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03-11-2016, 10:30 AM
Slog Bait's Avatar
Slog Bait
Outlaw Sniper
: Dec 2008
: Middle of a desert
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Blog Entries: 33
Rep Power: 18
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Oh will you just calm the fuck down? It was a meaningless quip based on the last time I was involved in a discussion on gender on this forum. It doesn't matter how long ago something shitty was done, I'm entitled to shame you for being such a dickhead for misjudging what I had to say to claim a moral high ground, which you are doing AGAIN.

And let's elaborate here, it wasn't the negrep, it was the odious, judgemental little note attached to it that just screamed self-righteousness and indignation. Oh yes, I'm sure 500 days of posting on OWF hasn't made you any less fueled by righteous indignation to be in the right. Get bent.
I can't even remember what I attached to the rep since it was millions of years ago, but the only reason I responded in this thread to you at all was because I physically could not understand why you felt that necessary to bring up at all and why you seemed so upset over something I thought we had resolved an equally long time ago.

I see something I think I understand, I elaborate on it, and anticipate a discussion about it. I think it's rude af to throw shit at people who aren't actively involved in a conversation, at the time this all occured that's what I had thought you were doing, but we were asked to stop discussing it, so I let it be and sent that in private, to which you responded to in private, and I understood at that point that I had misunderstood you, and a year and a half later you suddenly decided to start giving me shit for it again. I can rescind my statement, which I did when I realized it was a misunderstanding, but I can not rescind the rep because the forum doesn't have a feature like that.

My responses to the initial "callout' in this thread are 100% me being confused as fuck and I'm not trying to take any sort of moral highground, nor trying to be right, or whatever the fuck else. I genuinely do not understand why something I had thought we had resolved still seems to upset you.

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