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12-17-2006, 11:38 PM
Gretin's Avatar
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Hahaha, this is fantastic Most of the stories I've read on here, while they often have a nice humourous touch, have a serious backstory, (and don't get me wrong, that's usually a good thing) so this is just seriously funny (now isn't that an oxymoron for you ) stuff that seems totally random! Good job

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12-18-2006, 04:28 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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You know I had a very strange dream about this before it was written, I dreamt that the OWFs was a huge building, and a thread had it's own room!
It was very weird...
This story shows how we get along together, and it's just amazingly random!
I can't wait for the next chapter!
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12-18-2006, 07:17 AM
Splat's Avatar
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Maybe you should just let everyone post pictures of their characters or of scenes, I can imagine it being cool to see the mix of talents, and some of the silly things people might come up with. Just let people do fanart as they wish, it'd be more inline with the thread to post anything and everything.
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-18-2006, 09:40 AM
dripik's Avatar
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Just let people do fanart as they wish, it'd be more inline with the thread to post anything and everything.
100% seconded. I've already drawn a sketch of the bar sceene, but if I went for perfection, I would be ready after a month or so.
You created a great story, Mitsur, let the fans post their stuff.

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12-18-2006, 10:44 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
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Great comedy story this Mitsur. I'm intrigued as to who you'll be making the noob squad- Stingbee, Vulcher, 'Wired'? I also love how you're portraying some of the characters, such as the snuzi-knockout running joke, or Splat being a James Bond obsessed type of guy. I'm interested to see where it'll go next, and I wonder, will I ever appear again apart from briefly grabbing your arm at the start?

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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12-18-2006, 04:51 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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100% seconded. I've already drawn a sketch of the bar sceene, but if I went for perfection, I would be ready after a month or so.
You created a great story, Mitsur, let the fans post their stuff.
Exellent idea, Dripik. But guys, ignore the Art topic. I got a bit hurried and made it before I realized it'd look much better in here by itself.

So go ahead and post all your art on OWFTOL here, guys. I don't mind.

Anyways, here comes ch 5!



It was dark. A claustrophobic dark. The dark that haunts nightmares. It was all around him. It was eating at his very soul. And the worst of it was,

He was enjoying every bite.

But so much, so much darkness, it was driving him mad HE COULDN'T THINK, COULDN'T EVEN BREA-

Mitsur was snapped out his daymare. He was still being pulled upwards, his hands was still grasped firmly onto the lamp chain. He shook, unprovoked. Something had found him in his dreams, but whatever It was definitely did not mean to help him.

Rich, dying light from the sunset spilled onto Mitsur's arms as he past openingings in the wood as he was pulled higher and higher up into his tower position. Finally, he was pulled into a more modern steel area. The lamp stopped at a dark landing, and Mitsur stepped off, snapping his fingers as he did.

The lights slowly glowed on, fluorescence giving the tower an unused air. All around were crates, with weapons and ammunition resting on them. A small hallway stretched in front of him, with similar lamp-elevators at random intervals along the way.

As Mitsur checked to make sure everything was in place, the chains of two other lamps rose, and soon Munch's Master and Gretin had risen. Both of them looked grim over the approaching event. Mitsur nodded curtly, which they returned, and outfitted himself.

He grabbed a sniper rifle, and a handful of clips. Munch and Gretin did the same. Striding along the hall to their Sniping position, Munch spoke.

"What do you guys wanna bet this time? Pansies or pissed-off wannabe hackers?" he asked.

"I'm gonna go with incoherency." Gretin said. "Big alarms like this usually mean-"

"You're both being stupid." Mitsur said, frowning. Then his stern face broke into a smile. "I'm going on the smart money."

"What's that?" Munch said, curious.

"Wanna-be 1337s."

"What's that?" Gretin asked.

"OMG WTF!?!one!!11! U /)0/\/'7 no \/\/h47 7h/-\7 15!?11!!!oneonelolololol!!!"

"What the hell did that mean?!" Munch said, horrified by the atrociousness of Mitsur's 1337.

"That's exactly what I'm going for." Mitsur said, smiling a bit.

The three snipers had reached the end of the hall. A pair of elevator doors waited for them. Mitsur pressed the button, and it opened with a soft ding.

They all stepped inside, ready to do murder, as a pleasant piano version of 'When the Saints go Marching In' played from a hidden speaker.

"Trust Abe Babe to make everything pleasant before she gave the job to Alcar..." Mitsur muttered, and Munch nodded agreeably. "We could've at least gotten 'Tribute'. That's at least funny and cool."

Gretin rolled his eyes, and banged the wall of the elevator. The music changed instantly to Jimmy Hendrix, and the three were air guitaring madly in seconds.

The elevator doors opened with another ding, and the three inside showed no sign of their previous mad air-guitaring skillz. They stood stock still.

The top room was simple enough, with three firing slots in the wall, which gave them a commanding view of the battle field. One slot was on the left, another in the middle, and one more on the right. A simple air-conditioning system was in place on the ceiling, as was a small crate of water and food.

Munch took the left one, and Gretin took the right. Mitsur settled himself in the middle, and set up his rifle.

The view Mitsur had was astounding. He looked through his scope, and saw nothing but an intense, endless desert known to many of the forum members as The Desert of Ignorance, per the endless part. The dying sun still shone on some of it, thought, revealing a trackless, dry, and crumbled wasteland. Worse than even the Wasteland Blaine the Mono had crossed all that time ago with the Line of Eld in his compartment.

The desert stopped suddenly at the edge of the OWF building outskirts. Even though he was high above, and could only see the bottom portions, Mitsur though that the building itself looked majestic, a castle built and still building in honor of intelligence and rational thought.

A huge trench stretched from one side of the forum building to the other, and set up in it were at least one hundred forum members, too small to seen who they were. All of them were bustling about, waiting and preparing for the inevitable attack.

A huge dust cloud was behind the n00b army. They numbered three hundred at the most, but most of them looked tired, hungry, and burnt-out. Behind them was presumably a leader, but he was hidden in the dust cloud. Not that Mitsur, Munch, or Gretin would fire at him. The etiquette of war still stood, and anyway, the army was out of range.

The n00b army stopped their march a football field's distance from OWF.

The defenders stopped, and raised their weapons. The burning sky lit the scene of the attackers and the defenders for a moment, and ended it's long, slow travel to the horizon. It slowly traveled down, the burning sun waiting to be replaced by a burning moon. There were only minutes of light left.

Mitsur, Gretin, and Munch did not hear the following, although they were told later about the words. However, they saw everything from their sniper position.

A lone n00b walked forward, and called out in a reasonably coherent voice.

"Can the leder of oWf cum and met are leder so they can negocicate?" he asked.

Alcar, who had been dressed in regular clothes so as not to make himself noticeable, stepped clearly into the desert.

"I would prefer to see your leader himself, first. And none of this childish nonsense talk."

A stir went up from the n00b army. Voice called out faintly, like "OMG wut a jerk!!111lolone!!1", "Wuts rong wit me gramar?!1!1!!!1", and "WTF JeRk!!11one!!"

Alcar ignored it, and the lone n00b tittered. He spoke again, but it was shockingly in the voice of an untamable evil, ancient beyond thought.


It/he snapped his fingers, and instantly began to morph into some kind of Beast. Mitsur's scope shattered, as did Gretin's and Munch's. As the sun finished it's descent, darkness fell, obscuring the figure before it could fully become It.

Although no one but Alcar saw The Faceless N00b in His/It true form that night, all sensed it. Mitsur felt a mind-numbing amount of terror and fear invade his mind, and had to resist the urge to break and run.

Gretin and Munched were unmoving, although they must have felt the same fear.

Alcar strode from the darkness a few minutes later, a mixture of anger and disbelief on his face. He shouted loud enough that even all three of them heard it in the tower.


Mitsur nodded unthinkingly to Alcar, and the three snipers went back into the elevator and down to the lamp room. They all looked at each other nervously for moment, and then backed onto their lamps, contemplating the events that had just unfolded.

Mitsur absent-mindedly tugged his chain, and his mind whirled as he descended back into the soul-eating blackness.


Not much comedy or length to that chapter, but I thought you should stew on the nature of The Faceless N00b. You'd forget it all if I launched into a huge battle scene.

Anyways, thanks for reading. Put a few Dark Tower refrences (Blain the moo) but that's all the subletly I can manage for now.

So, guys, go ahead and post your artwork here, if you want.

On to ch 6!


Last edited by mitsur; 12-18-2006 at 05:05 PM..
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12-19-2006, 02:27 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Goresplatter  (102)Goresplatter  (102)

OHNOEZ! NOOBZ! Hehe excellent, this story is actually getting quite involved - I feel a Helm's Deep kind of scene coming up! :P
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12-19-2006, 09:05 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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The way you are doing this, with different types of n00b soldier and everything, is hilarious. It is reminding me as well of Helm's Deep, and seems like a funny chapter's coming. Perhaps you could have one of the members get 'hacked' by the n00bs and infected to seem like a noob soldier himself? This is real entertaining reading, and I'm intrigued by this Faceless One stuff. Pity I've never read Dark Tower, I'd probably get more of these in-jokes.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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12-19-2006, 09:34 AM
Bullet Magnet's Avatar
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If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. That option is always available.

What about the noobs who genuinely wish to become good members? Or do they come wandering in from the desert, and invasions like this only occur when a game is released?
| (• ◡•)|  (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)

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12-19-2006, 10:36 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Goresplatter  (102)Goresplatter  (102)

Joining the noobs is not an option! This day we FIGHT!! :P
If it becomes a big siege, it would be fun if we could get every active forumer shown - I was gonna say every forum member, but that's like, 2000 including inactive ones XD

P.S. Don't forget bots on the noob side, they're kinda similar >_<
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12-19-2006, 01:03 PM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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I liked it, but it's not as good as some of the past chapters. Remember the point of this story if for comedy above all else! Remember your prologue!
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-19-2006, 01:48 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Arxryl  (10)

that was funny. especially the bad grammar of the n00bs. I see a huge war goin' on here... well duh, but...

I can't wait to see what'll happen next. maybe their attacks could be called spam grenades and they paralyze the opponents with rnadom nonsense.

this would be one of the things I look forward to when I get home from school.

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-19-2006, 03:32 PM
Al the Vykker's Avatar
Al the Vykker
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You should make some cameos of some more crazy old members that caused trouble here etc in the past. Regardless another fine chapter my friend!
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12-19-2006, 05:02 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Yes, guys, I have remembered the prolouge. Remember the saying, 'looks are deceiving'. You'll all probably be disappointed by how this all resolves itself, but you'll get your action scene.

Well, let's get goin with the new chapta!



Mitsur was lost in his thoughts when the lamp stopped its descent. So lost, that he forgot to jump off the lamp. It started its descent back up, because of the pressure.

He gave a startled yelp, and jumped off, smacking his head on the ceiling, and landed on the upturned end of the table, sliding off, and landing hard. He turned it into a roll, and then got up, then almost immediately bent over from the pain.

Gathering himself together, Mitsur summoned up what was left of his dignity. He flung out his arms, and with great aplomb, yelled out,


Nobody clapped. Mitsur shrugged, rubbed his head, and went into the entrance area. A huge crowd had already gathered. Alcar was standing in the front of the room, trying to get everyone to calm down.

"Guys, just be quiet. You should all know this." Alcar was saying, but everyone was babbling on, regardless. Alcar spotted Mitsur in the crowd, and waved him over.

"Mitsur, glad to see you. Now, I want you to tell me something. Did you see anything wrong with the n00bs?" Alcar asked, whispering.

"Besides the fact that that one guy could turn into something that wanted me to run back to my bed and pull the covers over my face? Nope. Just that they all look pissed-off, hungry, and ready to drop from exhaustion." Mitsur said, then paused, and whispered. "And why are we whispering?"

"No reason. Ok, go tell Majic to start herding everyone into the Cafeteria, so I can address everyone easier."

"Wait, I can do that myself." Mitsur said, putting an arm on Alcar's shoulder, wincing at bit at the sudden awkwardness.

"How?" he asked, puzzled.

Mitsur took a deep breath, and yelled out,


Instantly, the talking went down.

"FREE PIE IN THE CAFETERIA!" Almost as fast, every eye turned hungrily toward the cafeteria door. Then Splat shouted out,

"YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!" He pulled back his trench coat, and shot out a grappling hook from his belt buckle, which latched onto the air vent and pulled him up. He was cutting through the grate and had crawled in when everyone stampeded for the door.

Mitsur grabbed Alcar and started dashing for the door himself.

"How are we going to make pie in sixty seconds?!" Alcar yelled over the din.

"Don't worry about that! Snuzi showed me his secret stash last week!" Mitsur yelled back, and they dashed into the cafeteria.

Mitsur fought his way to the bar, smacking faces and butts as he ran. More than once someone said, "Who touched my nether regions?", "Whoa Mitsur, I'm not that kind of guy!", and even once, "Hey, look guys! Another nickel!"

Mitsur positioned himself behind the bar, and pulled the Coor's and Vodka bottles Pat and Snuzi had pulled earlier, themselves. The wall spun back, and then stopped in the middle.

Mitsur stood, dazed from disbelief, at the amount of pie. Stacks upon stacks upon stacks upon stacks of the pie were almost chocking the secret room. Snuzi had once called it "The Grand Pie-nyon" Mitsur understood why, now.

He turned back, and jumped. Everyone had a glassy-eyed look as they gazed upon what was surely Heaven on Earth.

Mitsur slowly grabbed a box, and moved it left, then right. Their eyes followed unthinkingly. He raised it, and the eyes rose.

Sweat broke out on his brow.

Jesus Christ Mitsur thought. If I crush this thing they'll tear me apart.

He hurled it into the crowd, and all hell broke loose as pie went everywhere.


30 minutes later

"Okay guys, let's get down to business. You should all know one thing: Those n00bs will most likely kill us all. And slowly." Alcar said, grimly. "I suggest you all do whatever you want. And make it fast; sunrise is only in a few hours."

A collective gasp went up.

Havoc fell out of his chair. SeaRex looked green. Then Mutual Friend spoke up.


"Noooooo. I just wanted to see the look on your guy's faces." Alcar said, and burst out laughing.

An angry growl went up among the room, but it eventually settled.

"Ok, ok, I was out of line. Let's get to the serious stuff." Alcar said, sheepishly. Then he turned serious.

"Now, I've seen him in his real form. Nothing short of terror filled me; then I remembered one fact: The n00bs are exactly that. N00bs. They most likely have no idea really what they're doing. That kept me calm. All of you here are true-blue members. You're smart, calm, and most importantly, know how to handle yourselves. These n00bs most likely are going to flail around, knowing nothing. The Faceless One is the only one who is relativity smart. And looks are deceiving. He is not as strong as you all think. We have a very good chance to win this. All we need to do is act intelligently."

Throat dry from the long speech, Alcar stepped down. For a moment, there was no sound, and then the whole cafeteria burst into huge applause.

Then, when it faded off, no one went up to the stage, and an uncomfortable silence. Then, Splat stood.

Oh my god Mitsur thought He's going to drive us all mad.

Splat walked up to the stage, and adjusted his trench coat. He put on a commanding air, and spoke like Q.

"You are all my finest agents. I have been proud to serve with you all. Now we will all go out, dodge the bad-guys bullets without even trying, kill them in one shot, all while looking extremely fashionable!!!" Splat yelled it out, and they all yelled a victory cry and stampeded out the door to the armory.

Mitsur got to the door first, and opened the door, and gave a scream of terror.

All the guns and ammo had been melted. Smeared in melted plastic on the wall was NO CHEAP HAXOR WEAPONS THIS TIME LOLOLOLOLOLOL.

"That bastard destroyed all the guns..." SeaRex muttered behind him.

"Don't we have anything else that's potentially deadly?!" Jordan asked desperately.

"All I can think of are those swords we all used during that D&D craze all those years ago..." Alcar muttered.

"That's good enough." Mitsur said. "Where are they?"

"I think in the room marked GEEK CRAP." Max said, always the archivist.

"Figures..." Mitsur muttered, and they all headed that way.

...Outside, the Faceless One watched, and grinned.


No notes today, guys.


Last edited by mitsur; 12-19-2006 at 05:30 PM..
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12-19-2006, 05:31 PM
Spirrow's Avatar
Grubb Fisherman
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Ha, I loved that one, Mitsur. I thought it would be cool if someone
had the skills and time to actually make movie episodes using
life-like movie graphics software. But then again, it would be difficult to figure out what someone sounds like in real life and then mimick it.

Thanks for including me, though I might add I would have become a
human-sized blue eagle instead of a sparrow. No matter though. Great job.
Warped Wisecr4ck Wonders:
Why does hell tend to freeze over?

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12-20-2006, 03:16 AM
Munch's Master's Avatar
Munch's Master
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Brilliant Mitsur, better chapter than last time! I still hope that this 'faceless oe' is a well known torublemaker ex-member, and this chapteer definitely reverted to the more humourous style. Great work.
I could give it a shot at making a movie of it in Paint and Movie Maker, but I'd need to know exactly how Mitsur envisions all the characers first, down to little details.

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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12-20-2006, 04:35 AM
Splat's Avatar
Chameleonic Lifeforms, No Thanks!
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Ace! ROFLs!
I have crowd control!

The old n00b I know of was called batteryclock. When I joined Necrum Burialgrounds were full of his threads. One was saying 'How many legs have you got?' The seconds post said 'Two, why haven't you?' to which he replied 'I don't want to talk about it.'
What's the point of making the flipping thread dude?
Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-20-2006, 04:44 AM
Goresplatter's Avatar
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Goresplatter  (102)Goresplatter  (102)

LOL Splat... hmm...

*starts 'How many faces have you got?' thread...*
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12-20-2006, 09:18 AM
Jordan's Avatar
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Wow, a hilarious chapter as usual Mitsur! I loved the effect of the n00bs, I want to see cameo noobs too! Let's think... Lord Vulcher, ELEMENTOFLOVE...
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12-20-2006, 02:24 PM
Arxryl's Avatar
Outlaw Sniper
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Arxryl  (10)

that was an awesome chapter! Less Arxryl than usuall, but maybe that's a good thing...
Kidding aside, that was an awesome chapter!

Our fate is sealed only when we accept it. -~Arxryl~-

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12-20-2006, 03:00 PM
ziggy's Avatar
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These are hilarious! I like it how you made a battle of the noobs and made fun of all the wierd members that were on the forums. The story is good, and I like how you involve the forum members into it also, from the way they post here and how they describe themsleves. Good observation.
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12-20-2006, 05:20 PM
mitsur's Avatar
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Ok guys. This’ll be the last part of the n00b wars; at least, I’m hoping that’s the case. And thanks for the comments, once again.

Let’s go.


Mitsur dashed to the storage area, the other members of OWF running behind him. He reached the door marked STUFF WE HAVEN’T USED IN FOREVER. He pulled the door open, and stepped inside, and gasped. Boxes were in a never-ending pile. It would take years to find the D&D box.

Havoc stopped behind him, and gapped.

“Wow. I’ve never seen so much crap.” He said. Mitsur nodded dumbly.

“Yeah. Maybe your collection of tiger paraphernalia is half that big.”

SeaRex ran up. “Are you guys thinking that this’ll take forever?” he asked impatiently.

“Um…yeah.” Mitsur said. SeaRex sighed, and shook his head.

“You guys still haven’t discovered the wonders of the search engine yet, have you?” He pulled out a handheld fan, marked OWF SEARCH ENGINE on it.

“Hey, I wondered why that was always in my pocket! But how does it work?” Jordan asked, jogging up and panting heavily.

“Ok, you input what you want here-” SeaRex said, pushing a few buttons, and a small computer screen and keyboard popped out. He typed in GEEK STUFF into it, and hit the Power button. “-And then you just turn it on, and point it at the stuff you’re looking through. It blows away all the crap not in the search criteria.”

“Wait, wouldn’t that make everything even more cluttered? I mean, blowing stuff in all directions is not very-” Jordan was cut off in mid-sentence as the fan came on with an ear-splitting roar, blowing papers and boxes everywhere.

SeaRex yelled in triumph as assorted crap went everywhere. Everything, of course, except a bunch of large, dinghy boxes with the words GEEK STUFF written on it in grimy letters. Medieval weaponry stuffed them to the top.

Standing obliviously to the paper and cardboard littered all around him, SeaRex dashed up to the box, and picked it up, wincing a bit as the weapons inside poked through and stabbed his hands. He tossed it at Mitsur.

“Hot potato!!!”

Oh, jeez!” Mitsur caught it, and tossed just as quickly to Havoc.

“Warm banana!”

“What the hell does that mea- oh crap!” Havoc caught it, and then tossed it to Jordan.

Steamy corn!

Jordan caught it, and winced as he got stabbed in multiple times in the arm. He passed it back to SeaRex.

Tingly squash!”

“Hey, I already tossed this around!” SeaRex yelled as Al walked through the door.

“Al, catch!”

“Hey guys! I feel really good, and I think you all know wh- AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” Al caught the box in the face, and it bounced off, leaving it strangely un-cut.

“What was that for!?!?” Al yelled, rubbing his nose.

“Um, no reason. Just pass out those weapons.” SeaRex said. Gretin walked in, followed by Munch’s Master.

“Whoa, is that what we get to use? Bad-ass!” Gretin lifted out a mace and ball that looked spookily similar to Auron’s sword from FFX. Munch’s master lifted out a wooden staff. He started to laugh.

“Hah, like this thing really works…” He giggled, and pointed it at a box labeled OLD AND NOT SO TASTY’S KINDNESS. “Magic missile!” he yelled.

The end of the staff exploded, and a streak of white fire shot out. It hit the box, and the box vaporized instantly. Munch staggered back, stunned.

“Oh my god…it does work!” he gasped out.

“You idiot!” Jordan yelled. “Now it’s gone forever!” Mitsur put a calming hand on Jordan’s shoulder.

“Don’t worry,” Mitsur said. “It’ll eventually come back. I think.”

Jordan nodded sadly, and they all trooped out into the main entrance hall, where all the members were arming themselves.

Max had chosen a staff as well, and was muttering weird incantations under his breath. Bullet Magnet had a knife that looked more suited for spreading butter than slicing up n00bs. Rexy had taken a spear, and was practicing jabs. Mutual Friend had a stick with a sharp rock attached to it, which had been created during what Mitsur dimly remembered as the time they all had to chug a bottle of Listerine when they lost HP.

Goresplatter had picked up two blunt spoons and was swinging them around. Sapphire had a pointy stick. Spirrow was testing out a rather bent butter-knife. Splat had on shoes that shot out knifes when he clicked his heels together. Arxryl was holding what suspiciously looked like Audrey Jr., and Jordan was whipping a samurai sword around like a cheerleader’s baton. SeaRex actually had a cheerleader’s baton. Then Mitsur saw it shot out a jet of fire every time it slammed into something.

Dripik was presumably still out in Rupture Farms, and was totally un-involved. Al had a knife-wrist that was attached to a spring-clip, so it shot out whenever he punched. Alcar was holding what looked like Gandalf the White’s staff. Havoc brandished a stuffed tiger head. Snuzi had a bow and quiver of arrows.

Having no idea why everyone had a weird assortment of weapons, Mitsur grabbed a simple long sword. He tested the edge, and, satisfied, glanced up as Alcar once again stood at their head.

OWF MEMBERS! IT IS TIME!” He yelled. Everyone gave out a war cry, ranging from “For Gilead!!”, “IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME!!”, “Toga, toga, toga!!”, “BANZAI!!”, “logalogalogalogalog!!”, to “Remember the Alamo!!”, “Whooooo!!”, and finally “LEEEEERRRRRRROOOOOOOYYYYY JENKINSSSSS!!!”

Everyone charged into the staging area, and took up their places in the giant trench, as the sun inexplicitly came up.

The n00bs were waiting.

Both armies looked at each other. Then, it happened.


The n00b army charged.

“Make ready!” Alcar yelled out. Everyone brought the weapons out. He started to jog up the line, as the wanna-be members got closer. He smacked each weapon with his staff as he jogged along.


The two armies collided with the force of a meteor. Mitsur’s mind went cold. It was now time to kill or be killed. He sidestepped a thrust from a n00b holding a hunting knife, and drove his sword through his chest.

“OMG HAX!” the n00b said before toppling over. Two n00bs rushed him, and he lopped off the head of one, but the other sliced Mitsur’s bicep before he could stab the other.

“OWNED LOLOLOLOLOLO-” it was cut off in mid lol at Havoc thrust the tiger head over the n00b’s own head and yanked. It ripped off, drenching both members in stupid juice.

“Needed some help?” Havoc asked with a bloody grin.

“Nah, just saving some for you.” Mitsur replied. He looked over the battlefield, the battle momentarily clear for him.

They had not lost a member yet. The n00bs were dying fast. Sapphire hit one in the head with her boot, then pushed the stick through its eye and killed it. Spirrow spread butter over one’s eyes, and it flailed around, blind, until he kicked it in the crotch so hard its head exploded. Goresplater had blunt-spoon’d one to death. Max was standing calmly, glancing through a book that dimly said 101 death-spells for dummies, and any n00b that came within ten feet of him was killed invisibly.

Splat was dodging like he was 007 in a firefight, which meant not dodging at all. He kept kicking them in the shins and running away, letting them bleed out. Arxryl was holding out Audrey Jr., which kept saying “Feed me!” and chopping n00bs happily. Jordan was using his sword like a nun chuck, and nobody could get within three meters of him, or become a separate person. SeaRex was doing some kind of cheerleader routine, burning n00bs to a crisp every time he yelled out a letter.

“Gimme a D!” whoosh, crackle crackle.

“Gimme an I!” Whomp. “AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!”

“Gimme an E!” Whaaaaaa.

“What’s that spell!?”

“DIE!” A n00b yelled, unthinkingly.
“Right!” SeaRex said happily, and then toasted it.

Al was covering Snuzi, punching a n00b every time it tried to keep Snuzi from firing. Snuzi was shooting almost straight up, and it landed into a n00b’s skull every time.

Mitsur broke his eyes away from the member’s antics. The n00bs were still fighting like crazy people, and despair came into his face at the sheer amount of them. He started fending off attacks from n00bs, armed with wooden swords, their judo-chops, and the occasional verbal slashing.
“OMG LOL WTF ROFL HAX!!1111!!!!one!!!111!!!!!11!11!oneoeneoeneone!!111!! 1 /-\ 73/-/ 1337 lololololololoollol!”

Those hurt the most, and when Mitsur was about to be overrun with horrible spelling and grammar, hope came.

Alcar strode onto the battlefield like a jugernaught. He just walked calmly through the field, gesturing here and there, n00bs being blown backwards and landing fifteen feet away.

The Faceless One emerged from the n00b’s flank, striding toward Alcar. He was wearing the armor that looked suspiciously like that of Sauron. In his hand was The Witch King’s mace. On his finger was a gold band with red writing on it.

Oh, great. Mitsur thought. He’s a n00b AND a LOTR geek.

The Faceless One walked slowly, carefully. He was rushed by three OWF members, and he swung almost casually. It collided with all three, a poof of air rushed out as they were thrown backwards.

Alcar and The Faceless one approached each other, and then began to break into a jog. Then they sprinted. Both yelled out terrifying war cries. They gave off a fiery aura that made them look like meteors hurtling through the atmosphere.



The two leaders crashed together, and both raised their weapons. They swung down.

“AAAAAAAAHHHH-rock, paper, scissors!!!” Alcar produced a rock, and The Faceless One produced paper.

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo!!” He raised his hands to his face, and a white steam rushed into him. The helmet exploded, revealing-

“My god!” Alcar gasped.

YES!” Oddworld Master boomed, and lifted Alcar up.

“I should have known!” Mitsur yelled. “The LOTR rings obsession gave it away! That’s why you’ve come back; for revenge! I would, too, if everyone hated my topics and made me go away!”

He charged at him, but Alcar stopped him.

“No, Mitsur. We agreed. Whoever lost the rock paper scissors fight had to give up. Now, Oddworld Master, fulfill your bargain, be killed by the bargain-gods.”
"Wait," Havoc said slowly, "dosen't paper beat ro-" Havoc stopped as Alcar shot him a quick look.

Oddworld Master slumped…and nodded dejectedly.

“C’mon guys…let’s go.” He said, and gestured off. The fighting instantly stopped, and both armies looked up, stunned.

“U…u men u lawst?!?! OMFG HAX!!!!!111one1!1!!!” one n00b shouted.

Oddworld Master nodded sadly, and the n00bs slumped, and followed him back away into the desert. The members of OWF looked at each other incredulously, and Alcar raised a fist.

“I just knew he would pick paper! OWF, WE HAVE WON!!!”
"Hey!" Havoc yelled. "Paper beats rock! They won!"
"Don't tell them that! I managed to convince his that paper looses to rock before he left!" Alcar replied.

Al yelled, and ran to Rexy for victory smooches.

Wow.” Havoc said into the silence. “That was anti-climantic.”

For a moment, everyone was silent once more, than everyone exploded in cheers. A round of “LEROY JENKINS!!” went around, and, laughing, almost everyone ran into the forums. Alcar and Mitsur stayed behind.

Mitsur gazed at the growing dust storm at the horizon, and spoke.

“You know, I almost feel kind of sorry for them.” Mitsur said. “They just want a good home.”

“Mitsur, you have to understand. They’ll never get what they want until they work for it. That’s why they attack forums like ours; they want it all the easy way.” Alcar said, and started in, then stopped and turned back. “You coming? Free drinks on me!”

“Sure, at least as long as you don’t try to cut my hair after three of Splat’s 007 martinis.” Mitsur replied, and they walked back into the OWF building, together. Mitsur looked up at the warm lights already being turned on, and smiled. Their home. My home.

Randomness and peace had returned to the forums.



OMG that’s the end?!

I can almost hear you guys yell it out. Don’t worry, don’t worry; it’s basically just on standby.

There will be a new OWF parody, I can almost guarantee it. I just thought that I’ve already got The Fated Five (or Fated Four if someone doesn’t post an applyment soon) soon, and this chapter seems to be a decent area to end the first one with a bang.

Well, it’s been a bit over a week, and I had a ton of fun writing this. I’m sorry to anyone who wanted to be in this but didn’t get a chance. I’ll try to get ya in next time!

Anyhow, I’d like to tell you all once again how much I loved writing this, and to thank you for making this trek with me into the depths of imagination. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I did.



P.S. By all means, this should be kept open, for past reference, as well as art. So, like Dripik, if you’d like to post some art or other-related things on the story, feel free to do so!


Last edited by mitsur; 12-21-2006 at 10:48 AM..
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12-20-2006, 06:39 PM
skillya_glowi's Avatar
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The idea of OWF warring with a n00b army is SO hilarious (and that goes to show, don't it?)!
My Abe's Oddysee walkthrough

"Did you know I have a dart board with certain peoples pictures on it from OWF? I show my love for them in a special way."

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12-21-2006, 12:47 AM
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Awesome chapters, Mitsur, especially the last one (had me laughing out loud - literally - in several places ). Good stuff.

You know, I've been thinking, maybe we should make a game of this? I'm pretty good with Game Maker (though I say it myself), so if some people were interested in making sprites, some people could even just provide ideas of features and such, and of course, if anyone else on here was interested and was good with Game Maker they could help with that. And I think we could safely leave the *cough* storyline up to you.
What do you guys think?

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12-21-2006, 02:50 AM
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Dude, i got Blofeld's shoes! Awesome!
Great ending, but I'm somewhat confused by the fact that paper beats rock... Doesn't that mean we lost?

Oddworld novel: The Despicable. Original fiction: Small Worlds.

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12-21-2006, 04:29 AM
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Mitsur that was awesome! I loved how you made it sound like an RPG battle scene kind of thing with spells and all that! I agree with Gretin, a game would be amazing! Or maybe a movie?
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12-21-2006, 06:32 AM
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Awesome. Had me giggling like a gigglesome-giggle!

- Rexy

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12-21-2006, 08:47 AM
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Haha, that was excellent! Though the amount of tongues hurt my eyes slightly :P
Dual spoons - DEFINATELY my weapons of choice, muahaha!

Hope there's another story to come soon, with another awesome plot - and the next one must have OANST in it... though god knows how he'd look in it, I couldn't imagine...
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12-21-2006, 08:50 AM
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Pity that's the end but still, great final chapter. So I'm the one responsible for OANST's bitterness?
Also I love how Havoc's weapon is a tiger's head, and Splat again gets James Bond gadgets. Nice ending, I'm looking forward to any future instalments.

Also, was the noob storyline really just an excuse for you to succumb to deep dark desires to spam and post bad grammar?

Fuzzle Guy: Apart from going swimming I've never been more wet in my life than when I went to see Take That.

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12-21-2006, 10:50 AM
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Dude, i got Blofeld's shoes! Awesome!
Great ending, but I'm somewhat confused by the fact that paper beats rock... Doesn't that mean we lost?

Splat, you were totally right. My brain must've been on the fuzz. I changed it. Go back to the part when they do rock-paper-scissors and you'll notice something different

Thank you very much for all the kind comments, guys/

The gamemaker idea sounds pretty cool, except that I have no idea how to use it. I do think the wc3 world editor would work better, though, if we had some people skilled with it.

I plan to have the next installment by the time The Fate Four/Five is done.

Thanks again!


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