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04-23-2021, 12:57 PM
RoryF's Avatar
aka OddMan360
: Jul 2009
: 42 Wallaby Way
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I gave up on the game this week after completing the Escape level only to find myself unable to progress due to a glitch. Took me hours and multiple attempts to complete that level, only to be thrown back to the main screen and forced to do it again was the final straw for me. I can't even just "continue game" from the main menu because of another game breaking bug that always throws me back to Sanctum (another level I had to complete three times due to glitches).

Soulstorm is a glitchy, buggy mess with poor controls and a severe lack of quality control. I wanted to love this game so much, but I can't. It feels half finished. The story has way too many loose ends, plot holes and a lack of resolution. STM sad.

As much as I kinda expected it to be NNT 2 it is a bit sad seeing people so disappointed with this game.

I'm honestly just wondering what happened during development, seems like so much stuff got cut, which is crazy considering the timespan between NNT and this.

Side note, I think it's funny that they clearly did not really test it with keyboard much at all despite it having a PC release. There's no UI for it (not a bug, it's literally not there) and changing to tranquilizer darts isn't even bindable (from what I heard). Totally bizarre to be honest!
>> <<
there's stuff there, totally cool stuff, really!

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