thread: Worst game?
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07-31-2018, 11:10 AM
Stitchlips25's Avatar
: Jul 2018
: Wherever I want
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Stitchlips25  (93)

i'm not trying to troll when i say this, but MO was probably one of the worst games i've played. the only reason i completed it was because i wanted to know what happened in the storyline, and just so i could say i'd completed it. the gameplay just bored me silly. for example remember the part in vykkers labs where you have to use a crane to move like a million mudokon eggs one at a time into a chute without breaking any of them? did anyone actually enjoy that part?

other than that, Predator: Concrete Jungle kind of drove me crazy. it was a game for the original Xbox. it's been well over a decade since i played it but all i remember is that the controls were fucking terrible, the level design was boring as hell and if you played it for an extended length of time you'd get a headache.

i tried to beat the game but i succumbed to it's shitty controls, they were so anally specific. it's one of those games where you press a button to perform an action but find out you weren't in the exact right position to do it, so you do nothing while getting shot at etc. repeat that a dozen times and your character dies, then you have to start the level over again. think of it like an early, terrible version of the Assassin's Creed games. yeah you can jump off walls and shit, but in this if you're not pixel perfect about it you won't succeed. fucking frustrating.

another one is Star Wars: Episode 1 - The Phantom Menace for PS1. mainly because, even at the time, the graphics were downright terrible. i remember playing it for the first time and being surprised and disappointed with how shitty the graphics were. you couldn't make out what some things were because they were so blocky and pixelated. look at this:

that's supposed to be Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan. in 1999. lol there's no excuse for how shite those graphics are. they look like oblongs on legs. it seems like it was a game that was just churned out quickly so they could release it at the same time as the film.

plus it had tank controls which are so old fashioned. if you wanted to turn a corner you had to stop in your tracks then hit left or right to rotate your character in that direction, then forwards to run again. add a bunch of droids shooting you while you stand there slowly rotating and it becomes almost funny.
Vykkers labs is one of the worst levels in all of oddworld

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