thread: Ferguson, MO
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08-14-2014, 07:53 AM
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I was waiting for this thread

There is none. This country is becoming a totalitarian police state, assuming it wasn't already and it's only now surfacing.
Are you high on drugs? Like, right now? At this exact moment? Or do you honestly have no concept of what the history of this country is?

We live in a shameful, bigoted society that preys on, disenfranchises, and then ignores every single minority, and differing ideology. Things have gotten immensely better than they used to be, but that doesn't change the fact that they are still bad. We still have a large portion of our population that can remember a time when black people had to drink from separate drinking fountains. We live in a society that screams about how Christians are persecuted, but when prominent atheists receive death threats from Christians, not a single major news outlet will cover the story. Homosexuals still aren't allowed to get married in most states.

A big part of the problem is our hubris as a nation. America is the greatest society on Earth! Changing our society will only damage that! Freedom! People can't understand what's wrong with our country because they aren't willing to accept that we are not the country that they think we are. We do not provide equal opportunities for freedom, and we oppress everyone at every chance we get. Fortunately, we do have a conscience as a nation, and over time we attempt to fix the wrongs that we perpetrate on our own citizens, but it's a slow process. Too slow.

My bowels hurt.

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