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12-15-2008, 03:18 PM
Gretin's Avatar
Clakker Relic Miner
: Jan 2005
: Lost in Space
: 818
Blog Entries: 1
Rep Power: 20
Gretin  (167)Gretin  (167)

OOC: I live! I LIVE! Mwahahaha-*crushed by anvil*

Well, crap.

Man, last time I posted was before I left for Australia for a week. That was July. Now it's December and I still haven't posted again yet. Wow, one long week!

Better try to figure out what happened to my characters!

Also, this post is the best post ever.


As the antics with Ark had ensued, resulting in Dionysia and Silph taking him away to the labs, Ralph watched with interest, staying at a safe distance though.
Still, he would've been easily noticeable but they seemed to be concentrating too much on the job at hand to notice him, so he slowly followed after them to see where they took the captured mud.

Damn it, he thought, as he saw them enter the vykker lab. He was curious about this mudokon and would've liked a chance to try communicating with him, but there was no way he was going in there.

Waiting outside, he attempted to use his enhanced hearing to eavesdrop on what was going on in the labs, but most of what he caught was useless conversations between other people in there. Sounded like they were locking the captive in a cage though.

Then he heard the sound of someone coming (Skelter) through the door, so he quickly hid around a corner to avoid any suspicion - afterall, standing around outside a door wasn't exactly inconspicuous.

He waited until the intern's footsteps were too far away to be heard (though the music from it's headphones was so loud there was no way it would've noticed him without actually seeing him), then he was about to return to the door when he heard the factory's announcement speakers blaring out a message:

Attention! To all personnel and other lifeforms - and robots - of Rupture Farms! You are to return to your R+Rs, bunks or wherever you sleep, and stay there until tomorrow. Nobody is allowed to leave until morning, when there will be a meeting in the Cafeteria. I expect you to be there, unless you want to leave Rupture Farms. I repeat: tomorrow morning, meeting in Cafeteria!

Time to go, he thought, and headed to the R+R. Not really bothering with anyone else who was already there, he headed to the first unused bed he could find, though he did notice the shiny snoozer unit in the corner.
Hmmm, they must be increasing the security here after the shooting here before, he thought. Now I just need to find something to occupy my mind for the night - who would've thought not needing sleep would be a handicap!


After leaving Anni washing her "paint spill" off, Hembar had just been exploring the factory, making sure to avoid detection of course. Not that iw was difficult, there didn't seem to be many people around.

Eventually she too heard the announcement. Perfect, she thought, now I can thoroughly explore this place. She made her way into one of the storage rooms and after finding a suitable hiding place, relaxed there to rest for a bit until everyone was asleep.

OOC: If that's alright, Hembar will just be doing a little bit of exploration in between v8 closing and v9 opening, not in posts of course.