mugs are carnivores. Meetles are more defensily like, which makes it sort of impossible for Slurp 1&2 to attack and do effective damage. Also, Slurp 1 could easily be crushed by their wieghts. Slurp 2 could easily be fend of and the mudokons could take care of him. I really don't know. I didn't play MO either.

For the Searex part, the mudokons didn't say they were going to make his grave at the shores of the watering hole. Besides, I found Oddworld creatures rot faster than real world ones and get shorter as they rot. So we can say that the Searex was getting smaller as time went on.

IC: Slurp 1 sensed that the Meetles were getting closer, but Shryke wasn't afraid either. Rather anxious about something. As Slurp 1 waited for the Mudokons, he saw that the Searex seemed to be shrinking and rotting very fast. He decided that it made just be useful to eat some of the meat Shryke had gave him. As he chewed on the meat, he realized that it was the most delicous object he had ever tasted. He swallowed it and vicously chowed down.

One of the Meetles sensed something eating to fast and sort of made a little voice to warn his rider. The rider became aware and said, "Hey Goper, there's something behind the Searex." The other was just as surprised his companion was and jumped off his Meetle. Slurp could sense that this Mudokon held something of wood. He became alerted and tried to blend in with Shryke's leg. The Mudokon saw Shryke and said in a surprised manner, "Hey buddy, look at this I think we are in luck!" The Mudokon, still on his Meetle saw what was behind the Searex. His Meetle was surprised as well, and made a weird sound that he had never heard of before. The Mudokon studied Shryke and said, "I know what you are thinking and this isn't him. He isn't as tall as you, nor does he look a year old. Besides, we would have felt his strong presense and he wouldn't be chewing on that meat. He is a god for goodness sake, not a predator! Plus, he would have elimated the Searex, if he did kill him, not shred off his skin. Quite uncivilized, if you ask me. It's either a freak or an experiment of a Vykker."

SLurp had no idea what they was talking about, but it did not seem like the Mudokons were so interested in Shryke. He decided that if they didn't mind Shryke, so they shouldn't have a problem with him. He revealed himself, but the one on the gorund didn't seem too happy to see him. He puckered up his slingshot and shot Slurp unconscious. The mudokon then said to Shryke, "Sorry bud, we are going to bury this big boy, so eat while you can." The two Mudokons started to grab ropes from their Meetles and loped them around the Searex and the Meetles. The Meetles next started to head towards the forest.

Slurp 2 next, emeraged from the forest, to find Slurp 1 unconscoius and the Searex moving away from him. He went to Shryke and motioned his body to say, "Want to kick some Mudokon butt?"

05-24-2006, 07:55 AM
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Shryke was rather annoyed that they were being rather antisocial (LOL) and was very annoyed at them attacking Slurp 1, so he just screeched his annoyance at the Mudokons. He didn't really want to start a fight, but he at least wanted to get the messgae accross "You have rather p*ssed me off!" to them. Then he picked up the unconcious Slurp in his mouth, dropped him with Slurp 2 then went back to collect some meat quickly, and had a drink, as more of a precaution incase they weren't to find much food for a while. He waved at the Mudokons, then jogged back over to his friends, and attempted to wake Slurp 1 up, and nudged him with his foot.
05-24-2006, 12:00 PM
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Slurp 2 grew concern that Slurp 1 was feeling very well. Slurp 1 had felt a lot of pain and he must have sort of organ damaged, like the stomach. He couldn't tell. The pain happened so fast that Slurp 2 didn't feel a whole lot. He nudged him too, but he couldn't feel anything. As he saw the Meetles go away, he wished he could do something to hurt the Mudokons. But Meetles were too big to hurt and too heavy to kill them by the under belly.

As he tried to think of what to do next, he nervously chewed on the delicous meat. He couldn't go back to the mine, Slurp was forbinned to go there. The woods were possible, but they would have to carry him and he didn't trust Shryke to hold him in the mouth. Slurp didn't even now if he was dead by now. Oh, if he had the ability to do something!

He decided that he couldn't do anything, but to continue their journey. Since Slurp had a large skull, he scooped Slurp 1 with his fast moving head and decided to move west. He waited for Shryke to come with him.

OOC: Seriously, we need some sort of person to come and become an industerial or a mudokon. It would give the story more depth.

05-24-2006, 10:38 PM
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OOC: Slig cake, are you actually going to post again? And maybe we can start a thread somewhere asking specifically for alot more members for this RP.

Shryke started following, when he heard the triumphant roar of a winning Scrab. Suddenly, that one came out of the bushes right behind them. Shryke screeched to Slurp to follow and ran for cave, being too short for a Scrab to enter easily. And if it tried to enter, it would be down on its luck in that difficulty. Shryke and Slurp ran back to the cave, when another Scrab was there. Fortunate or not, depending on whether the pursuing Scrab would appear quick enough. As the two Scrab's roared insults at each other (who knows, maybe they do) Shryke beckoned Slurp in, and they watched the battle. But then, a huge, red Scrab appeared and the other two stopped fighting immediately...

OOC: Yes, a vague attempt to get Slig cake to post again. He isn't on holiday or something, is he? And would it be worth PMing him again?
05-25-2006, 10:59 AM
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OOC: And an attempt to get yourself booted from this place. You can't control other people's characters. You just tried to use three characters. I never really thought that the mine was close up north. We will just to have to see whta comes of this. And *hint hint* Slig_Cake won't be the only one posting here, besides us.

IC: Slurp 2 had been surprised at the sense of another scrab, so he followed Shryke, supposing he knew what to do. Apparently, there was a scrab cave up ahead, so he followed Shryke into the cave. As he saw there was yet another scrab, he felt like this was his chance to run far away. Scrabs only cared about themselves, which made that an advantage to Slurp. He tried to escape the cave slowly, but up ahead was an even bigger Scrab.

Even Slurp heard of the conqueror Big Red. Never has anyone defeated or harmed Big Red. Just as he was going to sprint away from Big Red, he remembered Shryke. He didn't seem too bad, but the time with the Paramites made him think twice. The Paramites must had made him defenseless and Big Red could confuse Shryke as an easy target. He knew he must help him! But how?

He needed to distract the Scrabs. One of them seemed pertrfied, so he charged over to him and chomped him in the leg. The Scrab yelled horrobly in the air and tried to shake off SLurp, but he had already backed away. After that, it seemed like that the Scrab was angry behond thta he should be. He roared into the air and charged towards him. Now it seemed like he was going to die. Slurp tried to run off, but the sudden twirl of the Scrab, made him be scraped in all sorts of places. The wind caused him to slam into the wall. Besides that, tow things had happened. The ring on his ear dented into his head, causing him to feel like his brain just callopsed. The other, made it worse. The cave ceiling callopsed and caused a cave in. The Scrabs, unconscoius Slurp and half dead Slurp, and Shryke was stuck inside. What happened next, was to be decided by fate.

05-25-2006, 08:22 PM
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ooc: according to the story my scrab is way further up north than you guys. I know you were trying to get me to post but you can't control my character. The Scrab you saw out of the last two posts was a big scrab, but not big red and definatly not as big . I apologise for not posting often though.

Big Red kept walking until eventually he found a large stair case going down from a hole. Carefully he trudged downwards oblivious to the statues of mudokon warriors and scrabs alike. The cave was lit up by a magical light but none of this mattered to Big Red as he could not see. As he went further down the cave grew hot and misty. Finally he came to an open area and searched around. He could sense something was there but could not locate its position.

"Hello" came a mudokons voice.

Big Red whipped around angrily but there in front of him stood a large white scrab.

(Growing a mullet in support of the Socceroos)

05-26-2006, 08:19 AM
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Oopsx...lets just say alot

ooc: according to the story my scrab is way further up north than you guys.
OOC: Oops. Buggar. Alot. I was just thinking that since he was wandering around randomly, I thought it wouldn't be too bad to make him randomly appear there. Lets just say its a big Scrab then. Not THAT big, though.
Oh, and the Scrab's were meant to be outside the small cave, not in a larger cave. It was meant to be the one Shryke had been staying in. Meh, one can improvise...

In the sudden chaos caused by Slurp 2, Shryke took the advantage of using a leg to sweep one of the Scrab's legs from under it while it wasn't looking, tripping it. It knocked the larger Scrab, aggravating it so that it unleashed hell upon its victim. The other one was fairly small, and it was distracted by Slurp 2 after being bitten, so he rammed it into a wall and almost into the current fight before grabbing Slurp 1 in his mouth, and shoving Slurp 2 with a leg out the cave quickly. He threw some water on Slurp 1 and then attended to Slurp 2. He had to be quick with at least Slurp 2, as he was rather large to move far away enough from the cave quickly...

Or something like that, anyway.
The White Scrab then said "follow*bricked*

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