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10-28-2009, 07:26 PM
luke3212's Avatar
: Oct 2009
: Chav Central ;_;
: 65
Rep Power: 15
luke3212  (18)
Changing Brainstats [sleep etc]

First you need a piece of software called Cheatengine [you can get it at] then install it etc etc, then start your game aswell as Cheatengine itself then press the little green bordered button then target Exoddus.exe.

Then, heres the hard to explain part, but ill do by best, get in a room with a sleeping slig, slog, whatever activate ddcheat/it is me ur father, then press CTRL then copy the brainstate number and type it into cheatengine, either nothing will happen or a huge list will appear in the left, then maximize yourself back into the game and wake him up, pause the game and get his brainstate [again] while he's awake, then type it into cheatengine and hit NEXT SCAN, then go back into the game and go out the room and back him [if its one of those rooms where he goes back to sleep], if it isnt one of those rooms then: Chant, then pause as soon as he says HELP! and copy the brainstate, and put it in cheatengine and press Next Scan again, you should now be left with 1 value, freeze it to the value the sleeping slig's value was and he'll be asleep if you go out the room and back in, be warned... data editing usually crashes games, so if your going to do this - dont expect any satisfactory crash rate...

I hope you guys understood that or i just totally talked a load of crap --

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