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01-04-2002, 07:14 PM
Black Dragon's Avatar
Black Dragon
Riot Slug
: May 2001
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Rep Power: 24
Black Dragon  (10)
"Power and Vengeance"

Alrighty, this is the first chap in a fic that I will hopefully continue. It's sorta the sequel to the horribly pathetic Black Dragon Saga sh*t that I wrote awhile ago, but feh. This chap is mainly an intro.

Power and Vengeance

Chapter 1
Magar the Hunter sighed lowly to himself as he watched the sun rise. The brilliant shades of glowing orange and sea blue had always captivated his imagination, leading him to far away lands were game was plentiful and a mutant did not have to worry about being hunted like a rabid and dangerous beast. Lying in an upright position on a large piece of shale with his head gently resting upon a large, clawed hand, he closed his eyes and imagined that place of his dreams. It was so familiar and yet so strange to him, but he loved thinking that, one day, he would indeed get there and life would be bliss. Hunter snapped his eyes open and jolted slightly as he came back to reality.
”Some day…” he muttered under his breath, the rising sun reflecting in his blood-red eyes.
Regretfully, he got up and shook himself once from head to the tip of his tail. Afterwards, he put on his usual scowl and padded off to find the source of the sound that had awakened him from his reverie.

”Damn it, leggo yer ugly two-handed piece ‘er Elum toe-jam!” Snek yelled fiercely at the Glukkon, Drok.

It appeared to be the usual scenario today: Snek and Drok fighting over something. The two never got along, a thing the rest of the team could never understand. The dragon herself seemed to think it was due to Snek’s crude mouth and Drok’s uptightness. Now, both held one end of a fruit in their hands and were pulling towards his own body in a vicious game of tug-o-war.

”I know this will come as a shock, ghosty, but you have two hands as well!” Drok snapped back smartly, his orange eyes burning with hunger and frustration.

Snek stared back stupidly for a few moments, trying to think of a comeback, but it was to no avail and he continued tugging hard on the fruit.

”I’ll take that, if you two boys don’t mind,” came a third male voice.

Xian lumbered between the two and snatched the fruit from both of their grasps and swallowed it whole in one gulp. Letting out an enormous belch, he plopped his whole eight feet down on a bed of leaves and closed his eyes.

”Can’t a guy have a few minutes quiet ‘round ‘ere?!” Hunter barked as he trotted off of the rock.

He strutted between the two like an annoyed general about to discipline a couple of his men for misbehaving. Drok and Snek saw the agitation in the mutant’s eyes, muttered something inaudible under their breath and went to opposite sides of the clearing. With a snort of reprimand, Hunter trotted over to a large pond that seemed rather out of place in the small forest clearing. A mischievous glint sparkling in his eyes, he reared onto his hind legs and shouted at the tops of his lungs, “’Mornin’, Ms. Nightfire! How’re you this fine summer’s day?”

With a low rumble, the pond began to ripple around the edges. The vibrations soon turned into a massive maelstrom in the center of the pond, and then to a cyclone of rampant water. With a flash of dark violet light, the water spout disappeared, leaving no trace of a body of water ever being there. Now standing in front of Hunter was a large black dragon with fearsome green eyes, a flaming red mane, and a pair of amazing zinc-colored wings.

”What did you do that for?” the dragon Unopa Nightfire yawned, scratching her side casually.

”Thought yer’d like some breakfast befer yer three lackeys eat it all an’ kill themselves in da process,” Hunter chuckled, sitting on his haunches.

”Great, not again. What am I gonna do with those two?” she grunted, swishing her tail sleepily. “Actually, Hunt, I planned on flying south to Meridia today. I think one of the revolutionary spies there has some info on a new project of the Cartel’s…”

”Ooh, sounds like fun…”

”Tell me about it, but while I’m gone, could you kinda keep the pack under control? I trust you way more than them…” Unopa rolled her eyes.

”Sure, Uno, whatever yer say. If they even place a claw outta line, I’ll knock ‘em inter next week.” Hunter grunted, adding emphasis by pounding a fist into his palm.

”Knew I could trust you. Well, I’m off. See ya later!” the dragon said, spreading her wings. A powerful leap into the air and a flap of her massive wings sent her soaring into the sky.

Hunter watched her until she disappeared between the mountains. Then, with a slight groan, he plodded back to the clearing’s edge where it sounded as if another brawl had broken out.
-Black Dragon

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01-05-2002, 08:13 PM
Silversnow's Avatar
Outlaw Cutter
: Apr 2001
: Closer than you think..
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Silversnow  (11)

Cool story, really like the sense of.. *thinks of words* Uhm, fun? Oh well, never mind that, I really like your story and I hope you continue.

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01-06-2002, 08:31 AM
One, Two, Middlesboogie's Avatar
One, Two, Middlesboogie
Outlaw Sniper
: Dec 2000
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One, Two, Middlesboogie  (10)

I already commented on SRFR, but there's no harm in saying it again. I think this is very well-written; very descriptive. Me likes!
Hand me my flamethrower... it's the one that says 'Bad Motherfucker'.

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